Core Values Essays (Examples)


Study Document Study Document

Maslow S Hierarchy Of Needs Model And Its Application In Human Resources

Pages: 12 (3607 words) Sources: 9 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:83319615

...Core values

How to Use Employee Referrals to Increase Workforce but Still be Able to Maintain Diversity within an Organization
Table of Contents
Introduction 2
Research Findings 3
Theoretical Framework 4
Findings of Literature Research 6
Case 8
Conclusion 11
Bibliography 12
As Frank (2018) points out, over 33% of all US employees obtained their job with their current organization by way of referral from another employee there. Although employee referrals are an easy, fast and often tempting way to staff positions, the risk is that doing so can lead to a less diverse workplace, with 40% of all referrals tending to be white men (Payscale, 2018). The central question is: How can HR use employee referrals to increase the workforce but still be able to maintain diversity within the organization? The solution is to consider closely the source of the referral. Different relationships between the referring source and the referral……



Bussin, M., & Christos, D. (2018). Blind hiring not as crazy as it sounds. HR Future,  2018(Sep 2018), 36-39.

CBS News (2017). Retrieved from " target="_blank" REL="NOFOLLOW">


Study Document Study Document

How To Use Employee Referrals To Increase Workforce But Still Be

Pages: 10 (3022 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:50167640

...Core values How to Use Referrals to Identify Diverse Candidates for a Job
Table of Contents
Introduction 2
Research Findings 3
Theoretical Framework 4
Findings of Literature Research 6
Case 8
Conclusion 11
Bibliography 12
As Frank (2018) points out, over 33% of all US employees obtained their job with their current organization by way of referral from another employee there. Although employee referrals are an easy, fast and often tempting way to staff positions, the risk is that doing so can lead to a less diverse workplace, with 40% of all referrals tending to be white men (Payscale, 2018). The central question is: How can HR use employee referrals to increase the workforce but still be able to maintain diversity within the organization? The solution is to consider closely the source of the referral. Different relationships between the referring source and the referral have different workplace outcomes. For example, a……



Bussin, M., & Christos, D. (2018). Blind hiring not as crazy as it sounds. HR Future,  2018(Sep 2018), 36-39.

CBS News (2017). Retrieved from " target="_blank" REL="NOFOLLOW">


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Followership In The Army A Servant Leadership

Pages: 4 (1470 words) Document Type:Essay Document #:576909

… Thesis: Servant leadership and followership are interrelated concepts, with each depending on the other.

II. Topic sentence: Servant leadership is built into the core values of the army.

A. Army leadership is practically based on the concept of servant leadership because of the nature of the organization.

B. … not outright irrelevant, as leaders serve the common goals of the army.

C. Servant leadership in the army also ensures ascription to ethical values and principles.

III. Topic sentence: Followership refers to the stance taken by subordinates in a hierarchical organization like the army.

A. Followership is … duties in the army.

V. Conclusion

A. Thesis: Servant leadership depends on followership, and creates a cohesive organizational culture with strong ethics and values.

B. Taken together, servant leadership and followership can be applied to many different organizational structures and cultures.

C. Future research might investigate formal ……



Citroen, L. (n.d.). What is servant leadership? Retrieved from: 

“Followership,” (n.d.). Citadel. Retrieved from: 

Jenkins, M.A. (n.d.). Compare and contrast servant leadership with followership. Retrieved from: 

Wesson, C. (2017). The NCO. Army University Press. Retrieved from: 


Study Document Study Document

Nike S Colin Kaepernick Ad Campaign

Pages: 7 (2187 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:13776078

… sustainability, and form strategic partnerships that will enhance the brand and lead to brand loyalty among consumers (Nusser, Mahle & Pätzmann, 2015).
Company Policies/values
core values at Nike are: performance, authenticity, innovation and sustainability. Creating iconic brand campaigns aligns with these values (Storey, 2019).
Corporate and Competitive Strategies
Nike’s competitive strategies focus on product differentiation, market niche, and building customer loyalty. Its corporate strategy focuses … prospects as is Nike in today’s risky economy.
Nike should abandon its “woke culture” ad campaign and get back to its original core values of highlighting heroics on the field. Consumers like Nike because it represents the best in people in sports. It is not a brand … The saying among consumers now is “go woke, go broke,” and many consumers are boycotting corporations like Disney that seek to promote progressive values that they do not appreciate.
Nike also could benefit from bringing production……



About Nike. (2020). Retrieved from 

Bartash, J. (2020). Apple’s Covid-19 warning. Retrieved from 

Delventhal, S. (2019). Nike facing challenging dynamics. Retrieved from 

Freberg, K., Graham, K., McGaughey, K., & Freberg, L. A. (2011). Who are the social media influencers? A study of public perceptions of personality. Public Relations Review, 37(1), 90-92.

Neikirk, T. (2019). Nike sales are again way up. Retrieved from 

Nusser, S., Mahle, I., & Pätzmann, J. U. (2015). How Social Commerce Communication can support Brand Loyalty: An Analysis of Nike‘s Efforts in Facebook Community Management. Markenbrand, (4/2015), 48-57.

Oyedele, A. (2018). Nike surges. Retrieved from 

Storey, G. (2019). Nike and the importance of meaningful brand values. Retrieved from


Study Document Study Document


Pages: 8 (2450 words) Sources: 3 Document Type:Marketing Plan Document #:95871630

… in ascertaining and delineating marketing prospects and problems; creating, modifying and appraising marketing actions in addition to enhancing understanding of the LGBTQ community.
core values
The following are the core values that our company will stand by and adhere to at all times:
· All members of staff will conduct themselves with utmost professionalism ……



NGLCC. (2019). About NGLCC. Retrieved from: 

Hill, C., & Jones, G. (2011). Essentials of strategic management. Nelson Education.

Hill, C. W., Jones, G. R., & Schilling, M. A. (2014). Strategic management: theory: an integrated approach. Cengage Learning.



Study Document Study Document

Change Management At Nike

Pages: 8 (2482 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Essay Document #:61161012

...Core values Why Nike Needs to Cut Colin Kaepernick
Executive Summary
Nike’s decision to tap into “woke culture” and turn the out of work former NFL quarter Colin Kaepernick into a brand ambassador has been a controversial one since the sportswear company launched its Colin ad campaign in 2018. Nike needs to change the way it approaches its consumer base in America while simultaneously addressing the supply chain issues that have arisen as a result of COVID-19, which has caused major production problems for Nike in Asia. While Nike has been active in promoting the ultimate Trump antagonist in Colin Kaepernick, it is now time to bury the hatch and put America first but cutting ties with Kaepernick and opening up production in the US so as to 1) bring manufacturing back to America and solve the supply chain problems caused by the virus, and 2) to help put Americans back to……


Bibliography and References

Balaji, S., & Murugaiyan, M. S. (2012). Waterfall vs. V-Model vs. Agile: A comparative study on SDLC. International Journal of Information Technology and Business Management, 2(1), 26-30.

Boehm, B. (2002). Get ready for agile methods, with care. Computer, (1), 64-69.

Boehm, B. (2007). A survey of agile development methodologies. Laurie Williams, 45, 119.

Fernandez, D. J., & Fernandez, J. D. (2008). Agile project management—agilism versus traditional approaches. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 49(2), 10-17.

Freberg, K., Graham, K., McGaughey, K., & Freberg, L. A. (2011). Who are the social media influencers? A study of public perceptions of personality. Public Relations Review, 37(1), 90-92.

Cameron, E. and Green, M. (2015), Making Sense of Change Management: A complete Guide to the Models, Tools and Techniques of Organizational Change. Kogan Page: London

Kotter, J. P. (2012). Leading Change. Harvard Business Review Press.

TMZ. (2018). Kaep Deal Adds Up... WE GOT NIKE'S CUSTOMER BREAKDOWN. Retrieved from


Study Document Study Document

Veteran Benefits Administration

Pages: 8 (2549 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:40459915

...Core values Introduction
The Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) is an agency within the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and its purpose is to provide financial aid as well as other kinds of assistance to veterans in need, to their families or to their survivors as the case may be. Some of the various kinds of assistance include compensation and pension pay, rehabilitation assistance, support with finding employment, assistance with furthering educational opportunities, obtaining a home loan, and obtaining life insurance. The VBA was set up to facilitate the VA in its mission to care for soldiers and the families of soldiers—to do right by those who had put their lives on the line and in some cases sacrificed them for the good of the country. This paper will describe the strategic goals of the VBA and the social needs it addresses, evaluate the external support the organization relies upon; assess the……



Cohen, S. (2019). Disband the Veterans Administration. Retrieved from 

Faurer, J., Rogers-Brodersen, A., & Bailie, P. (2014). Managing the re-employment of military veterans through the Transition Assistance Program (TAP). Journal of Business & Economics Research (Online), 12(1), 55.

Hazle, M., Wilcox, S. L., & Hassan, A. M. (2012). Helping veterans and their families fight on!. Advances in Social Work, 13(1), 229-242.

Panangala, S. (2018). Department of Veterans Affairs FY2018 Appropriations. Retrieved from 

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. (2014). Retrieved from 

VBA. (2019). Retrieved from 


Study Document Study Document

Beginning A Public Health Campaign

Pages: 4 (1126 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Essay Document #:70965381

… social justice movement shows that youths are ready to take ownership of the future—and combating substance abuse falls right in line with their core values. For that reason, the way to overcome the challenge of managing the scope of this problem is to focus on harnessing the power ……



Nelson, L. S., Juurlink, D. N., & Perrone, J. (2015). Addressing the opioid epidemic.  Jama, 314(14), 1453-1454.

Manchikanti, L., Fellows, B., Janata, J. W., Pampati, V., Grider, J. S., & Boswell, M. V. (2012). Opioid epidemic in the United States. Pain Physician, 15(3 Suppl), ES9-38.

Murthy, V. H. (2016). Ending the opioid epidemic—a call to action. New England Journal of Medicine, 375(25), 2413-2415.

Smit-Kroner, C. & Brumby, S. (2015). Farmers sun exposure, skin protection, and public health campaigns: An Australian Perspective. Preventive Medicine Reports 2, 602-607.

Velasquez, A., & LaRose, R. (2015). Youth collective activism through social media: The role of collective efficacy. New Media & Society, 17(6), 899-918.

Winter, T. (2016). Addiction among different races. Retrieved from 


Study Document Study Document

Gordon Foundry Case

Pages: 6 (1657 words) Sources: 1 Document Type:Essay Document #:47903382

… company well. Yet the “fine group of fellows” is better described as a “good old boys” club: men from an older generation whose values are starkly different from those held by Mr. White Deer. Unfortunately, their habits, values, and beliefs have been ingrained for so long that it is unlikely that any of the foundry workers will be willing to change. … risks losing Mr. White Deer to a competitor.
To create a more harmonious work environment, all the stakeholders need to find their common values. As Myvatt (n.d.) puts it, “Those team members who share the same core values will be predisposed to trusting one another at high levels,” (p. 1). Finding common values will help overcome the immutable differences related to language, culture, class, and age. For instance, they all value the success of the foundry, ……



Myatt, M. (n.d.). Leadership and toxic work environments. N2Growth. Retrieved from 


Study Document Study Document

Reflected Best Self Report RBS

Pages: 10 (3015 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:Essay Document #:23365837

… perceived in the workplace and also how I perform. According to Drucker (1999) the most successful individuals find that their ethics, morals, and values are reflected daily in their organizational climate, culture, and behavior. Leaders exemplify the moral standards set down in writing in the company’s code … be sufficient to initiate change. Changing my attitudes and behaviors in turn impact my performance. When my work performance aligns seamlessly with my core values, I know I am on the right track towards success. My job absolutely aligns with my values, helping me to feel a sense of belonging. With a sense of belonging, I also know where I do not belong—which helps me … a kind, caring, compassionate person. Therefore, my contributions should be informed by my self-concept. In time, I will be able to impart my values and ideals to the people who I coach, lead. or mentor.……



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Roberts, L., Dutton, J., Spreitzer, G., Heaphy, E., & Quinn, R. (2005). Composing the reflected best-self portrait: Building pathways for becoming extraordinary in work organizations. Academy of Management Review, 30(4), 712-736.

Tice, D.M. & Wallace, H. 2003. The reflected self: Creating yourself as (you think) others see you. In M. R. Leary and J. P. Tangney (Eds.), Handbook of self and identity: 91-105. New York: The Guilford Press.

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