Study Document
… inspired by a movie script sent to him called “Born in the USA” (Konow & Mercurio, 2015). Springsteen’s song was written with the Vietnam war in mind and the plight of the Vietnam Veteran and average working class kid being sent off to war. The song starts off talking about being “born in a dead man’s … punishment does not fit the crime: the singer describes getting into a “hometown jam” and being sent off to war to fight in Vietnam as a result. The reason for the war is never given—only that the American is tasked with killing the “yellow man”—nothing else is … The song proceeds to talk about the loss and pain suffered as a result of fighting in and being a veteran of the Vietnam War. The song was written half a decade after the Vietnam War ended, so Springsteen had had time to see……
Ames, D., Erickson, Z., Youssef, N. A., Arnold, I., Adamson, C. S., Sones, A. C., ... & Oliver, J. P. (2018). Moral injury, religiosity, and suicide risk in US veterans and active duty military with PTSD symptoms. Military medicine, 184(3-4), e271-e278.
Konow, D. & Mercurio, J. (2015). Transformation in Art: The Films of Paul Schrader. Retrieved from
Lyrics to Born in the USA
Study Document
… President Trump with a modest “bump” in his popularity ratings. For example, one historian points out that, “[President] Bush, remembering the lessons of Vietnam, sought public support. Although there were scant opponents of the conflict, the vast majority of Americans and a narrow majority of the Congress … extent to which such actions are jeopardized and their outcomes adversely affected. The United States could have won the wars in Korea and Vietnam by leaving the north of these countries radioactive wildernesses, but the nation has decided that these weapons are too dangerous to use ever ……
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Study Document
… was the result of this scare, but the assassination of JFK in 1963 and RFK in 1968 only added to the paranoia. The Vietnam War, supposedly fought to prevent the Soviets from extending their Communist influence throughout Asia, added to the tension at home and abroad. The ……
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Study Document
… out of every 100 Gulf War Veterans (or 12%) have PTSD in a given year; and,
· About 15 out of every 100 Vietnam veterans (15%) were currently diagnosed with PTSD when the most recent study of them (the National Vietnam Veteran Readjustment Study)…[break]…communities and systems could be impacted and/or involved?
To its credit, the VA has long maintained a nationwide community-based network of ……
Beks, T. (2016, April). Walking on eggshells: The lived experience of partners of veterans with PTSD. The Qualitative Report, 21(4), 645-651.
Britvic, D. & Anticevic, V. (2015, May 1). Comorbidities with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among combat veterans: 15 years postwar analysis. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 15(2), 81-85.
Howley, E. K. (2019, June 28). Statistics on PTSD in veterans. US News & World Report. Retrieved from
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Vet Centers. (2019). Department of Veterans Affairs. Retrieved from https://www.
Study Document
...Vietnam Introduction
Military is an extension of culture, politics and history. As Eric Ouellet (n.d.) points out, understanding a nation’s military requires that one focus “on the organized violence of armed groups; whether this violence is actual, potential, or symbolic” (p. 30). When it comes to the U.S. and Iran, no two countries could be more different. The U.S. is a liberal, Western democracy with the world’s biggest all-volunteer military. Iran is a Middle Eastern nation that operates under a theocracy and mandates military service for its men. In the U.S., the military is something separate and distinct from civilian life—soldiers are respected and honored for their courage and sacrifice and regarded as heroes for defending the nation; but in Iran, military service is mandatory and there is no clear line between civilian life and the military life as every male civilian has to serve—and this difference between the two military……
Adams, G., & Murray, S. (Eds.). (2014). Mission creep: the militarization of US foreign policy?. Georgetown University Press.
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Chambers, J. (2003). To Raise an Army: The Draft Comes to Modern America. New York: The Free Press.
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Snow, R., & Wynn, S. T. (2018). Managing Opioid Use Disorder and Co-Occurring Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Among Veterans. Journal of psychosocial nursing and mental health services, 56(6), 36-42.
Study Document
… by Agricultural Trade Office in Sao Paulo for 2019/20 is 36.82 million bags, with every bad being equivalent to 60 kilograms. Second was Vietnam with a value of $3.3 billion, which represented 10.5 percent of the total global coffee exports. The other three top countries included Germany, … to the fifteenth century. Coffee is one of the highly traded economies amongst different markets. The major exporters of coffee comprise of Brazil, Vietnam, Colombia, Germany, as well as Switzerland. On the other hand, the major importers of the commodity comprise of the United States, France, Germany, ……
Bhupathiraju, S. N., Pan, A., Manson, J. E., Willett, W. C., van Dam, R. M., & Hu, F. B. (2014). Changes in coffee intake and subsequent risk of type 2 diabetes: three large cohorts of US men and women. Diabetologia, 57(7), 1346-1354.
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Samoggia, A., & Riedel, B. (2019). Consumers’ Perceptions of Coffee Health Benefits and Motives for Coffee Consumption and Purchasing. Nutrients, 11(3), 653.
Study Document
...Vietnam Why Ethical Egoism is a Problematic Framework for Intelligence
CI Literature Review
The aim of this examination of the literature is to fill the wide gap that remains in counterintelligence research regarding an appropriate ethical standard that can guide and foster an ethical culture, as called for by Bellaby (2012) and Valentine (2016). The purpose of this review is to identify the lessons that have been learned and presented by researchers on this topic, and to identify an appropriate theoretical framework for assessing the way forward. The research question for this study is: How can the US counterintelligence enterprise support collaboration among the various USIC members and the private sector in an ethical and productive manner? The ultimate purpose of this study is to propose a standardized ethical framework for guiding the counterintelligence program as it works to collaborate with the private sector in the 21st century. Therefore, the……
2020-2022 National Counterintelligence Strategy of the United States. 2020. Washington, DC: National Counterintelligence and Security Center
Bailey, Christopher and Susan M. Galich. 2012. “Codes of Ethics: The Intelligence Community.” International Journal of Intelligence Ethics 35 (2): 77-99.
Bernardi, Beatrice. 2013. "The Role of Intelligence in the Fight Against International Terrorism: Legal Profiles." Bachelor's thesis, Università Ca'Foscari Venezia.
Carson, Thomas L. 2010. Lying and Deception: Theory and Practice. Oxford University Press.
Cohen, Shlomo. 2016. "Are There Moral Limits to Military Deception?." Philosophia 44 (4): 1305-1318.
Coyne, John, Peter Bell, and Shannon Merrington. 2013. "Exploring ethics in intelligence and the role of leadership." Interntional Journal of Business and Commerce 2 (10): 27-37.
Erskine, Toni. 2004. "'As Rays of Light to the Human Soul'? Moral Agents and Intelligence Gathering." Intelligence & National Security 19 (2): 359-381.
Godson, Roy, and James J. Wirtz. 2000. "Strategic denial and deception." International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence 13 (4): 424-437.
Study Document
...Vietnam Morality of Counterintelligence Ethical Implications and the Need for a Theoretical Framework
CI Literature Review
Deception is at the core of counterintelligence: yet, it is a problematic core because of the corruption associated with deception in ethical systems. Mattox (2002), for example, observed that the practice of deception “is subject to limitations imposed by the demands of morality” (4). Unfortunately, morality within the realm of counterintelligence is often the first casualty, as history shows (Valentine 2016). The official beginnings of counterintelligence under the leadership of James Jesus Angleton have illustrated the extent to which the art of deception can create problems within the intelligence community (Morley 2017, 69). Within this community itself there is no standard ethical framework applied (Bailey and Galich 2012, 77). In counterintelligence, there is even less emphasis on ethical cohesion; as Valentine (2016) has revealed, the history of US counterintelligence is fraught with conflicts of interest,……
2020-2022 National Counterintelligence Strategy of the United States. 2020. Washington, DC: National Counterintelligence and Security Center
Bailey, Christopher and Susan M. Galich. 2012. “Codes of Ethics: The Intelligence Community.” International Journal of Intelligence Ethics 35 (2): 77-99.
Bernardi, Beatrice. 2013. \\\\\\"The Role of Intelligence in the Fight Against International Terrorism: Legal Profiles.\\\\\\" Bachelor\\\\\\'s thesis, Università Ca\\\\\\'Foscari Venezia.
Carson, Thomas L. 2010. Lying and Deception: Theory and Practice. Oxford University Press.
Erskine, Toni. 2004. \\\\\\"\\\\\\'As Rays of Light to the Human Soul\\\\\\'? Moral Agents and Intelligence Gathering.\\\\\\" Intelligence & National Security 19 (2): 359-381.
Godson, Roy, and James J. Wirtz. 2000. \\\\\\"Strategic denial and deception.\\\\\\" International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence 13 (4): 424-437.
Horkheimer, Max. 1972. Critical Theory. New York: Seabury Press.
Intelligence and National Security Alliance. 2020. Counterintelligence for the 21st Century. Arlington, VA.
Study Document
...Vietnam Counterintelligence Thesis Proposal
This proposal describes the need for an ethical standard in counterintelligence. It discusses how an analysis of the formation of the counterintelligence program under Angleton can provide insight into what went wrong with counterintelligence and how those problems can be prevented in the future. It uses a combination of conflict theory, structural functionalism and critical theory to explore the dimensions of counterintelligence in the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s. The research design is qualitative with the case study approach to Angleton’s counterintelligence serving as the method. The aim of the research is to provide an ethical framework that could be used to help the counterintelligence enterprise collaborate more effectively with the private sector in the future.
Intelligence and counterintelligence operations have always been a part of the American Republic (Federation of American Scientists 1996). General Washington was aware of the threat of foreign espionage and the……
Reference List
Bailey, Christopher and Susan M. Galich. “Codes of Ethics: The Intelligence Community.” International Journal of Intelligence Ethics 35.2 (2012), 77-99.
Bartos, C. and P. Wehr. 2002. Using conflict theory. UK: University of Cambridge.
Bellaby, Ross. "What's the Harm? The Ethics of Intelligence Collection." Intelligence and National Security 27, no. 1 (2012): 93-117.
Church Committee. “Final report of the Select committee to study governmental operations With respect to Intelligence activities United states senate Together with Additional, supplemental, and separate Views.”, 1976.
Coyne, John, Peter Bell, and Shannon Merrington. "Exploring ethics in intelligence and the role of leadership." Interntional Journal of Business and Commerce 2, no. 10 (2013): 27-37.
Erskine, Toni. "'As Rays of Light to the Human Soul'? Moral Agents and Intelligence Gathering." Intelligence & National Security 19, no. 2 (2004): 359-381.
Nakashima, Ellen. “Top counterintelligence official challenges the private sector to step up defenses against foreign spying.” Washington Post, 2020.
Study Document
… against oppression and standing up for the flag recalls to mind the tension that erupted among American citizens over how to protest the Vietnam War—with some veterans even feeling conflicted about where to stand on the issue. When it comes to race and ethnicity in the US ……
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