Philosophy Essays (Examples)


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How Does Philosophy Relate To Biblical Studies

Pages: 9 (2773 words) Sources: 13 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:60991740

Historically, Biblical theology and philosophy had so many things in common and thus complemented each other. Philosophers and theologians even considered themselves mortal enemies in certain cases. Most … complemented each other. Philosophers and theologians even considered themselves mortal enemies in certain cases. Most Christianity doctrines have critical implications or pre-suppositions on philosophy. The discussion begins with the relationship between philosophy and Christianity. It then defined Biblical Theology based on three Christian doctrines that influence philosophy. They include the trinity, the atonement and the incarnation. The paper excludes other doctrines such as those about God’s attributes and providence because … Christ’s Real Presence in the Eucharist and the origin of sin, the three doctrines have long been discussed and used in relation to philosophy over many decades ago (Amanze, 2012).
The debate on Christian traditions and the relationship between philosophy and Biblical theology continues to rage. An influential apologist……



Addinall, P. (1991). Philosophy and biblical interpretation: A study in nineteenth-century conflict. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Amanze, N. (2012). Biblical Studies, Theology, Religion and Philosophy: An Introduction for African Universities.

Carson, D. A. (2012). Christ and culture revisited. Grand Rapids, MI ; Cambridge: Eerdmans.

DeWeese, G. J. (2011). Doing Philosophy as a Christian. Westmont: InterVarsity Press.

Hamilton, J. M. (2010). God\\'s glory in salvation through judgment: A biblical theology. Wheaton, Ill: Crossway.

Hamilton, J. M. (2014). What is biblical theology?: A guide to the Bible\\'s story, symbolism, and patterns.

In Bartholomew, C. G. (2011). \\"Behind\\" the text: History and Biblical Interpretation.

Johnson, D. (2014). Biblical knowing: A scriptural epistemology of error. Havertown: James Clarke & Co.


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Army Leadership Philosophies

Pages: 3 (1020 words) Sources: 2 Document Type:Essay Document #:60758137

What is Army Leadership
Leadership philosophy is one of the most important things an Army leader can bring to a unit because it is the intellectual foundation upon which … Army leader can bring to a unit because it is the intellectual foundation upon which all action is based. A leader without a philosophy of leadership is like a house built on sand: the first wave that comes along will exhaust it and quickly a succession of … on sand: the first wave that comes along will exhaust it and quickly a succession of waves will reduce it to nothing. Leadership philosophy on the other hand is like a castle built on rock: no wave can wear it down, no assault can penetrate it. As … aware of beauty for it humanizes and makes us appreciate what we have and why we have to fight to keep it.
My philosophy……



ADRP 6-0. (2012). Mission command. Headquarters, Department of the Army.

Santas, G. (1980). The form of the Good in Plato\\'s Republic. Philosophical Inquiry, 2(1), 374-403.


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Aristotle Chapter In Book Reality

Pages: 5 (1508 words) Sources: 1 Document Type:Essay Document #:49351208

… Plato, his teacher. Considered “the greatest mind of antiquity,” Aristotle was the most significant intellectual authority when it came to the sciences and philosophy. The chapter attempts at logically ascertaining the answer to the question of what is real, in the end, outlining the defining traits of ……



Levenson, C. A., & Westphal, J. (Eds.). (1994). “Aristotle “Reality is individuals,” from the categories and from the metaphysics,” in Reality. Hackett Publishing.


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Acting Right Or Wrong Way Moral Choices

Pages: 3 (783 words) Sources: 3 Document Type:Essay Document #:26148521

… as good as the understanding of the prevailing conditions. Also, indeed, we can not entirely comprehend the prevailing conditions. Down the ages of philosophy, philosophers have continually questioned whether we have full understanding and knowledge of the external world. In recent times, the question has been whether ……



Jin, D. (2016). The Limits of the Knowledge Generation Systems. In The Great Knowledge Transcendence (pp. 69-82). Palgrave Macmillan, New York.

Overberg, K. R. (2018). Conscience in conflict: how to make moral choices. Wipf and Stock Publishers.

Wheeler?Bell, Q. (2019). An Immanent Critique of Critical Pedagogy. Educational Theory, 69(3), 265-281.


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Theories And Free Will

Pages: 2 (680 words) Document Type:Essay Document #:25852191

… idea of the tabula rasa eliminates the idea of the transcendental—the one, the good and the true—that were at the heart of Plato’s philosophy. Plato argued that the soul had these ideals imprinted upon it from the beginning, as a result of the soul’s having passed before ……



Plato. (2010). The Dialouges, vol. 1. Online Library of Liberty. Retrieved from


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Marcus Aurelius

Pages: 6 (1658 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Essay Document #:97621087

… and His Stoicism with Rousseau s Libertinism
Marcus Aurelius: What Has Been Lost
Natural law ethics were articulated by Aristotle in classical Greek philosophy and have been a mainstay of Western philosophy ever since, being discussed by Roman philosophers, early Church Fathers and Scholastics in the Middle Ages. It was not until the Reformation and … life. Divided into 12 books, Meditations is as much a reflection on the Emperor’s own life as it is a meditation on stoic philosophy—the Hellenistic school of thought founded by Zeno in Athens some four hundred years prior. Stoicism, which Marcus Aurelius promotes in Meditations, was based … later Scholastics (Strange). It was only with the arrival of the materialistic, liberal and revolutionary Age of Enlightenment that a new kind of philosophy rooted in libertinism began to take hold of modern society. This paper will show what has been lost in today’s world……


Works Cited

Anderson, Ryan. “Sex Reassignment Doesn’t Work. Here Is the Evidence.” Heritage, 2018. 

Aurelius, Marcus. Book One. Meditations. 

Aurelius, Marcus. Book Two. Meditations. 

Laux, J. Church History. New York: Benziger Brothers, 1933.

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. Emile.

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. The Social Contract.

Strange, Steven (ed). Stoicism: Traditions and Transformations. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2004.


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Theism And The Moral Argument

Pages: 11 (3193 words) Sources: 3 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:32872904

...Philosophy Introduction
The moral argument consists of four components—moral facts, moral knowledge, moral transformation and moral rationality. As Baggett and Walls point out, the most pertinent moral facts are concerned with moral duties and values, particularly what is known as intrinsic human value.[footnoteRef:2] The question raised, of course, is where does intrinsic human value come from if not from God? Nature itself seems incapable of instilling in the human shell this universal sense of value. This is a particular fact that has to be dealt with in order to understand why the moral argument is necessarily a theistic argument, which is what this paper will argue. Moral knowledge, transformation and rationality all support the argument as well. Moral knowledge itself is a sense of the universality of morality—the the absolute validity of the platitudes of Practical Reason, as Baggett and Walls define it.[footnoteRef:3] Moral transformation refers to what Evans identifies as……



Baggett, David and Jerry Walls. God and Cosmos. Oxford University Press, 2016.

Baggett, David and Jerry Walls. Good God: The Theistic Foundations of Morality. Oxford University Press, 2011.

Evans, Stephen. God and Moral Obligation. Oxford University Press, 2013.


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Holistic Care And Nursing How To Care For The Whole Person

Pages: 6 (1655 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Essay Document #:84476580

Personal Philosophy of Nursing
Having a personal philosophy of nursing is important because it provides the nurse with an understanding of the framework that will be applied in the nurse’s own … caring for patients. Personal understanding is the bedrock of growth and development. So it is appropriate to stop and consider how one’s own philosophy of nursing aligns with one’s view of the nursing metaparadigm. This paper will identify the factors that have influenced my development of my … aligns with one’s view of the nursing metaparadigm. This paper will identify the factors that have influenced my development of my personal nursing philosophy. It will also discuss my thoughts regarding the nursing metaparadigm. Finally, it will examine the nursing theory that is most compatible with my … will also discuss my thoughts regarding the nursing metaparadigm. Finally, it will examine the nursing theory that is most compatible with……



Erickson, H. L. (2007). Philosophy and theory of holism. Nursing Clinics of North America, 42(2), 139-163.

Faust C. (2002). Orlando's deliberative nursing process theory: a practice application in an extended care facility. Journal of Gerontology Nursing, 28(7), 14-8.

Frank, L., Engelke, P., & Schmid, T. (2003). Health and community design: The impact of the built environment on physical activity. Island Press.

McCormack, L., Thomas, V., Lewis, M. A., & Rudd, R. (2017). Improving low health literacy and patient engagement: a social ecological approach. Patient education and counseling, 100(1), 8-13.

Rajabpour, S., & Rayyani, M. (2019). The relationship between Iranian patients’ perception of holistic care and satisfaction with nursing care. BMC nursing, 18(1), 1-7.


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How Educational Leaders Make Good Citizens

Pages: 6 (1816 words) Sources: 9 Document Type:Essay Document #:44966938

A Personal Philosophy of Education
In sum, I believe the long-range impact that educational leadership should have on stakeholders and on the community includes providing … parents in their children’s education and lobbying policymakers for additional classroom educators. The purpose of this paper is to explicate my personal leadership philosophy as it applies to education as well as a discussion concerning the rationale in support of this philosophy.
My personal philosophy of leadership is that educational leaders can play a vitally important role in providing students with the critical thinking skills required in the … to determine how well young learners acquire skills and knowledge.
The purpose of this paper is to provide a description of my personal philosophy of educational leadership with respect to the need to help all students achieve the full potential, including developing the critical thinking skills that … increasingly available……



Black’s Law Dictionary. (1990). St. Paul, MN: West Publishing Company.

Blakesley, S. (2011, July). Defining educational leadership in Canada\\'s Yukon Territory: \\"Hmmm, that\\'s a good question ...\\" Canadian Journal of Education, 34(1), 4-7.

Bowser, A. & Hux, A. (2014, September). The roles of site-based mentors in educational leadership programs. College Student Journal, 48(3), 468-471.

Chan, T. C. (2014, March). Educational leadership: The research agenda. New Waves, 17(1), 1-4.

Cushman, K. (2009, December). Subjects, or citizens? High school students talk about investing in their schools: If we want to know what students think, Ms. Cushman suggests that we ask them. Phi Delta Kappan, 87(4), 316.

Demirci, F. & Ozyurek, C. (2017, December). The effects of using concept cartoons in astronomy subjects on critical thinking skills among seventh grade students. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 10(2), 243.

Erstad, W. (2018, January 22). Six critical thinking skills you need to master now. Rasmussen College. Retrieved from .

Litvinov, A. (2017, March 16). Forgotten purpose: Civics education in public schools. NEA Today. Retrieved from .


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Sexual Behavior And Sexual Morality

Pages: 5 (1605 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Essay Document #:69548980

… deemed to be generating affection and gratitude, which further deepens the relationship of these individuals, satisfying their desires and needs (Soble). Nagel's Secular philosophy is based upon analyzing what makes human beings different from animals in understanding sexual morality to understand its uniqueness (Soble). It analyzes the … aware of each other's bodily presence, also providing analogies for pervert sexual arousals where it is encountered by only one person (Soble). This philosophy neither provides nor states the rights and wrongs, but through meta-ethics, analysis understands the deep foundations of sexual human behaviors (Soble). However, it … many other theories that pose a challenge to the optimist view, which doesn't necessarily mean that the optimist view is not a reasonable philosophy for sexual morality. Sexual morality, as understood by the optimist view, is a morally just and pursuable act that provides maximum……



Goldman, A. H. (2019, February 12). Why Sexual Morality Doesn\\\\\\'t Exist. iai News.

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Halwani, R. (2018, October 19). Sex and Sexuality. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Haqiqatjou, D. (2005, September 17). Ashley Madison and the Problem of Liberal Sexual Ethics. Public Discourse.

McCord, G. S. (2012, January 26). Metaethics. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Primoratz, I. (2001). Sexual Morality: Is Consent Enough? Ethical Theory and Moral Practise.

Primoratz, I. (2013, February 01). Sexual Morality. Wiley Online Library.

Soble, A. (n.d.). Philosophy of Sexuality. Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

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