Teacher Essays (Examples)


Study Document Study Document

School Uniforms

Pages: 5 (1474 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Essay Document #:15058485

...Teacher School uniform policies have been enforced in many schools over the past few decades. These policies are enforced based on school administrators beliefs that students are ready to learn when they arrive dressed for success (Adams, 2007). However, school uniform policies have become controversial in relation to their potential benefits and impact on student achievement. On one hand, school uniforms are said to impact school safety and academic success through establishing a positive, beneficial learning environment. On the other hand, student achievement is viewed as a construct influenced by various factors including behavioral issues and class attendance/participation rather than how a student dresses. While school uniform policies have become relatively controversial in the recent past, many schools have established dress codes that guide acceptable and unacceptable dress attires in the learning environment. This study examines the benefits of school uniforms on student learning and whether establishing such policies would lessen……



Adams, B.J. (2007, May 2). The Effectiveness of School Uniforms on Students’ Academic Achievement and Overall Classroom Behavior. Retrieved from Rowan University website:  https://rdw.rowan.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1769&context=etd 

Creswell, J.W. (2014). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods approaches (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications Inc.

DeMitchell, T.A. (2015, December 15). Does Wearing a School Uniform Improve Student Behavior? Retrieved October 19, 2019, from  http://theconversation.com/does-wearing-a-school-uniform-improve-student-behavior-51553 

Ordway, D. (2018, April 20). School Uniforms: Do They Really Improve Student Achievement, Behavior? Retrieved October 19, 2019, from  https://journalistsresource.org/studies/society/education/school-uniforms-research-achievement/ 

Sanchez, J. (2013, April 23). College of Education Researchers Conduct Study on Impacts of School Uniform. Retrieved from University of Nevada, Reno website:  https://www.unr.edu/nevada-today/news/2013/school-uniform-study 


Study Document Study Document

Should High School Students Get Jobs

Pages: 1 (372 words) Sources: 2 Document Type:Essay Document #:45901948

...Teacher Working While Attending School
The benefits of working while attending high school are that it gives the student the opportunity to take on additional responsibilities, gain some experience in the real world, interact with new people, and learn a skill or trade that could potentially be useful at a later stage in one’s life. One can obtain interpersonal communication skills, develop a list of items to put on a resume, learn what it means to have a work ethic, learn how to manage money, and learn how to manage time (Hintze).
The drawbacks of working while attending high school are that it means one will have less time to spend on studies, reading assignments, and doing homework. If one factors in social time and the need to be with friends, the window of opportunity for actually focusing on school work in the after school hours closes substantially. Those who work……


Works Cited

Hintze, Renae. “Should My Teen Work During High School?” Student Tutor,  https://student-tutor.com/blog/should-my-teen-work-during-high-school/ 

Walden University. “Should Students Hold Jobs While in High School?” Walden University, https://www.waldenu.edu/online-doctoral-programs/doctor-of-education/resource/pros-and-cons-of-working-a-job-in-high-school



Study Document Study Document

Hardest Part Of Being A Student

Pages: 1 (360 words) Document Type:Essay Document #:27597570

...Teacher The hardest part of being a student now is the pressure that comes with knowing that this is it. It is like approaching the high dive at the swimming pool. Being a student is like walking the edge of the pool and climbing up the ladder to the diving board. The water is the real world where all you lessons that you have learned in the pool about how to swim, breathe, float and so on, are now going to be put to the test—in a real way. As a student you sometimes forget about this fact because you are so immersed in your studies. You forget to look up over the edge of the book and see that the real world is waiting to see what you are made of. You know that before long you will have to prove yourself by taking flight from the high dive and……


Study Document Study Document

Decision Making And Student Affairs

Pages: 6 (1910 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:Case Study Document #:42118685

...Teacher Introduction
One of the primary goals of every educational institution is to ensure a positive development in the lives, mentality, and intellectual capacity of its students. This goes beyond just academic rigour and extends to the incorporation of extra-curricular activities, infrastructure, and other such elements that foster a conducive, friendly, and supportive environment for an excellent learning experience (Commodore, Gasman, Conrad, & Nguyen, 2018. pp.1-2). While the academic affairs unit of an educational institution is responsible for the design and execution of curricular activities, the student affairs units have a better idea of the most effective extra-curricular activities and programmes that can enhance the learning experience of students: student affairs units usually consist of student development professionals, and they also work with organizations focused around that goal (Terri, 2013, p. 139). Considering the impact of these two units and their individual responsibilities, as regards the student learning and development experience……



Blake, J. H. (2007). The crucial role of student affairs professionals in the learning process. New Directions for Student Services, 2007(117), 65–72. doi:10.1002/ss.234. Retrieved from:  https://sci-hub.tw/https://doi.org/10.1002/ss.234 

Commodore, F., Gasman, M., Conrad, C., & Nguyen, T.-H. (2018). Coming Together: A Case Study of Collaboration Between Student Affairs and Faculty at Norfolk State University. Frontiers in Education, 3. doi:10.3389/feduc.2018.00039. Retrieved from:  https://sci-hub.tw/https://doi.org/10.3389/feduc.2018.00039 

Kaslow, N. J., Garcia-Williams, A., Moffitt, L. B., McLeod, M., Zesiger, H., Ammirati, R., Berg, J.P., & McIntosh, B. J (2012). Building and Maintaining an Effective Campus-Wide Coalition for Suicide Prevention, Journal of College Student Psychotherapy, (26)121–139. DOI: 10.1080/87568225.2012.659160. Retrieved from:  https://sci-hub.tw/https://doi.org/10.1080/87568225.2012.659160 

Rohli, R.V., Keppler, K.J., & Winkler, D.L. (2013). Academic Development of First-Year Living-Learning Program Students before and after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita of 2005. Learning Communities Research and Practice, 1(3), 1-16. Retrieved from:  https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1112658.pdf 

Spanierman, L. B., Soble, J. R., Mayfield, J. B., Neville, H. A., Aber, M., Khuri, L., & De La Rosa, B. (2013). Living Learning Communities and Students’ Sense of Community and Belonging. Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice, 50(3), 308–325. doi:10.1515/jsarp-2013-0022. Retrieved from:  https://sci-hub.tw/https://doi.org/10.1515/jsarp-2013-0022 

Terri, F. B. (2013). Utilizing student affairs professionals to enhance student and faculty experiences and mitigate risk in short-term, faculty-led study abroad programs. Journal of International Education in Business, 6(2), 136-147. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/JIEB-05-2013-0019 . Retrieved from:  https://sci-hub.tw/10.1108/JIEB-05-2013-0019 


Study Document Study Document

Students With Anxiety Disorder And Leadership In Education

Pages: 1 (382 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Essay Document #:84922097

… on education leadership and its specific impact on helping students with anxiety disorder, and also to provide educators with evidence-based options for training teachers and administrators to implement specific interventions and assessments to improve measurable student social and academic performance outcomes.
Research Questions
· Does transformational leadership … to implement specific interventions and assessments to improve measurable student social and academic performance outcomes.
Research Questions
· Does transformational leadership styles among teachers and educators increase student awareness of and access to resources for addressing or mitigating the effects of anxiety disorder?
· How can administrators ……


Study Document Study Document

Learning Goals Real Life Experience And Personal Experience

Pages: 10 (3023 words) Document Type:Essay Document #:36646335

...Teacher Summary/synthesis of what I learned
The goal of the probation program is to help offenders to change for the better and to maintain that change. The probation program also works to ensure communities remain safe even while offenders are given a chance to re-integrate. The mission of probation is to ensure public safety through motivating offenders to change and to lead lives that are free of crime. The mission is achieved via the re-integration of offenders back into their communities, monitoring the offenders, supervising and controlling the offenders, and ensuring the offenders are re-entering in positive and safe environments where they can stay crime-free.
Offenders are usually monitored in various ways to ensure they are living crime-free lives and that they are truly reformed. Some of the ways include getting their telephone and mobile contacts for communication, visiting them at home, carrying out urine screens, referring them to substance abuse……

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