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Social Distancing As a New Normal is Enslavement Essay

Pages:4 (1093 words)

Subject:Social Issues

Topic:Social Distancing

Document Type:Essay


Speech to My Peers on Rebelling Against Social Distancing as the New Normal

The new normal they say—that is what it has come down to for us! They have decided to dictate the terms for us with regard to how we are now to live our lives. They know what is best for us, what is best for our health, what is best for our world. These tin pot dictators have determined a collective course of action, agreed upon behind closed doors, and have issued their executive decisions, making laws left and right that limit your freedom and curtail your civil liberties. They have robbed from you your very right to work, to earn a living for yourself. In what sane world does one man have the right to deny another the ability to work? You cannot take a man’s work away from him—for then what is he but a slave? You should know, all of you, that this is not about safety or about health or about flattening the curve, or about preventing the hospitals from being overwhelmed or about preventing the young from becoming silent spreaders and endangering the old—it is about enslavement. Ever since the Emancipation Declaration, it has been their intention to renew the institution of slavery by hook or by crook. It is why Jim Crow followed immediately thereupon. It is why people in the East are wage slaves for companies like Nike and Apple. It is why so many people are incarcerated in our for-profit prisons in our prison industrial complex and forced to work for pennies on the dollar for US corporations while in prison. It is why the US has the highest incarceration rate in the entire world—our so-called free world is anything but—and they are turning the screws yet further with their social distancing protocols. I say to you that we must reject this new normal out of hand and fight against it because I assure you we are fighting for our very lives. Do you really believe they have your best interests at heart? Why?

It was not just two months ago that they said to you that wearing a mask does nothing to prevent the spread of a virus. So why now is everyone told he must wear a mask at work? Does the mask magically keep away the bad juju? Does the virus, floating along, say…

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…You want to live your life, well now you must fight to live it because they are seeking to take it from you. They want you for their slave—that is obvious. The way they treat you and act like you have no more of a brain in your head than a peanut—it is offensive to the very foundations of your being and to mine. How long are you going to listen to their insane dictates and do as you are told? I say enough. I say that we all must say enough to everyone because the longer we are silent and docile, the more idiotic our world becomes. Protest! Revolt! Walk out! What is the worst that can happen? They will just send you another $1200 check in the mail, so why are you worried about your job? They want socialism so that they can enslave you and make you dependent upon them when you are perfectly capable of taking care of yourself. Rise up and fight back! Swarm them! Overwhelm them! They were worried about overwhelming the hospitals—well, now we are going to overwhelm our capitals. They have dictated too much, and now they will see that they have dictated…

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