Nursing Shortage Essays (Examples)


Study Document Study Document

Current Issue In Nursing Nursing Shortage

Pages: 6 (1864 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:72215355

Current Issue in nursing: nursing shortage
nursing quality and adequate staffing are intertwined. Adequate levels of nurses, lower nurse to patient ratios, and also more highly trained nurses are associated … lower-cost and superior patient outcomes, to hire more nurses as healthcare staffing makes up as much as 40% of all intuitional operating costs (“nursing shortage,” 2019).
The attempt to cut costs by reducing staff levels reflects an unfortunately misguided view of the value of the nursing profession. It also reflects a misguided view of an aging patient population which increasingly consists of patients with multiple chronic conditions, many of … aging patient population which increasingly consists of patients with multiple chronic conditions, many of which must be managed with long-term care and guidance. nursing has gained respect a profession within the healthcare industry as a whole, as more nurses are performing functions once filled by physicians, but … loads……



ANA health care economist Peter McMenamin on the nursing shortage outlook. (2019). Nursing

World. Retrieved from: safety/rnjobmkt_peterminterview_final_030713.pdf

Bond, D. (2017). Will BSN students consider a future nursing faculty role? Nursing Education Perspectives, 38(1):9–17.

Botha, E., Gwin, & Purpora, C. (2015). The effectiveness of mindfulness based programs in reducing stress experienced by nurses in adult hospital settings: a systematic review of quantitative evidence protocol. JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports, 13(10):21–29. Retrieved from: 

Crawford, C. (2019). Addition of Advanced Practice Registered Nurses to the trauma team: An integrated systematic review of literature. Journal of Trauma Nursing. 26(3):141–146,

Gillespie, G. L., Grubb, P. L., Brown, K., Boesch, M. C., & Ulrich, D. (2017). ‘Nurses eat their young:’ A novel bullying educational program for student nurses. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 7(7), 11–21. doi:10.5430/jnep.v7n7P11

Haddad, L.M., Toney-Butler, T.J. (2019). Nursing shortage. StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing. Retrieved from: 

Nurse staffing crisis. (2019). Nursing World. Retrieved from:


Study Document Study Document

Shortages Of Health Care Providers

Pages: 7 (2037 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Essay Document #:32789324

Informatics Telehealth and the Health Care shortage
Snavely (2016) shows that the looming nursing shortage is due to hit America hard in the coming years, and that shortage is now evident more than ever with the arrival of the novel coronavirus in America—especially in hard hit areas like New York City, … coronavirus in America—especially in hard hit areas like New York City, where the hospitals are being overrun by patients infected by the virus. shortage of health care providers is a major concern in the US, especially since the US is meant to be a world leader among … millions out of work and shuttering businesses right and left—potentially for good. If economic woes persist for the remainder of the year, the shortage of health care providers could grow considerably, as Snavely (2016) intimates, which will only worsen the problem with the current pandemic that realistically … considerably, as……



Clemmer, T. P. (1995). The role of medical informatics in telemedicine. Journal of Medical Systems, 19(1), 47-58.

Demiris, G. (2003). Integration of telemedicine in graduate medical informatics education. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 10(4), 310-314.

Foster, M., & Sethares, K. (2017). Current strategies to implement informatics into the nursing curriculum: an integrative review. J Nurs Inform, 21(3).

Haddad, L. M., & Toney-Butler, T. J. (2019). Nursing shortage. In StatPearls [Internet]. StatPearls Publishing.

Hasbrouck, L. (2016). Strengthening local health department informatics capacity through advocacy, education, and workforce development. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 22(Suppl 6), S3.

IOM. (2010). The future of nursing. Retrieved from " target="_blank" REL="NOFOLLOW">


Study Document Study Document

Evolving Practice Of Nursing And Patient Care Delivery Models

Pages: 5 (1436 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Essay Document #:47408299

The Institute of Medicine (IOM) in its Future of nursing report stated that there is a need for nurses to be able to practice to the full extent and scope of their education … as they were intended to be. If this indeed comes about in Oklahoma and in other states across the country, the practice of nursing will grow and change. Continuity of care, accountable care organizations (ACOs), medical homes and nurse-managed health clinics—all of these will be impacted.
By … Continuity of care, accountable care organizations (ACOs), medical homes and nurse-managed health clinics—all of these will be impacted.
By growing the field of nursing, continuity of care will be improved as it will ensure that nurses are more coordinated less over-burdened: they will be able to engage … was not really clued in to any of them. She wanted to know a bit more about what was……



American Nurses Association. (2010). New care delivery models in health system reform: Opportunities for nurses and their patients. Kansas City, MO: Author.

IOM. (2010). The future of nursing. Retrieved from " target="_blank" REL="NOFOLLOW">


Study Document Study Document

Healthcare Provider Shortage

Pages: 9 (2590 words) Sources: 7 Document Type:Research Proposal Document #:93189886

Executive Summary
The healthcare sector in the United States is facing shortage of healthcare providers, particularly in rural settings. One of the most affected areas in the country is rural Maryland, especially Allegany County, which … rural Maryland, especially Allegany County, which has been selected as the location for this project. The proposed plan seeks to help lessen the shortage of healthcare providers in the county using MedChi, an organization that provides public health resources in Maryland. MedChi could help address the problem … and outside the county’s health sector including policymakers. These partnerships should focus on identifying necessary resources for implementation of the proposed solution.
Provider shortage Proposal
shortage of providers in healthcare is a major issue facing this industry at a time when patient populations have continued to increase globally. The … of providers in healthcare is a major issue facing this industry at a time when patient……



Antonelli, A.F. (2019, May 14). Does America Have a Physician Shortage – or Are Our Doctors ‘Just Bad at Managing Time’? Retrieved August 5, 2019, 

Daly, R. (2018, May 22). Healthcare Workforce Shortage Worsening: Senators. Retrieved August 5, 2019, from 

Desmon, S. (2019, March 1). Doctors in Short Supply in Rural Maryland. Baltimore Sun. Retrieved August 5, 2019, from 

Heath, S. (2019, July 11). What Clinician Recruitment Tactics Say About the Physician Shortage. Retrieved August 5, 2019, from

Merritt Hawkins. (2019). 2019 Review of Physician and Advanced Practitioner Recruiting Incentives. Retrieved August 5, 2019, from 

Western Maryland Health System and Allegany County Health Department. (2011, November). Allegany County Community Health Needs Assessment. Retrieved August 5, 2019, from

Wolford, H.B. (2018, May 28). Allegany County Sees Shortage of Health Care Workers. Time News. Retrieved August 5, 2019, from


Study Document Study Document

Developing Organizational Practices And Policies

Pages: 5 (1643 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:Essay Document #:58513458

… wage of employees as a motivation and retention strategy. This is despite the latter move being equally important in the light of nurse shortage being experienced across the nation.
Littlejohn, Campbell, Collins-McNeil, and Khayile (2012) point out that the shortage of nurses is a global concern. In the words of Cherry and Jacob (2018), to a large extent, “the nursing profession continues to face shortage due to lack of potential educators, high turnover, and inequitable distribution of the workforce” (79). Amongst the reasons highlighted above, the only factor that … NY: CRC Press.
Barlow, J. (2016). Managing Innovation in Healthcare. Hackensack, NJ: World Scientific Publishing Company.
Cherry, B. & Jacob, S.R. (2018). Contemporary nursing: Issues, Trends, & Management (8th ed.). St Louis, MO: Elsevier Health.
Jones, C.B. & Gates, M. (2007). The Costs and Benefits of Nurse … C.B. & Gates, M. (2007). The Costs and Benefits of Nurse Turnover:……



Agah, A. (Ed.). (2013). Medical Applications of Artificial Intelligence. New York, NY: CRC Press.

Barlow, J. (2016). Managing Innovation in Healthcare. Hackensack, NJ: World Scientific Publishing Company.

Cherry, B. & Jacob, S.R. (2018). Contemporary Nursing: Issues, Trends, & Management (8th ed.). St Louis, MO: Elsevier Health.

Jones, C.B. & Gates, M. (2007). The Costs and Benefits of Nurse Turnover: A Business Case for Nurse Retention. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 12(3).

Littlejohn, L., Campbell, J., Collins-McNeil, J. & Khayile, T. (2012). Nursing Shortage: A Comparative Analysis. International Journal of Nursing, 1(1), 22-27.

Kruse, C.S. & Beane, A. (2018). Health Information Technology Continues to Show Positive Effect on Medical Outcomes: Systematic Review. J Med Internet Res, 20(2).


Study Document Study Document

Clinical Informatics

Pages: 11 (3264 words) Sources: 12 Document Type:Essay Document #:78574553

… people recreate to how they work. This is no less true in the field of health care, where clinical informatics is reshaping the nursing workplace environment, how patient data is recorded and shared, and how health care is delivered. This paper will discuss clinical informatics concepts emerging … to clinical informatics, how the law figures into this issue with respect to HIPAA, privacy/confidentiality and security issues; and how patient safety, the nursing role and electronic medical records are impacted.
Clinical Informatics Concepts in the 21st Century
Controlling the flow of information to promote efficiency, security, … for continuity of care, which necessarily depends upon continuity of information (Kleib & Nagle, 2018).
Database Systems and Analytics and Their Impact on nursing Research
Database systems require that nurses understand the concept of analytics as well. nursing research is no different from any other kind of research in which analysis is involved.……



Cho, O. M., Kim, H., Lee, Y. W., & Cho, I. (2016). Clinical alarms in intensive care units: Perceived obstacles of alarm management and alarm fatigue in nurses. Healthcare informatics research, 22(1), 46-53.

Effken, J., Weaver, C., Cochran, K., Androwich, I., & O’Brien, A. (2016). Toward a central repository for sharing nursing informatics’ best practices. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 34(6), 245-246.

Elsayed, W. A., Hussein, F. M., & Othman, W. N. (2017). Relation between nursing informatics competency and nurses’ attitude toward evidence-based practice among qualified nurses at Mansoura Oncology Center. International Journal of Nursing Didactics, 7(6), 26-33.

Drolet, B. C., Marwaha, J. S., Hyatt, B., Blazar, P. E., & Lifchez, S. D. (2017). Electronic communication of protected health information: privacy, security, and HIPAA compliance. The Journal of hand surgery, 42(6), 411-416.

Haupeltshofer, A., Egerer, V., & Seeling, S. (2020). Promoting health literacy: What potential does nursing informatics offer to support older adults in the use of technology? A scoping review. Health Informatics Journal, 1460458220933417.

Kharbanda, E. O., Asche, S. E., Sinaiko, A. R., Ekstrom, H. L., Nordin, J. D., Sherwood, N. E., & O’Connor, P. (2018). Clinical decision support for recognition and management of hypertension: a randomized trial. Pediatrics, 141(2).

Khezri, H., & Abdekhoda, M. (2019). Assessing nurses’ informatics competency and identifying its related factors. Journal of Research in Nursing, 24(7), 529-538.

Kleib, M., & Nagle, L. (2018). Factors associated with Canadian nurses\\\\\\\\\\\\' informatics competency. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 36(8), 406-415.


Study Document Study Document

Staffing For Nurses In Hospitals

Pages: 12 (3617 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Term Paper Document #:39252116

… that can address a lot of problems in health care and improve community health.
The policy on staffing ratios is relevant to nursing because it can be a solution to the problem of low quality care (Fowler & Comeaux, 2017) and it can be a way … hospitals that have to increase staffing to meet the mandatory ratio (Reiter, Harless, Pink & Mark, 2012). These are the direct costs of nursing, which make up 30% of hospital costs (Reiter et al., 2012). Twigg, Myers, Duffield, Giles and Evans (2015).point out that increased staffing with … bill to make staffing ratios mandatory is needed. The reason for this is simple: access to health care has to be improved, and nursing shortage are a big obstacle to access to care. Obliging hospitals to meet staffing ratios would solve that problem and help to make America ……



ANA. (2019). Nurse staffing. Retrieved from 

Dousay, T., Childers, B., Cole, M., Hill, T., & Rogers, C. (2016). Lower Nurse-to-Patient Ratio: Higher Patient Satisfaction. Retrieved from 

Fowler, D., & Comeaux, Y. (2017). The legislative role in nurse staffing ratios. MedSurg Nursing, 26(2), 12-14.

Laschinger, H. K. S., & Fida, R. (2015). Linking nurses’ perceptions of patient care quality to job satisfaction: the role of authentic leadership and empowering professional practice environments. Journal of Nursing Administration, 45(5), 276-283.

Martin, C. J. (2015). The effects of nurse staffing on quality of care. MedSurg Nursing, 24(2), S4-S4.

Reiter, K. L., Harless, D. W., Pink, G. H., & Mark, B. A. (2012). Minimum Nurse Staffing Legislation and the Financial Performance of C alifornia Hospitals. Health Services Research, 47(3pt1), 1030-1050.

Rondeau, K. V., & Wagar, T. H. (2016). Human resource management practices and nursing turnover. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 6(10), 101.

Twigg, D. E., Myers, H., Duffield, C., Giles, M., & Evans, G. (2015). Is there an economic case for investing in nursing care–what does the literature tell us?. Journal of advanced nursing, 71(5), 975-990.


Study Document Study Document

Hepatitis B Virus Infection

Pages: 5 (1453 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Essay Document #:69592273

...Nursing shortage Hepatitis B
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is a major public health problem across the globe as it contributes to nearly 1 million deaths annually. It is an infection that basically attacks the liver and has the potential to generate acute and chronic diseases. This communicable disease is mostly transmitted from mother to child during birth. Additionally, HBV is transmitted through contact with body fluids like blood. Since it is a life-threatening condition, the viral infection has received considerable attention in the healthcare sector. Healthcare professionals and other relevant stakeholders have developed various initiatives to help lessen the prevalence of this infection and mitigate its impacts worldwide. This paper analyzes this communicable disease, determinants of health relating to its development, epidemiological triad, and role of the nurse practitioner in the management of the infectious disease.
Analysis of the Communicable Disease
The World Health Organization (2019) defines hepatitis B virus as a……



American Association of Nurse Practitioners. (2019, January 28). Nurse Practitioner Role Grows to More Than 270,000. Retrieved July 23, 2020, from

Greene, K.M., Duffus, W.A., Xing, J., & King, H. (2017). Social Determinants of Health Associated with HBV Testing and Access to Care among Foreign-born Persons Residing in the United States: 2009-2012. Journal of Health Disparities Research and Practice, 10(2), 1-20.

Healthy People. (2020). Determinants of Health. Retrieved from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services website: 

Kim, H. & Kim, W.R. (2018, August 22). Epidemiology of Hepatitis B Virus Infection in the United States. Clinical Liver Disease, 12(1), 1-4.

Kim, W.R. (2012, March 1). Epidemiology of Hepatitis B in the United States. Hepatology, 49(5), S28-S34.

MacLachlan, J.H. & Cowie, B.C. (2015, May). Hepatitis B Virus Epidemiology. Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Medicine, 5(5). doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a021410

World Health Organization. (2019, July 18). Hepatitis B. Retrieved July 23, 2020, from

Zhang, Z., Wang, C., Liu, Z., Zou, G., Li, J. & Lu, M. (2019, August 13). Host Genetic Determinants of Hepatitis B Virus Infection. Frontiers in Genetics, 10(696),1-24.


Study Document Study Document

Hospital Corporation Of America HCA

Pages: 2 (654 words) Sources: 3 Document Type:Essay Document #:25519304

...Nursing shortage Hospital Corporation of America
Hospital Corporation of America (HCA) is not only one of the country’s largest hospital companies, but it also happens to be one of the most notable healthcare services providers in the country. At present, HCA manages more than 170 healthcare facilities offering a wide range of services across the nation. This for-profit organization is headquartered in Nashville, Tennessee. It is important to note that to remain relevant in the increasingly dynamic healthcare industry, organizations such as HCA ought to have the relevant strategies in place to address the various needs of citizens going forward. This text assesses the readiness of HCA to address the healthcare needs of citizens in the next decade. The paper also compares HCA to Singapore Airlines in an attempt to evaluate its readiness to tackle inherent marketplace challenges.
HCA operates outpatient healthcare facilities, psychiatric hospitals, acute care hospitals, and general……



Hospital Corporation of America - HCA (2019). Who We Are. Retrieved from 

Mincer, J. (2018). Hospital Operator HCA Spends Big to Keep Nurses on Board. Retrieved from 

Yahoo Finance (2019). HCA Healthcare, Inc. (HCA). Retrieved from 


Study Document Study Document

Organizational Situations And Interventions

Pages: 6 (1880 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Essay Document #:43843471

… was implemented in the organization to help lessen work overload and reduce working hours. Following the implementation of a flexible work schedule, appropriate nursing shifts were established. Nurses at the facility are required to carry out their responsibilities during their shifts and ensure smooth transition of work … at the facility are required to carry out their responsibilities during their shifts and ensure smooth transition of work responsibilities between them. The nursing shifts were established depending patient demands for healthcare services and other activities carried out in the acute care setting. After creating the flexible … hours, better employee engagement, and enhanced employee autonomy. However, the intervention was characterized by some disadvantages include reduced organizational productivity due to staff shortage and increased demands for patient care services. Despite reducing workplace stressors, the effectiveness of the intervention could be enhanced through some changes. First, … be enhanced through some changes.……



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Kelly, E.L., Moen, P. & Tranby, E. (2011, April). Changing Workplaces to Reduce Work-Family Conflict: Schedule Control in a White-Collar Organization. American Sociological Review, 76(2), 265-290.

Khan, N. & Khurshid, S. (2017, February). Workplace Stress and Employee Wellbeing: Case of Health Care Staff in UAE. European Scientific Journal, 13(5), 217-226.

Korte, R.F. (2007). The Socialization of Newcomers into Organizations: Integrating Learning and Social Exchange Processes. Retrieved from Institute of Education Sciences website: 

Kossek, E.E. & Lee, K. (2017, October). Work-Family Conflict and Work-Life Conflict. Retrieved March 24, 2020, from

Njegovan, B.R. & Kostic, B. (2014). Impact of Organizational Socialization Towards Employees’ Social Adaptation. Journal of Engineering Management and Competitiveness, 4(1), 34-40.

Van Kleef, D., Steen, T. & Schott, C. (2017, October 26). Informal Socialization in Public Organizations: Exploring the Impact of Informal Socialization on Enforcement Behavior of Dutch Veterinary Inspectors. Public Administration, 97(1), 81-96.

Zhou, S., Da, S., Guo, H. & Zhang, X. (2018, April 17). Work-Family Conflict and Mental Health Among Female Employees: A Sequential Mediation Model via Negative Affect and Perceived Stress. Frontiers in Psychology, 9(544), doi:

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