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… care of one’s parents and looks at the Hispanic-American culture for this lesson. The third chapter looks at the courting rituals of South Asian immigrants in America and shows that Americans could learn a lesson in courtship by reading about this group. The fourth chapter looks at … of saving because it uses the power of community and peer pressure to make sure everyone is doing it.
The custom of South Asian immigrants regarding marriage is another important lesson. As Kolker points out, Americans could learn a lot from this population because they do not … think of life-long partnerships in terms of feelings and emotions, which are too often ephemeral and ethereal. Kolker states that “in the South Asian view, shared background—shorthand for religion, caste, income, and aspirations—makes up the basic equipment any couple needs for a chance at happiness” (85). For … notion of two people hitting……
Works Cited
Kolker, Claudia. The Immigrant Advantage. Free Press, 2011.
Study Document
...Asian Hepatitis B
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is a major public health problem across the globe as it contributes to nearly 1 million deaths annually. It is an infection that basically attacks the liver and has the potential to generate acute and chronic diseases. This communicable disease is mostly transmitted from mother to child during birth. Additionally, HBV is transmitted through contact with body fluids like blood. Since it is a life-threatening condition, the viral infection has received considerable attention in the healthcare sector. Healthcare professionals and other relevant stakeholders have developed various initiatives to help lessen the prevalence of this infection and mitigate its impacts worldwide. This paper analyzes this communicable disease, determinants of health relating to its development, epidemiological triad, and role of the nurse practitioner in the management of the infectious disease.
Analysis of the Communicable Disease
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Study Document
… players at the international level
Bargaining Power of Supplier Threats
· The suppliers in Asia are major inputs in the industry and if Asian markets collapse from Covid-19 as is currently happening, major players in the market will be hurt. Suppliers from other parts of the world ……
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Study Document
… to the inner core of Afro-American culture. It should be quickly noted that the latter is not a theme in the literary piece.
Asian-American: Dim Sum for Everyone!
By GRACE LIN Illustrated by GRACE LIN, 2003
While in English, the expression \"dim sum\" means to touch the … as being rather amateur in nature and texture. The use of extremely shortened sentences falls short in telling the reader the culture of Asian America and what the social aspect of dining is.
Hispanic: My Papi Has a Motorcycle
by Isabel Quintero, illustrated by Zeke Peña, 2019
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Study Document
… the clients have been diagnosed with substance use disorder.
In terms of ethnic backgrounds, five of the clients are white, one is East Asian, one is South Asian, two are African American, four are Latino, and two are of mixed heritage. Their ages are between 25 and 40, and they are ……
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Study Document
...Asian Introduction
Health promotion is a behavioral social science that draws from the environmental, biological, physical, psychological, and medical sciences to promote the health of individuals and prevent diseases, premature death, and disability by educating the community. The main purpose of health promotion is to positively influence the health behavior of communities and individuals. There have been increased efforts for cervical cancer screening using PAP tests, which have led to the declining mortality rates, especially in the developed countries like the United States (Abboud et al., 2017). However, this has not been the case for middle eastern women. The screening rates for these women remain low even for those who are located in developed countries, which puts them at a higher risk of advanced cervical cancer and poor health outcomes. Considering that cervical cancer is almost entirely preventable or curable if it is detected early middle eastern women must begin undergoing……
Abboud, S., De Penning, E., Brawner, B. M., Menon, U., Glanz, K., & Sommers, M. S. (2017). Cervical cancer screening among Arab women in the United States: an integrative review. Paper presented at the Oncology nursing forum.
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Study Document
...Asian How to Use Social Media Influencers to Promote Products
Social media marketing has become an important marketing strategy for companies today, as many consumers turn to social media for information on products and for their peers’ opinions on products (Lou & Yuan, 2019). Through influencers, blogs, video-sharing platforms, and messaging apps, companies can use social media to gain followers, build brand equity, and answer questions and tease coming products (Ki & Kim, 2019). Thus, companies that want to influence the consumer’s intention to purchase are looking at social media as the best way to do this (Lim, Radzol, Cheah & Wong, 2017). This paper will describe the pros and cons of social media marketing and examine an example of a practical application.
Pros and Cons of Social Media Marketing
The pros of social media marketing are that it allows the company to directly connect to consumers on platforms that consumers……
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… and circulation in several languages. But, Ovando (2003) found that the aforementioned linguistic pluralism didn't imply equal acceptance of every language. Several Mexican, Asian, and Native American languages underwent systemic segregation and devaluation in this period. Over a hundred years ago, the concept of the English language ……
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