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… seem to be a man, as his culture defines it, and despite his tenderness to his girlfriend, his manner of self-presentation is extremely masculine. This is one of the reasons he has convictions for violent activities that ultimately prove to be his undoing. It also may impede ……
Study Document
… relevance. The socialization process makes sure that children behave in a certain gender-acceptable manner. The boys across societies are taught to behave in masculine ways; girls are also taught to behave in ways expected of girls and women. People, though, as they grow older, keep adjusting their ……
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… that heterosexuality is locked within the people; it's just their gender insecurities, which causes them to be homosexual, thus involving in a more masculine act for males like football can resolve this (Rzeznik, 1993). This shows that people put different views and studies to go the length ……
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Study Document
...Masculine Comparative cultures: Portugal
Section I: Concrete Experience
I have been attracted to Portugal for most of my life, because I have some Portuguese ancestry. I was curious, for example, about how much of the culture of family has been influenced by this background, and what elements. But as I got older I also started just to take an interest in the country in general. I would cheer for Portugal at the World Cup and things like that, for example, when I don’t know if I had any reason to. I started to become quite curious about this place that was on one hand a fairly normal Western country that seemed like it would be familiar in many respects to my own life, but on the other hand also seemed to be quite a bit different – slower pace of life, high family orientation, less work-obsessed than one might normally find……
Hofstede Insights (2020) Country comparison: Portugal. Hofstede Insights. Retrieved May 24, 2020 from
Mudge, E. (2019) Portuguese culture: food, fado and festivals. Retrieved May 24, 2020 from
Study Document
...Masculine Equal Opportunity Program
In the spirit of, and in service to the Army’s mission and vision, the Equal Opportunity Program exists “to ensure fair treatment for military personnel, family members and civilians without regard to race, color, gender, religion, age, disability or national origin,” (United States Army, 2014, p. 1). Because of the destructive power of discrimination on organizational culture, the Equal Opportunity Program ensures the fulfillment of organizational objectives via the creation of a sustainable, effective environment in which personnel flourish and contribute to departmental missions and goals. The Equal Opportunity Program includes several components, such as training, classes, materials, the establishment of a special harassment hotline, and procedures for reporting and prosecuting violations of ethical or behavioral codes related to equal opportunity comportment.
The reasons behind the Equal Opportunity Program are expressly stated on the Army’s website and include an admission and embrace of the heterogeneity of its……
“The Army Values,” (n.d.). Retrieved from:
Daft, R. L. (2016). Organization Theory & Design (12th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.
Morgan, G. (2006). Images of organization. Sage Publications, Inc
Schein, E. H. (1992). Organizational Culture and Leadership. 2nd ed. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers.
United States Army (2014). Army equal opportunity program. Retrieved from:
Study Document
… influence how people of that nation think, what their values and beliefs are, and what their worldview is. These dimensions include power distance, masculine vs. feminine work ethic, long term orientation, individuality vs. collectivism, and so on (Hofstede Insights). However, some nations are actually quite diverse and ……
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… to appreciate her interest in the flowers, which serve as a kind of symbol of her heart and emotions. He is interested in masculine things, such as work, sports and movies. He tries to engage his wife, but does so in something of a mocking manner: “At ……
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… of the society's dominant population. Furthermore, my gender expression as well as gender identity lie within society's dominant group (I am male, possessing masculine expression). Lastly, while my weight (I am more toward the higher end of the body mass index) means that with regard to body ……
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… context of the culture of which he is a part. So, for example, if one works in an organization that is traditionally considered masculine (such as the oil industry) one is likely going to feel pressured to adopt a lower level role if one is a female—and ……
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Study Document
...Masculine Introduction: The Concept of Culture
Culture is the way of life for a person, society or group of people. It embodies the soul of the community and the heart of a team; it is seen in the way its members express themselves, communicate, think, feel, and believe. It determines what they value and how they honor the principles that guide them. It is different for every society, as Hofstede (1980) showed—and yet there are universal elements to every culture that allow people from different backgrounds to understand one another and rise above their differences to find common ground. Culture shapes the way people, families and communities communicate, perceive the self, think about sexuality, express spirituality, manage stress, cope with less, and deal with death and grief. Some cultures are open and indulgent about individuals’ choices, spirituality, sexuality and how they choose to communicate themselves. Others are more restrained and promote……
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