Studyspark Study Document

Technology Has Become an Important Term Paper

Pages:5 (1601 words)



Topic:Technology Impact

Document Type:Term Paper


This is beneficial for businesses, customers and the financial institutions. With these things understood partnerships are an essential aspect of providing positive outcomes for customers while also having the ability to conduct business at higher volumes and more efficiently.


The purpose of this discussion is to explain the impact of technology on customers. The research found that technology has added a great deal of value to people's lives. In addition the manner in which certain technologies are introduced to market have a profound impact on who purchases the technology and why. Once a technology is available to customers a good support system must be in place to ensure that customer questions are handled appropriately. Failure to offer the proper support may discourage customers from using the product that they have purchased and any other product by the company. Lastly the research found that the development of partnerships is vitally important when offering certain technologies to customers. Partnerships are beneficial because they can increase the ease with which the technology product is used and the number of people that have access to the product. Such partnerships are evident in the relationship that banks have with Visa and MasterCard. These partnerships are used to deliver new technologies ways that are more efficient and effective.


Mickalowski K. Mickelson, M., Keltgen J. Apple's iPhone Launch: A Case Study in Effective Marketing. The Business Review, 9(2); 263 2008

"Research Examines Value-Added Technology and Merchant Acquirer Account Attrition." 10 July 2009

Servon, L.J., Kaestner R. Consumer Financial Literacy and the Impact of Online Banking on the Financial... The Journal of Consumer Affairs; Summer 2008; 42.2: 271

"value added."

Sample Source(s) Used


Mickalowski K. Mickelson, M., Keltgen J. Apple's iPhone Launch: A Case Study in Effective Marketing. The Business Review, 9(2); 263 2008

"Research Examines Value-Added Technology and Merchant Acquirer Account Attrition." 10 July 2009

Servon, L.J., Kaestner R. Consumer Financial Literacy and the Impact of Online Banking on the Financial... The Journal of Consumer Affairs; Summer 2008; 42.2: 271

"value added."

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