Study Document
… of the IRA
The Provisional IRA formed in response to a war between the Irish Republican Army and the British state in Northern Ireland from 1969 to 1998. The IRA or what is commonly referred to as the IRA in the West was actually a breakaway from … commonly referred to as the IRA in the West was actually a breakaway from the Army and is better known as PIRA in Ireland. However, because it stood as the fighting force and face of the Irish resistance, it is typically referred to as IRA for short. … between the Irish nationalists and the unionists, the former mainly Catholic and the latter mainly Protestant. Violence against nationalists had occurred in Northern Ireland and the victims felt persecuted and vowed to avenge themselves against the “wave of sectarian violence” that happened in Northern Ireland (Bamford, 2005, p. 582). As the Irish Republican……
Bamford, B. (2005). The Role and Effectiveness of Intelligence in Northern Ireland. Intelligence and National Security, 20(4), 581-607.
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Study Document
Intersection of Faith Nationalism and Environment in Ireland
While terrorist groups are rarely defended by non-members, there is often the sense among objective observers that not all members of a … be used to help developed a counter-terrorism strategy?
The IRA formed as a result of a long-standing feud between Protestant England and Catholic Ireland—a feud that went all the way back to the apostasy of King Henry VIII in the 16th century. The first landmark killing came … formed the following century with the Easter Rising and the Irish War of Independence in 1921. The Troubles began in 1969 in Northern Ireland and the Provisional Irish Republican Army (commonly known as the IRA) formed to oppose through a strategy of violence the oppression of Catholics … to IRA, counter-terrorism, and the intersection of the identified themes.
The provisional IRA was formed in response to the problems in……
Bamford, B. (2005). The Role and Effectiveness of Intelligence in Northern Ireland. Intelligence and National Security, 20(4), 581-607.
Bell, J. B. (2008). The Secret Army: The IRA. London: Transaction Publishers.
IRA Green Book. (1977). Accessed 14 Dec 2015 from
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Shanahan, Timothy. (2008). The Provisional IRA and the Morality of Terrorism. UK: Edinburgh University Press.
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… a higher price than would be the case if these companies were not piling billions upon billions into market to fund buybacks.
In Ireland, the Companies Act 2014 (CA 2014) and the Taxes Consolidation Act 1997 (TCA 1997) describe the legal procedure for authorizing a repurchase by … the point beyond where effective risk management can any longer be demonstrated (Murray, Manrai & Manrai, 2018). It is unclear, however, whether in Ireland there is sufficient awareness of this fact to mitigate the risk of moral hazard effectively rising out of control. This research aims to ……
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Study Document
...Ireland Introduction
The American soft drink market has been gradually shrinking over the last two decades due to health concerns. Many health experts are warning against sugary and carbonated drinks, so the sales have naturally reduced. And several reports are showing that those who are no longer taking sugary and carbonated drinks are turning to alternative drinks such as teas, natural juices, water, and so on. This has resulted in the steady growth of healthier non-carbonated drinks (Al-Shaar et al., 2017). Among the many alternative drinks recording, steady growth in energy drinks.
The energy drink market has seen steady growth since its launch in the United States in the year 1997. According to Kunst (2019), since energy drinks were launched in the United States in 1997, the market or segment has grown steadily at an annual rate of about 20 percent every year. The market is now valued at over 53……
Ahmed, R. R., Vveinhardt, J., Streimikiene, D., & Awais, M. (2016). Mediating and Marketing factors influence the prescription behavior of Physicians: An Empirical Investigation. Amfiteatru Economic Journal, 18(41), 153-167.
Al-Shaar, L., Vercammen, K., Lu, C., Richardson, S., Tamez, M., & Mattei, J. (2017). Health effects and public health concerns of energy drink consumption in the United States: a mini-review. Frontiers in public health, 5, 225.
Barney, J. B., & Hesterly, W. S. (2010). Strategic management and competitive advantage: Concepts and cases (pp. 4-25). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Freeman, B., Kelly, B., Vandevijvere, S., & Baur, L. (2016). Young adults: beloved by food and drink marketers and forgotten by public health?. Health promotion international, 31(4), 954-961.
Hitt, M. A., Ireland, R. D., & Hoskisson, R. E. (2012). Strategic management cases: competitiveness and globalization. Cengage Learning.
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Kunst, A. (2019). Energy drinks consumption: consumers of energy drinks in the United States in 2018. Statista.
Mahajan, S. (2020). Sports And Energy Drinks Market Size & Share Analysis Report, 2019-2026.
Study Document
...Ireland The Cost Effectiveness of Cloud Computing within an Accounting Organization
Table of Contents
1 Introduction 4
1.1 Background 4
1.2 Significance of the Topic 4
1.3 Research Problem 5
1.4 Research Questions 5
1.5 Purpose of the Study 5
1.6 Methodology 5
1.7 Good Title for Study 5
2 Literature Review 6
2.1 Cloud Computing Definition 6
2.2 Types of Cloud Computing Services 6
2.2.1 Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) 6
2.2.2 Platform as a Service (PaaS) 7
2.2.3 Software as a Service (SaaS) 7
2.3 Deployment of Organizational Cloud Services 8
2.3.1 Public Cloud 8
2.3.2 Private Cloud 8
2.3.3 Hybrid Cloud 9
2.4 Effectiveness of Cloud Computing 9
2.4.1 Cost-Savings 9
2.4.2 Remote Accessibility 10
2.4.3 Scalability and Flexibility 11
2.4.4 Security 11
2.4.5 Energy Efficiency 11
3 Methodology 12
3.1 Research Approach and Design 12
3.2 Data Collection Sources & Selection Plan 12
3.3 Proposed Interview Questions……
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Study Document
...Ireland The Impact of Royale Racing on Race Club Engineering
Royale Racing was established in 1968 by Bob King in Great Britain. The company produced single seater race cars until 1987 when the company closed its production facility. King had had some experience in working on speedway cars in New Zealand in his youth and after returning to Great Britain he opened a car lot, selling road cars. His father owned a motor showroom, which is where King learned to take his interest in cars in the first place (Ward). Operating his own lot, he acquired a used Elva on a trade-in and kept it around with the intention of racing the car—but the car caught the attention of other consumers and because he had experience in the speedway, he found that he had a skill set that was in demand in a niche market in England. Thus, he soon……
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...Ireland Introduction
A manufacturing system includes four different components together with the production machine, material handling system, computer control system, and human resources (Lee, 1998). In recent times, due to the technological advancement, automation of manufacturing systems has continued to become prevalent. A key aspect in the contemporary automotive manufacturing systems and automotive industries is automation. An automated manufacturing system alludes to an intersected or interrelated system of material processing stations with the capability of automatically processing an extensive range of part types simultaneously under computer control. Imperatively, the system is not just interlinked by a material transport system but also interconnected by a communication network for assimilating all aspects of manufacturing. This sort of system portrays flexibility in handling, routing, processes, and changing of tools. Also, an automated manufacturing system demonstrates key features, including a high magnitude of automation, integration, and flexibility (Swamidass, 2000). This paper examines the four different……
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