Apprenticeship Essays (Examples)


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Individuals Using Customary Practices In Times Of Crises

Pages: 17 (4950 words) Sources: 30 Document Type:Annotated Bibliography Document #:60738961

...Apprenticeship Allen-Meares, P. & Garvin, C. (Eds.). (2000). The Handbook of Social Work Direct Practice. New York, SAGE. This is not a primary source, but the definition of crisis could be used in the proposal.
An assessment of the customary practices utilized by individuals in times of crisis would not be complete without a clear definition of ‘crisis’ in the context of the said practices. In seeking to define the term crisis, the cited authors of the relevant piece in the volume are definite that we must base our perspectives on subjective reality. This is more so the case given that “what precipitates a crisis episode in one individual might not generate such a response in another person” (327). This is true for communities as well. It, therefore, follows that this is an essential resource in the definition of what constitutes a crisis at both the individual and community levels. This……


Roberts. A.R. (Ed.). (2005). Crisis Intervention Handbook: Assessment, Treatment, and Research (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Sama’ila, A. (2019). Economic crisis and the coping strategies of indigenous automobile entrepreneurs in northern Nigeria, 1983-2014. Sociology International Journal, 3(6), 437-442.


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Web 2 0 And Online Studio Education

Pages: 6 (1931 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:53632130

...Apprenticeship Online Studio Education
The rise of Web 2.0 Technologies paves the way to a collaborative and interactive learning environment making the exchange of content and collaboration over the web (Loannao, 2018). The internet, since then, started becoming the reservoir of knowledge, giving free access to information and educational resources (Loannao, 2018). Because of these developments, online courses and online education began and were incorporated in different educational fields as the means of expanding knowledge and enhancing the learning procedure (Loannao, 2018). Studio-based learning is the practical education where the learning is done through doing, relying on the jury system for evaluating and assessing the student’s projects (Siddiqi, 2002). The entire course is designed in the traditional pedagogy.
Online Studio Education is more than just a different teacher and student interaction format as it involves consistency within the educational resources as all the students receive the consistent course material and access……



Bender, D. M. (2006). Using Online Education Technologies to Support Studio Instruction. Educational Technology and Society.

Kurt, S. (2009). An analytic study on the traditional studio environments and the use of the constructivist studio in the architectural design education. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 401-408.

Loannao, O. (2018). Opening up design studio education using blended and networked formats. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education.

Nottingham, A. (2014). Reshaping design education: teaching graphic design online and onsite. The University of Melbourne.

Pasin, B. (2017). Rethinking the Design Studio-Centered Architectural Education. A Case Study at Schools of Architecture in Turkey. The Design Journal.

Siddiqi, A. A. (2002). ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN STUDIO PROJECTS AND THE CHARADES OF CURRICULUM. The 6th Saudi Engineering Conference, KFUPM. Architecture Department, College of Environmental Design, KFUPM Dhahran.


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Strengths Based Approach For Depression

Pages: 6 (1931 words) Sources: 7 Document Type:Case Study Document #:65081861

...Apprenticeship Life-Stage Considerations: Strengths-Based Approach
A strengths-based approach to treatment resonates greatly with resiliency models involving patients and their families, as well as family-focused care grounded in mutually helpful practitioner-patient family therapeutic relationships. In this sort of care setting, patients and their family members actively engage in identifying concerns or issues, making decisions, and formulating steps for patient health restoration and promotion (Swartz, 2017, p. 1). In particular, Ballantyne and Gan (2016, p. 233) delineate a solutions-oriented or strengths-grounded intervention approach for families of teens suffering from severe brain damage. According to the authors, every household possesses the strength, capability, and resources for recovering from adversity. Additionally, they explain that unlike the conventional clinical model, strengths-based therapy revolves around strengths as opposed to deficiencies, promotes teamwork as against hierarchy, makes use of resources as against expert opinion, emphasizes skills and solutions as opposed to what must be resolved, and concentrates on……



Ditton, L. (2015). Depression Treatment: Strengths-based Approaches. Available at 

Gan, C., & Ballantyne, M. (2016). Brain injury family intervention for adolescents: A solution-focused approach. NeuroRehabilitation, 38(3), 231-241.

Gottlieb, L. (2014). Strengths-based nursing: A holistic approach to care, grounded in eight core values. American Journal of Nursing, 114(8), 24-32.

Liu, R. T., Kleiman, E., Nestor, B., Cheek, S. (2015). The Hopelessness Theory of Depression: A Quarter Century in Review. Clin Psychol, 22(4), 345-365. DOI:10.1111/cpsp.12125.

Swartz, M. K. (2017). A Strength-Based Approach to Care. J Pediatr Health Care, 31, 1-1. Available at

World Health Organization. (1998). Health Promotion Glossary. World Health Organization. Available at 

Xie, H. (2013). Strengths-Based Approach for Mental Health Recovery. Iran J Psychiatry Behav Sci, 7(2), 5-10. Available at 


Study Document Study Document

Understanding The Value Of Qualitative Research

Pages: 6 (1754 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:52738822

...Apprenticeship Understanding the Value of Qualitative Research
Qualitative researchers have a number of different research strategies available to them, including case studies, phenomenology, grounded theory and ethnography. Each of these research strategies has its respective strengths and weaknesses, but ethnography in particular represents a special challenge since it seeks to learn more about a group of people from the perspective of an insider. The purpose of this paper is to provide a review of the relevant literature to identify and describe and benefits of ethnographical research as a strategy for developing a better understanding concerning the lived experiences of others. A critique of Dr. Loïc Wacquant’s ethnographical work and a discussion concerning its implications for social change are followed by a description concerning the potential impact of research in supporting positive social change through public policy in the paper’s conclusion.
Review and Discussion
Role of the qualitative researcher
The role of……



Abrahams, M. (2011, March 10). Boxing proves a hit for French sociologist. The Guardian. Retrieved from .

Asselin, M. E. (2009, March-April). Insider research: Issues to consider when doing qualitative research in your own setting. Nurses in Professional Development, 19(2), 99-103.

Burress, C. (2003, December 8). UC’s ‘boxing sociologist’ / Combative French professor spent 3 years in ring. SFGate. Retrieved from .

Creswell, J. W. (2003). Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five traditions. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Creswell, J. W., & Creswell, J. D. (2018). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches (5th ed.). Retrieved from 

Ishioka, T. (2015, March). How can one be a boxer?: Pain and pleasure in a Manila boxing camp. International Journal of Japanese Sociology, 24(1), 92-105.

Neuman, W. L. (2003). Social research methods: Qualitative and quantitative approaches, 5th ed. New York: Allyn & Bacon.

Wacquant, L. (2011). Habitus as topic and tool: Reflections on becoming a prizefighter. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 8(1), 81-92.


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