Study Document
...Police department Weapons of Mass Destruction
An electro-magnetic pulse (EMP) attack could crash the American economy and bring virtually every industry to a standstill—such is the reliance of modern business upon the digital infrastructure. Thus, considering an EMP attack is something that government should take very seriously. As more and more of the world becomes dependent upon cyber infrastructure for the maintenance of other systems, the complexity of the security services of a country grows and intensifies. Is it possible therefore that there is an overreliance upon technology and that this overreliance can actually compromise a country’s progress and increase its risk of falling into ruin should a sudden attack like an EMP attack hit where it hurts most? Absolutely—and both state and non-state actors know that, which is why either one could conduct a high altitude EMP attack upon the US. The consequences would be devastating.
Non-state actors are just……
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… partner will collaborate to ensure the accountability of gang members targeted.
Evaluation for success: The model will be evaluated for success based on police apprehension and violent criminal history within the area where it is implemented.
Successful model initiative implementation ought to decrease levels of overall youth ……
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… shooting rips families apart and tears the family and community fabric. There's often a second devastating effect that results from the violence. The police frequently have to stop members of the colored community on the streets and run inspections. The outcome is that the community becomes suspicious … community on the streets and run inspections. The outcome is that the community becomes suspicious of the law enforcement authorities. Indeed, any government department, including but not limited to the police, are under thorough scrutiny regarding the treatment of people of color. There are calls for reforms in the justice system owing to the ……
Armstrong, M., & Carlson, J. (2019). Speaking of trauma: The race talk, the gun violence talk, and the racialization of gun trauma. Palgrave Communications, 5(112).
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… of a project or policy (Rubinstein, 2015). At the state or local level, it means having the power to decide what projects or police to pursue and what not to pursue based on what the will of one’s constituents appears to be (Schwager, 1999). Thus, for each … to make decisions that will ultimately impact states and local jurisdictions in meaningful ways. One of these ways is through HUD, the U.S. department of Housing and Urban Development. HUD can impact states and local jurisdictions in terms of what kind of housing development projects are implemented … development projects are implemented and where, if the latter wish to obtain federal dollars for funding. The same goes with public education. The department of Education can set standards that public schools must meet if they wish to received federal aid to keep their operations running, to ……
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Study Document
… needed to answer the research question. The population from whom the data was gathered was only made up of followers/ subordinates from the department of Justice. The data was gathered through interviewing the subordinates. The questions for the interviews were designed to find out what the subordinates … find out what the subordinates wanted from their leaders in times of crisis. A total of 3 followers working in the United States department of Justice participated in the study. The three included two Sheriff Deputies and a Marshall. The principal investigator conducted the interviews by sending … interview data gathered was then coded to eliminate identifying information and then analyzed via thematic analysis.
Table 1. Interviewees
Interviewee code
Region/department of work
Int – 1
Sheriff Officer
Int – 2
Sheriff Officer
Brevard County
Int – 3
U.S. … of work
Int – 1……
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Study Document
...Police department Introduction
The most significant terrorist attack on American soil was the September 11 attacks by Al Qaeda terrorists. The attacks changed the perception that America cannot suffer such attacks, considering how far away it is from where terrorist organizations such as Al Qaeda are based. The attacks also initiated America’s war against terrorism, which continues to date. Before the September 11 attacks, Americans had never experienced a large scale terrorist incident within their country’s borders. Moreover, most local and state security agencies had no experience with such attacks and were, therefore, very ill-prepared to respond to them. The only historic attacks or incidents that compare to the September 11 attacks were the airplane hijackings of the seventies and the eighties. The fact that Americans were not prepared and for the attacks and never expected such attacks to happen on their soil resulted in many people being very surprised and mentally……
Chanley, V. (2002). Trust in Government in the Aftermath of 9/11: Determinants and Consequences. Political Psychology, 23(3), 469-483. Retrieved May 11, 2020, from
Dugulin, R., & Niglia, A. (2015, May 17). The private sector in the protection of critical infrastructure - GRI. Global Risk Insights.
Gramlich, J. (2018, September 11). Since 9/11, Americans have seen anti-terrorism policy as a top priority. Pew Research Center.
Morgan, D. (2019). Homeland Security Research and Development: Homeland Security Issues in the 116th Congress. Current Politics and Economics of the United States, Canada, and Mexico, 21(1), 43-46.
Moteff, J., Copeland, C., & Fischer, J. (2003, January). Critical infrastructures: What makes an infrastructure critical?. Library of Congress Washington DC Congressional Research Service.
Study Document
… (Micheletti). The focus on active learning and the Socratic Method is what high schools need now more than ever. Considering that the U.S. department of Education has found that every 26 seconds a student drops out of high school for a total of 7,000 students per day … help answer them. The idea that the teacher is there only to stick to the standardized curriculum pushed on schools by the U.S. department of Education is ludicrous. The U.S. department of Education is not in the actual classroom dealing with actual real life students who want to know about everything—why girls are the … in the real world, whether marijuana really is a gateway drug, why people get married, whether college is actually worth it. The U.S. department of Education thinks of kids in high school as like little passive robots waiting to be programmed—and the schools at the local……
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Study Document
...Police department Section I
Provide a list of people you believe should be interviewed for this investigation and how they relate to the investigation. What information could they possibly supply?
For this investigation, there will be need to interrogate a number of persons. In so doing, I would be concerned with two key aspects that relate to the investigation: work-related aspects and aspects not related to the workplace. With regard to work-related aspects, I would be seeking to interview those who have closely worked with Mr. John Belcamp, i.e. his workmates and other organizational employees. These would be inclusive of his superiors (Ms. Carol McPherson, Mr. Harold Newman, Mr. John Belcamp, and Ms. Evelyn Bass), his subordinates, those at the same job level, and staff performing various key organizational roles (such as security personnel). This would essentially be a fact-finding undertaking aimed at determining whether there is indeed any possibility of violation……
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… has run in the past throughout other parts of the world. To what end these operations entail is not always publicly known nor department known. That is the problem with the existence of governmental silos: silos conceal cultures, which have their own plans and processes that may … and processes that may not align with other plans and operations in other parts of the organization. Covert operations are covert from other department as well.
All of this should signal a high degree of frustration, and undoubtedly it can be seen for being just that. The ……
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