Caring Essays (Examples)


Study Document Study Document

Sensible Gun Control Public Service

Pages: 4 (1314 words) Sources: 1 Document Type:Essay Document #:51526182

...Caring Persuasion is the cornerstone of advertising. Using the classic rhetorical devices of pathos, ethos, and logos, advertisers create emotionally powerful campaigns designed to change the ways consumers—or voters—think, act, and feel. The goal of advertising is ultimately behavioral change. With public service announcements like those for gun control, advertisers use the same principles used to market goods and services. As with commercial product advertising, public service announcements are created to invoke a cognitive and emotional response, to change social norms, and to induce meaningful and lasting behavioral change. One print advertisement by the organization Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America demonstrates the deft implementation of pathos, ethos, and logos in a striking visual campaign.
In one Moms Demand Action ad, for example, two school children—both girls—sit cross-legged on the floor of their school library. An American flag is clearly visible in the background. The girl on the left……


Works Cited

“Gun Control PSAs By Moms Demand Action Are Striking And Powerful.” HuffPost. April 15, 2013. 


Study Document Study Document

Catholicism From An Indian Perspective

Pages: 10 (2865 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:56618225

...Caring Staying with an Indian Family for 2 Days
As Geert Hofstede notes, there are several cultural dimensions for each nation that influence how people of that nation think, what their values and beliefs are, and what their worldview is. These dimensions include power distance, masculine vs. feminine work ethic, long term orientation, individuality vs. collectivism, and so on (Hofstede Insights). However, some nations are actually quite diverse and are made up of many different smaller states where there are different subcultures within the main culture. India is one such nation in the world. India was really not a united country until the British colonized it and began to unite and gain control over the different states throughout the land in the 19th century (Panikkar). The dominant religion in India is the Hindu religion; however, there are Catholic pockets throughout the land, particularly in the South where there are communities……


Works Cited

Bayly, Susan. Saints, Goddesses and Kings: Muslims and Christians in South Indian Society. Cambridge University Press, 2004.

Hofstede, Geert. Cultures consequences: Comparing values, behaviors, institutions, and organizations across nations (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2001.

Hofstede Insights. 

Panikkar, K. Asia and Western dominance. London: G. Allen, 1953.

Thurston, Herbert, and Andrew Shipman. \\\\\\\\\\\\"The Rosary.\\\\\\\\\\\\" The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 13. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1912. 


Study Document Study Document

Leadership Infrastructure For Special Needs Students

Pages: 8 (2472 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Essay Document #:81331403

...Caring Special Education Diverse Learners Project Guidelines
Section 1: Abstract
This paper provides an overview of Butler College Prep, its demographics, and its programs and services for special needs students. It looks at curriculum and instruction efforts as well as at the role of the principal in the school and how he oversees special education services and promotes the power of collective efficacy to motivate and help teachers and parents collaborate. It concludes with a personal reflection on what I have learned during the course of this project and what challenges the school faces in terms of a leadership structure to close the achievement gap.
Section 2: Demographic Overview
Butler College Prep is in Southside Chicago. Its student body is 95% African American and 4% Hispanic, and it serves as a school for social justice and the arts (School Performance, 2017). The socio-economic background of the vast majority of the families……



Baker, S. K., Chard, D. J., Ketterlin-Geller, L. R., Apichatabutra, C., & Doabler, C.(2009). Teaching writing to at-risk students: The quality of evidence for self-regulated strategy development. Exceptional Children, 75, 303–320.

Browder, D., Ahlgrim-Delzell, L., Spooner, F., Mims, P. J., & Baker, J. N. (2009). Using time delay to teach literacy to students with severe developmental disabilities. Exceptional Children, 75, 343–364.

Donohoo, J., Hattie, J., & Eells, R. (2018). The power of collective efficacy. Educational Leadership, 75(6), 40-44.

Illinois at a Glance Report Card. (2019). Noble Butler College Prep. Retrieved from 

The Japanese Association for Language Teaching (2005). Vocabulary [Special issue]. The Language Teacher, 29(7) .[PDF]

Jitendra, A. K., Burgess, C., & Gajria, M. (2011). Cognitive strategy instruction for improving expository text comprehension of students with learning disabilities: The quality of evidence. Exceptional Children, 77, 135-159.

Prabhu, N. S. (1987). Second Language Pedagogy. Oxford University Press. Retrieved from 

School Performance. (2017). Illinois Network of Charter Schools. Retrieved from


Study Document Study Document

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Interrelationships Between Organizational

Pages: 16 (4728 words) Sources: 28 Document Type:Essay Document #:81594345

...Caring 1. Advantages and Disadvantages of Interrelationships between Organizational Functions and Impact on Organisational Structure
Organizational Functions
The functions of an organization take into account the different aspects undertaken by the business including production or manufacturing, marketing, sales, accounting as well as research and development. In accordance to Sherman and Thompson (2019), the organizational structure delineates the relationship and interrelations between the functions of a business and ascertains the manner in which the chain of command operates through the various levels. The interrelationship between organizational functions and organizational structure is akin to a flow chart. This is in the sense that an entity can set up its business structure around the organizational functions. However, even if the entity fails to do so, the organizational functions and structure will have an impact on one another (Sherman and Thompson, 2019).
Functional Organizational Structure
A functional organizational structure creates distinct and separate departments. Plenty……



Air India. (2019). Board of Directors. Retrieved from: 

Aquinas, P. G. (2008). Organization structure and design. India: Excel Books India.

Burns, T., & Stalker, G. M. (2005). Mechanistic and organic systems. Organizational Behavior, 2, 214-25.

Choo, S., & Bowley, C. (2007). Emerald Article: Using training and development to affect job satisfaction. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 14(2),339 - 352.

Cichocki, P., & Irwin, C. (2014). Organization design: A guide to building effective organizations. Kogan Page Publishers.

Civil Aviation. (2019). About Us: Organizational Setup. Retrieved from: 

Cunliffe, A. L. (2008). Organization theory. New York: Sage.

Cunliffe, A. L., & Luhman, J. T. (2012). Key concepts in organization theory. New York: Sage.


Study Document Study Document

Teenage Health Vulnerabilities With Substance Abuse US

Pages: 7 (2249 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Essay Document #:17023523

...Caring Interventions to Reduce Adolescent Substance Abuse
The purpose of this paper is to provide a review of the relevant literature to describe current government initiatives for addressing substance abuse by adolescents in the United States. An analysis of what is being done as well as what is not being done is followed by an examination of gaps in the current initiatives. In addition, a discussion concerning the health advocacy groups that have attempted to advocate for this health issue and the possibility of collaboration with one of these groups is followed by an analysis concerning how collaboration with existing advocacy groups can further the efficacy of the program to address this public health issue. Likewise, a discussion concerning the public health theory/model/framework which can be used to guide a program and intervention of the public health issue and a description concerning the proposed intervention to address this public health issue……



A public health-based approach. (2019). Rural Health. Retrieved from https://www.ruralhealth

Barker, P. (2009). Psychiatric and mental health nursing: The craft of caring. London: Hodder Arnold.

Burrow-Sanchez, J. J. (2009, Summer). Understanding adolescent substance abuse: Prevalence, risk factors, and clinical implications. Journal of Counseling and Development, 84(3), 283-288.

Guy, X. & Slesnick, N. (2016, April). Changes in family relationships among substance abusing runaway adolescents: A comparison between family and individual therapies. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 42(2), 299-302.

National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2019). Principles of adolescent substance use disorder treatment: A research-based guide. Retrieved from  publications/principles-adolescent-substance-use-disorder-treatment-research-based-guide/principles-adolescent-substance-use-disorder-treatment.

Schwartz, R. C. & Smith, S. D. (2009, October). Screening and assessing adolescent substance abuse: A primer for counselors. Journal of Addictions & Offender Counseling, 24(1), 23-26.

The United States war on drugs. (2017 ). Stanford University. Retrieved from https://web. (2019). Substance abuse agencies. Retrieved from .


Study Document Study Document

Career Path Plan

Pages: 9 (2560 words) Document Type:Essay Document #:50150800

...Caring How to Make a Career Path Plan
Mission or Purpose
I perceive that my purpose in life is to serve others by using my training, experience, knowledge, skills, and talents and applying them in a way that helps others to achieve their goals. This perception is based on my experience as a leader in the military, where I have given a great deal of my life in service to my country. For me there is no better calling than to serve others, to put oneself at the service of a country, an organization, a group, family, friends, or community.
Personal Philosophy of Work
My beliefs about myself, people and work are that we are all here to work. I do not sit around and dream of holidays and think about how I cannot wait for the work bell to ring so I can go home, sit on the couch, and……


Study Document Study Document

Anxiety And Depression Treatment Through Mindfulness

Pages: 3 (959 words) Sources: 2 Document Type:question answer Document #:94130498

...Caring Abnormal Psychology Questions
Q1. According to your text please describe how negative reinforcement increases the avoidance behaviors often associated with anxiety.
Negative reinforcement refers to the withdrawal of an unpleasant stimulus to reward behavior. Using operant conditioning in a laboratory experiment, this might be accomplished by the withdrawal of an unpleasant sound when the desired behavior is completed. However, in the real world, for someone experiencing anxiety, the usual way in which someone suffering from this psychological disorder deals with the unpleasant feelings of anxiety (pounding heart, sweating, and racing thoughts) is to withdraw from the situation and avoid the triggering stimulus. Although this, on the surface, might seem to be sensible on the one hand, on the other hand it can result in the anxious individual becoming socially withdrawn or avoiding positive life experiences because of the fear. For fears of very common things—such as driving—it can significantly impair……



Cameron, O.G. (2007). Understanding comorbid depression and anxiety, 24 (14). Retrieved from: anxiety

Facts and Statistics. (2020). Anxiety and Depression Association of America. Retrieved from: 


Study Document Study Document

Preventing Drug Use Among Teens

Pages: 5 (1380 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Essay Document #:72171572

...Caring Prevention of Substance Abuse among Youth: Seeking to Understand Perspectives
To understand an effective way to prevent substance abuse among youth, it is important to explore the perspectives of stakeholders and individuals who play a role in applying preventive strategies. For that reason, this study uses qualitative design to explore the perspectives of high school teachers toward successful teen substance abuse prevention program. This paper discusses the background of the problem, provides a problem statement, purpose statement, and research question, and reviews literature pertaining to theory, research and methodology. An annotated bibliography is included at the end.
Background to the Problem
As Murthy (2016) points out, there is a serious need to address the opioid epidemic that is scourging the nation today. Youths are among the most vulnerable population when it comes to substance abuse because they are most likely to be affected by peer pressure and media, where……


Study Document Study Document

Depression In The Military

Pages: 11 (3156 words) Sources: 11 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:55497619

...Caring The Military and Mental Health
The military provides an opportunity for men and women to serve their country. However, in the conduct of that service there are certain risks that can damage the mental health of military servicemen. Those risks can be associated with PTSD incurred from situations in combat, abuse, drug addiction, or lack of a positive value system that causes a soldier to deteriorate from within as he has nothing beyond his duty in the military to give him meaning or to sustain him through the long hours, months and years. Some servicemen go to their doctors for assistance and end up being overprescribed medications that only exacerbate their issues and further the decline of their mental health (Snow & Wynn, 2018). If not treated, service-related depression can lead to suicide—and as Kang et al. (2015) show, suicide risk among veterans returning from the Middle East has……



Bonde, J. P., Utzon-Frank, N., Bertelsen, M., Borritz, M., Eller, N. H., Nordentoft, M., ... & Rugulies, R. (2016). Risk of depressive disorder following disasters and military deployment: systematic review with meta-analysis. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 208(4), 330-336.

Bonelli, R., Dew, R. E., Koenig, H. G., Rosmarin, D. H., & Vasegh, S. (2012). Religious and spiritual factors in depression: review and integration of the research. Depression research and treatment, 2012.

Casey Jr, G. W. (2011). Comprehensive soldier fitness: A vision for psychological resilience in the US Army. American Psychologist, 66(1), 1.

Dolphin, K. E., Steinhardt, M. A., & Cance, J. D. (2015). The role of positive emotions in reducing depressive symptoms among Army wives. Military Psychology, 27(1), 22-35.

Griffith, J., & West, C. (2013). Master resilience training and its relationship to individual well-being and stress buffering among Army National Guard soldiers. The journal of behavioral health services & research, 40(2), 140-155.

Kang, H. K., Bullman, T. A., Smolenski, D. J., Skopp, N. A., Gahm, G. A., & Reger, M. A. (2015). Suicide risk among 1.3 million veterans who were on active duty during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Annals of epidemiology, 25(2), 96-100.

Maslow, A. H. (1943). A theory of human motivation. Psychological Review, 50(4), 370.

Reivich, K. J., Seligman, M. E., & McBride, S. (2011). Master resilience training in the US Army. American Psychologist, 66(1), 25.


Study Document Study Document

Strategies To Improve Retention Rates At A Consulting Firm

Pages: 8 (2352 words) Sources: 7 Document Type:Research Proposal Document #:75835646

...Caring Executive Summary
Although the precise causes differ from organization to organization, the high costs that are associated with unplanned turnover are well documented. In fact, in some professions, replacement costs for employees can easily equal their annual salary or even more, so identifying strategies to reduce turnover rates represents a valuable and timely enterprise. To this end, the purpose of this proposal is to provide a description of the problems of interest and what can be done to mitigate these issues. A description of the implications of implementing the career management program is followed by the key recommendation that emerged from the research. These recommendations include providing employees with a career management plan that motivates them to acquire additional education and training as well as instilling an enhanced sense of organizational loyalty to reduce turnover levels. In addition, a secondary recommendation concerns the need to encourage employees to develop their……



Christie, J. (2014, September). Cochrane review brief: Exit interviews to reduce turnover amongst healthcare professionals. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing. 19(3), 7-11.

Dobbs, K. (2009, April). Knowing how to keep your best and brightest. Workforce, 80(4), 56-60.

Hansen, F. (2009, March 27). Refining signing bonuses. Workforce Management, 85(6), 1-3.

Johns, R. & Gorrick, J. (2016, April). Exploring the behavioral options of exit and voice in the exit interview process. International Journal of Employment Studies, 24(1), 25-29.

Ohunakin, F. & Adeniji, A. (2018, March). Perception of frontline employees towards career growth opportunities: Implications on turnover untention. Business: Theory and Practice, 19(1), 278-283.

Tatham, P. (2008, Spring). At my desk. Australian Journal of Career Development, 17(3), 6-9.

Turnover rates by industry. (2019). Compensation Force. Retrieved from .

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