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… debacle could have been avoided had clear warning signs not been ignored along the way. The primary leaders in this particular case were leadership at the FDA and Merck’s senior executives.
The entre fiasco is representative of a colossal failure of leadership. Rodger Stodgill (as cited in Northouse, 2016) points out that some of the key traits of leadership include “persistence, insight, initiative, self-confidence, responsibility, cooperativeness, tolerance, influence and sociability” (21). Other traits, according to Daft (2007), are inclusive of integrity, intelligence, … concerned. While the senior executives at Merck was blinded by the company’s commercial interests and, hence, totally ignored the safety concerns raised, the leadership at the FDA failed in its mandate to promote and preserve public health. This reeks of lack of responsibility in both cases. Amongst … the impact of certain courses of action. Sales were valued over safety – demonstrating lack of integrity on……
Daft, R. (2007). The Leadership Experience (4th ed.). Mason, OH: Cengage Learning.
Northouse, P.G. (2016). Leadership: Theory and Practice (7th ed.). Washington, DC: SAGE Publications.
Tropol, E.J. (2004). Failing the Public Health — Rofecoxib, Merck, and the FDA. N Engl J Med., 351(17), 1707-1709.
Study Document
Compare and Contrast Paper on Servant leadership
Servant leadership Theory was given by Robert Greenleaf that focuses on the leaders being the servant of their people, serving them in every possible way … but the subtleties of this relationship, in which the servant leads through serving others, is unique and distinctive, fulfilling the aspects of successful leadership (Rachmawati, 2014). This theory was emphasized and analyzed more by other theorists like Larry Spears, who laid out the character traits of a … understanding, listening, encouragement, health-giving, far-sightedness, stewardship, conceptualization, assurance to growth and progressing the community (Burkus, 2010).
If we carefully look at the servant leadership characteristics, they coincide with the laws of leadership by Maxwell. For case in point, listening, which is very important in servant leadership as their main motive is to serve the people (Burkus, 2010), coincides with Maxwell's fifth law of leadership (Maxwell, 1998). Understanding people and……
Burkus, D. (2010, April 01). Servant Leadership Theory. David Burkus.
Maxwell, J. C. (1998). The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. Nelson Publishing.
Maxwell, J. C. (n.d.). Ethics 101: What Every Leader Needs To Know. Center Street.
Rachmawati, A. W. (2014). Servant Leadership Theory, Development & Measurement. The 5th Indonesia International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Small Business (IICIES 2013), (pp. 387-393).
What is Servant Leadership? (2014, November 25). STU Online.
Study Document
Spiritual leadership and the Role of Self Knowledge in Accepting God's Grace
Barton (2018) describes the soul as that “part of you that is most … Corinthians 13:11). This paper will show what it means to “put away” the childish things and address the manful aspects of spirituality and leadership that I aim to address in my own life. It will begin with a discussion of my soul and leading assessment, and follow … and leading assessment, and follow with supports and challenges related to both. Finally, it will discuss the implications of these insights for my leadership.
My Soul and Leading-Assessment
The three indicators that most concern me after taking the Assessment for Leaders tool are: firstly, that I find … but it is a road that is fraught with peril. Perseverance is crucial to success (King, Altman & Lee, 2011).
When I have experience Loss of Soul or……
Barton, R. H. (2018). Strengthening the soul of your leadership. InterVarsity Press.
Boa, K. D. (2001). Conformed to his image. Zondervan.
Cashman, K. (2017). Leadership from the inside out (3rd ed.). Berrett-Koehler,Publishers.
Chandler, D. J. (2014). Christian spiritual formation. InterVarsity Press.
Houghton, J. D., Neck C.P., & Krishnakumar, S. (2016). The what, why, and how of spirituality in the workplace revisited: a 14-year update and extension. Journal of Management, Spirituality and Religion, 13(3), 177-205.
King, S. N., Altman, D. G., & Lee, R. J. (2011). Discovering the leader in you: How to realize your leadership potential. Jossey-Bass.
Sweeney, P. J., & Fry, L. W. (2012). Character through spiritual leadership. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 64(2), 89-107.
Van Velsor, E., McCauley, C. D., & Ruderman, M. N. (2010). Handbook of leadership development. Jossey-Bass.
Study Document
… personal reflection on what I have learned during the course of this project and what challenges the school faces in terms of a leadership structure to close the achievement gap.
Section 2: Demographic Overview
Butler College Prep is in Southside Chicago. Its student body is 95% African … of special education services in the school is motivational and supportive more than anything else. The principal recognizes the need for a collaborative experience to take place and he promotes the concept of the power of collective efficacy, knowing that it does take the work and support … doing something right and the teachers feel supported and like they have a real community here.
What might be done to strengthen the leadership structure to close the achievement gap between students with disabilities and their non-disabled peers is to define roles more clearly so that everyone ……
Baker, S. K., Chard, D. J., Ketterlin-Geller, L. R., Apichatabutra, C., & Doabler, C.(2009). Teaching writing to at-risk students: The quality of evidence for self-regulated strategy development. Exceptional Children, 75, 303–320.
Browder, D., Ahlgrim-Delzell, L., Spooner, F., Mims, P. J., & Baker, J. N. (2009). Using time delay to teach literacy to students with severe developmental disabilities. Exceptional Children, 75, 343–364.
Donohoo, J., Hattie, J., & Eells, R. (2018). The power of collective efficacy. Educational Leadership, 75(6), 40-44.
Illinois at a Glance Report Card. (2019). Noble Butler College Prep. Retrieved from
The Japanese Association for Language Teaching (2005). Vocabulary [Special issue]. The Language Teacher, 29(7) .[PDF]
Jitendra, A. K., Burgess, C., & Gajria, M. (2011). Cognitive strategy instruction for improving expository text comprehension of students with learning disabilities: The quality of evidence. Exceptional Children, 77, 135-159.
Prabhu, N. S. (1987). Second Language Pedagogy. Oxford University Press. Retrieved from
School Performance. (2017). Illinois Network of Charter Schools. Retrieved from
Study Document
Part One
My Personal Model: Transformational leadership
My own personal model of leadership is transformational leadership. This model focuses on giving following a vision of what they should work to become. The transformational leader identifies and explains the goal … the vision and the mission. When it comes to organizational development, transformational leaders can be a very valuable asset (Warrick, 2011).
My personal leadership model reflects servant leadership characteristics in that I incorporate into it the aspects of servant leadership that all the leader to support the workers and assist them in fulfilling their potential. In my model, it is important to communicate … the needs are met—which is basically what Maslow (1943) recommends with his theory of human motivation and the hierarchy of needs model. Servant leadership in my model is used to help the workers achieve a level of self-actualization so that they no longer require the leader’s……
Maslow, A. H. (1943). A theory of human motivation. Psychological Review, 50(4), 370.
Nawaz, Z. A. K. D. A., & Khan_ PhD, I. (2016). Leadership theories and styles: A literature review. Leadership, 16, 1-7.
Northouse, P. G. (2016). Leadership: Theory and practice (7th ed.). Thousand Oaks: CA: Sage Publications.
Reivich, K. J., Seligman, M. E., & McBride, S. (2011). Master resilience training in the US Army. American Psychologist, 66(1), 25.
Warrick, D. D. (2011). The urgent need for skilled transformational leaders: Integrating transformational leadership and organization development. Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics, 8(5), 11-26
Study Document
This course provided me with the opportunity for a structured exploration of critical concepts of leadership, specifically what leaders can do to influence their followers in the workplace. The readings provided me with a strong grounding in the key … a significant way. Psychology can be applied in a number of different ways, and workplace psychology is definitely one of the bigger ones. leadership studies has incorporated some psychological concepts, but could stand to build in more of this line of study. For me, the capstone represented … take my knowledge and psychology and apply it to an area where it has not been fully applied. This creates a synergistic learning experience, because ideas are being applied to different fields of study in new and exciting ways, where there is a genuine complementary nature.
My … be engaged by the material, and the ideas that are presented. I felt like……
Study Document
… named Pio and he is an IT consultant who has 20 years in the industry and now heads his own company and provides leadership for other companies that need expert advice on their networks and infrastructure. He is the founder and CEO of his own company and … make it in this country. He is an inspiration for me as a leader and I wanted to interview him to understand his leadership approach more deeply.
1. How did you get to where you are today?
I got where I am today through hard work. … me in everything, without fail. Every day—it is so important to pray, I cannot stress that enough.
2. How would you qualify your leadership style (e.g., servant, transformational, democratic, etc.)?
I am a very stern leader my team would probably say—but I am never unfair or tyrannical, … be understanding and sympathetic. They……
Conger, Jay A. (1989). Leadership: The art of empowering others. Academy of Management Executive, 3 (1), 17- 25.
Maxwell, J. (1998). The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers.
Northouse, P. G. (2016). Leadership: Theory and practice (7th ed.). Thousand Oaks: CA: Sage Publications.
Stogdill, R. M. (1948). Personal factors associated with leadership: A survey of the literature. Journal of Psychology, 25, 35–71.
Study Document
The article by Eddy and VanDerLinden (2006) looks at how alternative definitions of leadership are replacing traditional leadership concepts. Specifically, the authors assess emerging definitions of leadership in terms of how community college administrators self-identify as leaders. Using a survey method to collect data, the researchers asked respondents to identify … how community college administrators self-identify as leaders. Using a survey method to collect data, the researchers asked respondents to identify their definition of leadership. The purpose was to see if they viewed leadership in terms of their position at the college or in terms of other variables.
The researchers noted that, traditionally, these colleges have been … college or in terms of other variables.
The researchers noted that, traditionally, these colleges have been described as bureaucratic in nature, with positional leadership serving as the main type, but today administrators in these colleges self-identify using a variety of different leadership……
Chliwniak, L. (1997). Higher education leadership: Analyzing the gender gap, ASHE-ERIC Higher Education Report, 25 (4). Washington DC: ASHE.
Eddy, P. L., & VanDerLinden, K. E. (2006). Emerging Definitions of Leadership in Higher Education: New Visions of Leadership or Same Old “Hero” Leader? Community College Review, 34(1), 5–26.
O'Banion, T. (1997). A learning college for the 21st century. Phoenix, AZ: American Council on Education Oryx Press Series on Higher Education.
Peterson, M. (1997). Using contextual planning to transform institutions. In M. Peterson, D. Dill, L. A. Mets, & Associates (Eds.), Planning and management for a changing environment, 127-157. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers.
Townsend, B. K., & Twombly, S. B. (1998). A feminist critique of organizational change in the community college. In. J. S. Levin (Ed.), Organizational change in the community college: A ripple or a sea change?, pp. 77-85. New Directions for Community Colleges. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers.
Study Document
… and victories of the community. From an educational standpoint, this is particularly meaningful regarding the principle of positive reinforcement. Quite simply, if people experience a positive reward, including verbal praise for their excellence, this creates the desire to replicate the praised action. Teaching can often be a … if the ideals seem unachievable. Good principals celebrate small victories on the path to excellence.
Kouzes, J. & Posner, B. (2017). The leadership challenge (6th ed.). Hoboken, N: John Wiley and Sons.…
Kouzes, J. & Posner, B. (2017). The leadership challenge (6th ed.). Hoboken, N: John Wiley and Sons.
Study Document
Culture shapes people’s identities and influences their behavior. It is a people’s way of living, and refers to their shared beliefs, language, norms, … only 0.2% of the population, they make a huge contribution to the American society (U.S. Census Bureau, 2009). With globalization, organizations and countries experience cultural diversity. Workplaces, countries, and schools increasingly consist of people with different backgrounds in terms of races, cultures and ethnic groups. Cultural differences … of shared meanings and circumstances cause managers to face serious challenges in their organizations. Based on ethic, national and social scales, an individual’s experience interpretation and its meaning may differ from what’s anticipated, resulting in likely disagreements in the context of businesses. Companies must include cultural differences … and promote cooperation and collaboration (Cacioppe, 1997).
With cultural understanding, managers can better lead in a cross-cultural environment. Therefore, embarking on the cross-cultural experience was key to understanding the……
Bass, B. M. (2008). The Bass handbook of leadership: Theory, research, and managerial applications (4th ed.). New York: Free Press.
Cacioppe, R. (1997). Leadership moment by moment! Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 18, 335-345.
Cep, B. (2011). Samoan Umu. Retrieved from
Quinn, R. E. (2000). Change the world: How ordinary people can achieve extraordinary results. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
The Budding Anthropologist. (2016). Samoan Umu. Retrieved from https://thebuddinganthropologist.wordpress. com/food/samoan-umu/
U.S. Census Bureau, USA QuickFacts, accessed December 2019.
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