Study Document
The 8th Amendment and Prison Life
Not all of an individual’s constitutional rights are lost the moment the person is incarcerated. On the contrary, it is there that they become more important than ever because … maintain a degree of authenticity and transparency so that society can be assured that prisoners are treated humanely and in accordance with their constitutional rights. At the same time the correctional system has to take issues such as security, effective administration, and cultural sensitivity. This paper will … making sure that no minorities are marginalized because of their differences, such as homosexuals or Hispanics and so on.
Within the perspective of constitutional rights and administrative balance, cultural sensitivity is important because it shows prisoners a humane treatment that they should get to experience if they ……
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Oaks, D. H. (1965). Habeas corpus in the states: 1776-1865. The University of Chicago Law Review, 32(2), 243-288.
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Study Document
Developing Ethical Leaders in law Enforcement
At any point in time but especially during periods of social and political unrest, American citizens look to law enforcement authorities to provide them with the informed guidance and support they need to navigate their ways through these challenging times successfully. It … them with the informed guidance and support they need to navigate their ways through these challenging times successfully. It is therefore incumbent upon law enforcement agencies at every level to create an organizational culture that places a high priority of ethical policing practices and to develop ethical … provide a review of the relevant literature to explicate the importance of ethical leadership and to identify strategies for developing ethical leaders in law enforcement today. A summary of the research and key findings concerning these issues are presented in the paper’s conclusion.
Review and Discussion
Importance … of the research and key……
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Study Document
Private Security and the law
Private security operatives are held liable for their actions based on existing federal and state law. Potential liability for these operatives occur when attempting to stop or arrest criminals or when carrying out their daily operations. The most common … upheld by the Court of Appeals on the premise that security guards were state actors subjected to the restrictions of the Fourth Amendment (law, 2010). With regards to vicarious liability for the torts of another,…[break]…their employees. The company could be found vicarious liable on the premise that ……
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Wakefield, J. (2018, April 19). As Alberta’s Private Security Industry Surges, What Happens When Guards Behave Badly? Edmonton Journal. Retrieved March 24, 2019, from
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Study Document
Education law Policy and Social Justice Mother Tongue Instruction
The population of students receiving their instruction in another language apart from their mother tongue is … model its approach to mother tongue instruction. These include, but they are not limited to South Africa. In South Africa, there is a constitutional mandate that requires learners to be instructed in the language of their choosing. However, it would be worth noting that the implementation of ……
Awopetu, A.V. (2016). Impact of Mother Tongue on Children’s Learning Abilities in Early Childhood Classroom. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 23, 58-63.
Busse, V., Cenoz, J., Dalmann, N. & Rogge, F. (2019). Addressing Linguistic Diversity in the Language Classroom in a Resource?Oriented Way: An Intervention Study with Primary School Children. Language Learning.
Bingol, A.S. (2012). Mother tongue instruction policies towards Turkish migrant children in Europe. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 70, 1016-1023.
Mcmahon, T., Griese, E.R. & Kenyon, D.B. (2019). Cultivating Native American scientists: An application of an Indigenous model to an undergraduate research experience. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 14, 77-110.
Ozfidan, B. (2017). Right of Knowing and Using Mother Tongue: A Mixed Method Study. English Language Teaching; 10(12), 15-23.
Peyton, J.K. (2015). Language of Instruction: Research Findings and Program and Instructional Implications. Reconsidering Development, 4(1), 71-79.
Philips, J.S. (2015). The rights of indigenous peoples under international law. Global Bioethics, 26(2), 75-82.
Sahin, I. (2018). A look at mother tongue education in the context of the right to education. Educational Research and Reviews, 13(9), 343-353.
Study Document
… be a horrible violation of human and civil liberties.
With that said, we are tasked not only with assessing the spirit of the law but also the letter of the law, even though it has been said that the letter kills but the spirit gives life. The letter of the law exists to set the parameters for the spirit—not to be twisted by linguists and law whose livelihoods depends upon their ability to reinterpret and re-imagine new meanings for words. The law is a thing to be respected, and yet everywhere it appears it has been gravely abused with fear and hysteria serving as the … expression that changes meaning from one Amendment to the next but rather…[break]…the obvious since the media is not doing its job and the law are not doing their job. The hysteria must be brought to heel and it must be brought to heel……
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Study Document
...Constitutional law Persuasion is the cornerstone of advertising. Using the classic rhetorical devices of pathos, ethos, and logos, advertisers create emotionally powerful campaigns designed to change the ways consumers—or voters—think, act, and feel. The goal of advertising is ultimately behavioral change. With public service announcements like those for gun control, advertisers use the same principles used to market goods and services. As with commercial product advertising, public service announcements are created to invoke a cognitive and emotional response, to change social norms, and to induce meaningful and lasting behavioral change. One print advertisement by the organization Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America demonstrates the deft implementation of pathos, ethos, and logos in a striking visual campaign.
In one Moms Demand Action ad, for example, two school children—both girls—sit cross-legged on the floor of their school library. An American flag is clearly visible in the background. The girl on the left……
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“Gun Control PSAs By Moms Demand Action Are Striking And Powerful.” HuffPost. April 15, 2013.
Study Document
… impactful.
The disadvantage of private administration is that it typically lacks transparency and only reveals to the public what it is required by law to reveal—which can be very little in many cases. Unless the private company goes public, for example, it is not bound to release … the federal government with the ability to “make front-line decisions about the scope of federal policy and whether such policy should preempt state law” (Rubenstein, 2015, p. 171). In other words, the federal government gets to lay out a plan or argument for why or whether its … a plan or argument for why or whether its will can trump the will or authority of the state. It can look at constitutional law for guidance but in the end the fact remains that it is in the power of the federal government to make decisions that … Constitution and so it……
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Study Document
… Africa of health care has come about as a result of investment, development, and political stability (Ratcliffe, 2013). The relationship among cultural traditions, law of society, and the symbolic boundaries have served to create the structural meanings behind formal institutions; the expressive dimension, communicative properties and interaction … Westernized models of development.
As such, Africa has its mythological leaders and figures, as Prempeh (2007) points out, noting that “the assault on constitutional was spearheaded by Africa's larger-than-life founding fathers, leaders like Osagyefo (Victorious Warrior) Kwame Nkrumah (Ghana), Mwalimu (The Teacher) Julius Nyerere (Tanzania), le Grand Silly (Elephant) Sékou Touré (Guinea), Ngwazi (Great Lion) … by Africa's larger-than-life founding fathers, leaders like Osagyefo (Victorious Warrior) Kwame Nkrumah (Ghana), Mwalimu (The Teacher) Julius Nyerere (Tanzania), le Grand Silly (Elephant) Sékou Touré (Guinea), Ngwazi (Great Lion) Kamuzu Banda (law), and Mzee (Esteemed Elder) Jomo Kenyatta (Kenya)” (p. 472). These leaders’ mythologies were established, moreover, by nationalist movements—not necessarily by a yearning growing ……
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Study Document
… purposes related to covert operations. COINTELPRO showed the extent to which intelligence agencies will infiltrate radical organizations in the US, without regard for constitutional law. To imagine that sort of thing no longer goes on today would seem to me to be more than a bit naïve. This ……
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Study Document
Re-Assessing the Effectiveness of the Country’s Gun law
America’s Gun law Are they Effective
Signed into law on the 22nd of Oct, 1968, the Gun Control Act of 1968 is largely considered to be the very first significant attempt at … significant attempt at controlling not only interstate firearms commerce, but also firearm ownership. Prior to this particular legislation, there had been other gun-control law passed. These included but they were not limited to the National Firearms Act of 1934 and the Federal Firearms Act of 1938. These … passed. These included but they were not limited to the National Firearms Act of 1934 and the Federal Firearms Act of 1938. These law did not, however, sufficiently put in place a mechanism for the effective regulation of firearm owners and the firearm industry. However, with the … in our nation’s politics. Thanks to an escalation in mass shooting incidences,……
Ausman, J.I. & Faria, M.A. (2019). Is Gun Control Really About People Control? Surgical Neurology International, 10(6), 195-204.
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