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The Applicability of learning Theory
learning is a complex process by which an individual acquires and modifies their knowledge, behaviors, attitudes, and skills through study, instruction or experience. Theories provide a framework for understanding how learning occurs and the factors that influence its effectiveness. learning theories are complex and comprehensive principles that explain how individual learn, develop, and progress (Rosser-Majors, 2017). They acknowledge that human beings learn differently … principles that explain how individual learn, develop, and progress (Rosser-Majors, 2017). They acknowledge that human beings learn differently and attempt to contextualize the learning process. Four of the most common learning theories are behaviorism, constructivism, cognitivism, and humanism. This text analyzes the learning process as portrayed by these four theories, the ideologies within each theory, and evidence-based application of learning theory to enhance learning.
Behaviorism Theory
Behaviorism theory emphasizes the role of external factors/stimuli in shaping an individual’s behavior (Rosser-Majors, 2017).……
Al-Rawahi, N., & Al-Balushi, M. (2015). The Effect of Reflective Science Journal Writing on Students’ Self-Regulated Learning Strategies. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 10(3), 367-79.
Dotson, R. (2016). Goal-Setting to Increase Student Academic Performance. Journal of School Administration Research and Development, 1(1), 44-46.
Harasim, L. (2017). Learning Theory and Online Technologies. New York, NY: Taylor & Francis.
Rosser-Majors, M. L. (2017). Theories of Learning: an Exploration. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education.
Wan, Z., Compeau, D., & Haggerty, N. (2014). The Effects of Self-Regulated Learning Processes on E-Learning Outcomes in Organizational Settings. Journal of Management Information Systems, 29(1), 307-40.
Study Document
How Technology Enhances ESL Students’ learning experience
In the COVID-19 era, education has taken a dramatic turn towards distance learning, meaning that virtual classrooms are now more popular than ever. But what is the effect of the use of technology in an ESL … But what is the effect of the use of technology in an ESL classroom? Evidence shows that technology actually does enhance ESL students’ learning experience (Kasapoglu-Akyol, 2010). The fact is that ESL students use technology tools in their daily lives and thus not to use technology for learning purposes is akin to taking a fish out of water and then asking it to learn to swim. In the digital era, digital … it is older teachers and educational systems that are slow to recognize this fact. This paper will show how technology enhances ESL students' learning experience related to ESL instructional practices and analyze how……
Alvarez-Marinelli, H., Blanco, M., Lara-Alecio, R., Irby, B. J., Tong, F., Stanley, K., & Fan, Y. (2016). Computer assisted English language learning in Costa Rican elementary schools: an experimental study. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 29(1), 103-126.
Beetham, H., & Sharpe, R. (Eds.). (2013). Rethinking pedagogy for a digital age: Designing for 21st century learning. NY: Routledge.
Cassady, J. C., Smith, L. L., & Thomas, C. L. (2017). Supporting emergent literacy for English language learners with computer?assisted instruction. Journal of Research in Reading.
Jiang, H., Tang, M., Peng, X., & Liu, X. (2018). Learning design and technology through social networks for high school students in China. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 28(1), 189-206.
Kahai, S. S., Carroll, E., & Jestice, R. (2007). Team collaboration in virtual worlds. ACM SIGMIS Database: the DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems, 38(4), 61-68.
Kasapo?lu-Akyol, P. (2010). Using educational technology tools to improve language and communication skills of ESL students. Novitas-Royal, 4(2).
Meskill, G., & Mossop, J. (2003). Technologies use with learners of ESL in New Your State: Preliminary report. Retrieved from
Park, J. Y. (2011). Design education online: Learning delivery and evaluation. International Journal of Art & Design Education, 30(2), 176-187.
Study Document
… is a significant difference in the way an adult approaches education and the way a child approaches education (Forrest & Peterson, 2006). Adult learning is an important concept because it focuses on realizing that adults are not children and so they should not be taught the same … with adult learners. The problem for university students is that they are not being evaluated in a way that is conducive to adult learning. This problem is significant because university students may be unnecessarily and unfairly struggling with classes because university teachers fail to use evaluations that … because university students may be unnecessarily and unfairly struggling with classes because university teachers fail to use evaluations that are conducive to adult learning. The research question this paper poses is this: What are some ways to evaluate adult learning? This paper will describe the literature on this subject, discuss it, analyze the……
Fenwick, T. J., & Parsons, J. (2009). The art of evaluation: A resource for educators and trainers. Thompson Educational Publishing.
Forrest III, S. P., & Peterson, T. O. (2006). It\\\\\\'s called andragogy. Academy of management learning & education, 5(1), 113-122.
Hase, S., & Kenyon, C. (2000). From andragogy to heutagogy. Ulti-BASE In-Site.
Howatt, W. A. (1999). Journaling to self-evaluation: A tool for adult learners. International Journal of Reality Therapy, 8(2), 32-34.
Knowles, M. (1984). Andragogy in action. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Moss, D., & Van Duzer, C. (1998). Project-Based Learning for Adult English Language Learners. ERIC Digest.
Study Document
… & Shreeve, 2012, p. 57). Even though Vaughan et al. (2008) indicate that the pedagogy of ambiguity is intentional and part of the learning by experiencing process that design educators want students to embrace, the fact remains that many students are simply not prepared to deal with … exploring in a digital environment. Interacting with others in a face to face environment with limited resources is not their idea of a learning experience (Souleles, 2015). Students need more than just the opportunity to explore and experience in a studio based pedagogy. As digital natives they have grown up relying on the affordability of information that they have access to … most universities are heading. More and more students expect to be served with some kind of digital based pedagogical approach in their college experience (Mayadas, Bourne & Bacsich, 2009). With the trend being towards distance learning it also opens……
Fleischmann, K. (2013). Big Bang Technology: What's Next in Design Education, Radical Innovation or Incremental Change?. Journal of Learning Design, 6(3), 1-17.
Justice, L. (2019). The Future of Design Education. Design Management Review, 30(1), 33-37.
Mayadas, A. F., Bourne, J., & Bacsich, P. (2009). Online education today. Science, 323(5910), 85-89.
Souleles, N. (2015). Elearning in art and design: the elephant in the room. In 9th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (pp. 6659-6665).
Vaughan, S., Austerlitz, N., Blythman, M., Grove-White, A., Jones, B. A., Jones, C. A.,... & Shreeve, A. (2008). Mind the gap: Expectations, ambiguity and pedagogy within art and design higher education. In The student experience in art and design higher education: Drivers for change (pp. 125-148). Jill Rogers Associates Limited.
Study Document
… meant that I got more responsibilities and tasks to handle at the office. I believe this really helped me get the right first-hand experience. As time went on, I got assigned to handle other tasks at the probation office. I worked with officers handling the cases of … of people handling different types of tasks and cases. The people I worked with really helped me to gain the type of first-hand experience I was going for, while the different types of tasks and offender cases enabled me to know how they are handled professionally. I ……
Study Document
Field experience Report - Observation in the classroom at the school for the Deaf
In the US, residential institutions of learning have had a long relationship with the deaf community. They are the centers where linguistic and cultural transmission takes place. The residential, educational … a deafcentric environment that succeeds in promoting the wellbeing of the deaf.
Literature Review
Studies indicate that the deaf has improved in the learning engagement in the residential schools for the deaf. Such a development is attributed to the improved communication context within these institutions, which is … these institutions, which is an aspect of providing a deafcentric environment. According to Staten (2011), the following should be made possible in the learning environments of the deaf: free communication and securing a comfortable sign language environment, a heightened social and personal interaction between the deaf people, … available suggests that three critical areas should be……
Guardino, C., & Antia, S. D. (2012). Modifying the classroom environment to increase engagement and decrease disruption with students who are deaf or hard of hearing. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 17(4), 518-533.
Hombo, C. M. (2003). NAEP and No Child Left Behind: Technical challenges and practical solutions. Theory into Practice, 42(1), 59-65.
Jeffries Jr., R. L. (2010). A Case Study of a Teacher Implementing Guided Reading in a Deaf Classroom. ProQuest LLC.
Malik, A. M., Rashid, M., Awan, M. Y., & Alvi, I. B. (2018). The Role of Architecture in the Identification of Obstacles and Spatial Solutions to Inclusive Education. UMT Education Review (UER), 1(2), 39-58.
Renard, M. (1999). Les sourds dans la ville: surdités et accessibilité. ARDDS (Association pour la réadaptation et la défense des devenus-sourds).
Romano, A.M. (2013). Observing a Residential School for the Deaf: Identifying Factors in Creating a Deafcentric Environment. (The Honors Program, Gallaudet University).
Staten, F. D. (2011). Examining the influence of the residential school for the deaf experience on deaf identity. (Doctor of Philosophy thesis, University of Iowa).
Van Gent, T., Goedhart, A. W., Knoors, H. E., Westenberg, P. M., & Treffers, P. D. (2012). Self-concept and ego development in deaf adolescents: a comparative study. Journal of deaf studies and deaf education, 17(3), 333-351.
Study Document
Why Online learning Works
With the arrival of the Digital Age and the advent of distance learning, taking college level courses over the Internet has become a real possibility for today’s students seeking a higher education. But is it worth … provide the kind of quality education that learners need in order to excel in the real world? Or are their drawbacks to distance learning that outweigh the pros? This speech will go over the benefits and advantages of learning online at the college level while addressing some of the potential disadvantages that might make some hesitant to pursue distance learning as a viable option.
Why learning Online is Useful for Adults
Adults tend to have busy schedules, which makes it hard for them to find the time to get … earning a degree is almost zero. The adult, therefore, is unlikely to pursue the goal of earning that……
Anderson, T. (Ed.). (2008). The theory and practice of online learning. Athabasca University Press.
Concannon, F., Flynn, A., & Campbell, M. (2005). What campus?based students think about the quality and benefits of e?learning. British journal of educational technology, 36(3), 501-512.
?enda?, S., & Odaba??, H. F. (2009). Effects of an online problem based learning course on content knowledge acquisition and critical thinking skills. Computers & Education, 53(1), 132-141.
Yang, Y. T. C., Newby, T. J., & Bill, R. L. (2005). Using Socratic questioning to promote critical thinking skills through asynchronous discussion forums in distance learning environments. The American Journal of Distance Education, 19(3), 163-181.
Study Document
Lifelong learning Plan
I have both personal and professional reasons for wanting to develop a lifelong learning plan. I am in Clarksville, TN, near the Army post at Fort Campbell, Kentucky and am currently a federal employee—but my goal is, … in the Army Substance Abuse program. This is my goal because in my childhood I saw my mother struggle with substance abuse and experience what it is like to grow up in that kind of environment. While she struggled with addiction, my brothers and I bounced from … 2016). As Stogdill (1948) notes there are many different personal factors that can be associated with leadership, from personality traits to background to experience and so on.
The guiding healthcare book that provides the basis for my understanding/approaches/actions in the health care arena will be Freeman’s (2001) ……
Freeman, E. (2001). Substance Abuse Intervention, Prevention, Rehabilitation, and Systems Change: Helping Individuals, Families, and Groups to Empower Themselves. Columbia University Press.
Maxwell, J. (1998). The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers.
Northouse, P. G. (2016). Leadership: Theory and practice (7th ed.). Thousand Oaks: CA: Sage Publications.
Stogdill, R. M. (1948). Personal factors associated with leadership: A survey of the literature. Journal of Psychology, 25, 35–71.
Study Document
Parent Involvement
Parent involvement is a critical component toward enhancing the learning and development of students, especially deaf and hard-of-hearing students. For deaf and hard-of-hearing students, involvement of their parents in the learning process is essential because of their unique learning needs and styles. Parent involvement refers to active, continuous involvement of a primary caregiver or parent in the education of their children. Parent … involvement refers to active, continuous involvement of a primary caregiver or parent in the education of their children. Parent involvement contributes to improved learning and growth of students through positive impacts on student’s attendance, behavior and achievement. Even though parent involvement is considered critical in student education, … though parent involvement is considered critical in student education, educators or instructors still face challenges on how to incorporate parents in their child’s learning. Educators/instructors face the need to identify suitable ways to incorporate parents in education……
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2012). Parent Engagement – Strategies for Involving Parents in School Health. Retrieved from US Department of Health and Human Services website:
Lotkina, V. (2016, August 7). 5 Ways to Get Parents Involved in Student Learning Beyond Homework. Retrieved April 15, 2020, from
Study Document
Culture shapes people’s identities and influences their behavior. It is a people’s way of living, and refers to their shared beliefs, language, norms, … only 0.2% of the population, they make a huge contribution to the American society (U.S. Census Bureau, 2009). With globalization, organizations and countries experience cultural diversity. Workplaces, countries, and schools increasingly consist of people with different backgrounds in terms of races, cultures and ethnic groups. Cultural differences … of shared meanings and circumstances cause managers to face serious challenges in their organizations. Based on ethic, national and social scales, an individual’s experience interpretation and its meaning may differ from what’s anticipated, resulting in likely disagreements in the context of businesses. Companies must include cultural differences … and promote cooperation and collaboration (Cacioppe, 1997).
With cultural understanding, managers can better lead in a cross-cultural environment. Therefore, embarking on the cross-cultural experience was key to understanding the……
Bass, B. M. (2008). The Bass handbook of leadership: Theory, research, and managerial applications (4th ed.). New York: Free Press.
Cacioppe, R. (1997). Leadership moment by moment! Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 18, 335-345.
Cep, B. (2011). Samoan Umu. Retrieved from
Quinn, R. E. (2000). Change the world: How ordinary people can achieve extraordinary results. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
The Budding Anthropologist. (2016). Samoan Umu. Retrieved from https://thebuddinganthropologist.wordpress. com/food/samoan-umu/
U.S. Census Bureau, USA QuickFacts, accessed December 2019.
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