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Code of Conduct Policies of US Universities Essay

Related Topics: College Plagiarism Exam Student

Pages:4 (1254 words)




Document Type:Essay


Code of Conduct Policies

Locate three Code of Conduct policies from three different universities/colleges.

Codes of conduct from three universities have been explained below;

Thomas Edison State University (TESU)

This code of conduct policy aims at defining and advising enrollees of the institution’s conduct code, and describing violations and associated penalties. Further, it outlines a student appeal and hearing process to aid those students who feel the institution has wrongly charged them with violation of scholastic integrity standards.

Boston University (BU)

The academic code of conduct of BU attempts at facilitating the cultivation of an environment conducive to student learning. It explains the ethical requirements of BU students, in addition to guaranteeing student responsibilities and rights owing to their being a member of an academic community. Additionally, it is clear on procedures and policies pertaining to academic conduct. It forms the basis of a professional atmosphere of student integrity in the institution, helping ensure all students are appropriately recognized for their efforts.

Brown University

Brown University’s conduct code represents a shared declaration of the institution’s dedication to maintaining legal, ethical, and professional standards that form the base of everyday as well as long- run actions and decision- making.





Plagiarism- Plagiarism, or the presentation of other authors’ works as being one’s own, forms a component that is common to each of the three institutions’ policies. It encompasses, but isn’t limited to: cheating on exams by copying a fellow examinee’s answers, reproducing others’ ideas or works orally or in writing (whether electronically or in print) whilst failing to cite the right source, and collaboration with an individual in any academic project but failing to acknowledge their contribution.

Out of all three reviewed institutions, Brown University alone possesses a comprehensive policy that integrates general and academic conduct codes. BU and TESU have in place separate academic conduct codes.


Appeals- Each of the aforementioned policies offer students a chance at appealing decisions that entail disciplinary action. Written appeals need to be presented before the vice president and provost within ten business days following receipt of AIC (Academic Integrity Committee) hearing decision. Grounds of appeal need to be clearly stated.

In the case of TESU, violating its Nonacademic Conduct Code on the university campus in the course of institution- related activities/ events, or that negatively impact the…

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…at the institution within three weeks (twenty- one business days) following receipt of the request by the institution.


The accused student can appeal all decisions that involve any disciplinary action. Written appeals need to be presented before the vice president and provost within ten business days following receipt of AIC (Academic Integrity Committee) hearing decision. Grounds of appeal need to be clearly stated. The appealing student will be provided with copies of all AIC-considered material, a tape- recorded hearing copy, and one of the AIC’s report. If the accused student is an enrollee of a School besides the one where the hearing took place, and has been appealing the penalty as well as judgment, the enrollee’s College Dean will request a judgment appeal decision from the Dean of the institution where the hearing took place. Subsequently, the former Dean will present his/ her decision on penalty appeal.

Standard on Appeal: The designated Dean’s decision ought to be upheld, except if the appeal reveals that this decision was unjust and unwarranted. The appealing student will be informed regarding the decision by the Dean. Further, the letter will notify the student regarding the appeal process when it comes to appealing to…

Sample Source(s) Used


Boston University. (2019, December 28). Academic Conduct Code. Retrieved from Boston University:

Brown University. (2019, December 28). The Academic Code. Retrieved from Brown University:

Thomas Edison University. (2019, December 28). Academic Code of Conduct. Retrieved from Thomas Edison University:

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