Study Document
Senior leaders and Sergeant Major have to develop the leadership skills of soldiers for organizational success. human resource Support (FM 1-0) and Army Training and Leader Development outline the best approach for developing future Army leaders. Furthermore, Army Training and Leader Development describe an organizational framework for developing the next generation of Noncommissioned Officers (NCOs) based on three learning domains: Namely, self-development, operational, and institutional (United States Department of the Army, 2017). Senior leaders / Sergeant Major should also read the following publications: Theater-Level human resource Support (ATP) 1-0.2, Army Command Policy (AR) 600-20, and Legal Support to the Operational Army (FM) 1-04, and Soldier for Life – Transition … This paper will convey my strategy for developing future US Army leaders based on the above readings and my experiences from operational assignments.
human resource (HR) Support
The functions of HR support are described in Field Manual (FM) 1-0:……
United States Department of the Army. (2014). Field Manual FM 1-0 Human Resources Support April 2014. Retrieved from website:
United States Department of the Army. (2013). Field Manual FM 1-04 Legal Support to the Operational Army March 2013. Retrieved from website:
Study Document
… used to help ensure that the workplace employees have their needs met and are self-actualized individuals. The idea behind Malsow’s theory is that human motivation improves as the hierarchy of basic human needs is met. Maslow showed that people cannot be self-actualizing unless they are fulfilled in other ways. At the base of the hierarchy … unless they are fulfilled in other ways. At the base of the hierarchy of needs pyramid are the physiological needs: these include a human being’s basic need for food, water, fresh air, shelter, and clothing. After the basic physiological needs are met, one’s need for safety has … personal security, employment, cleanliness, access to health care, and security of property. Next comes the need for love and belonging, which includes a human being’s need for friendship, fellowship, social connectivity, family and intimacy. Once the need for love and belonging is fulfilled, the individual……
Bussin, M., & Christos, D. (2018). Blind hiring not as crazy as it sounds. HR Future, 2018(Sep 2018), 36-39.
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Study Document
… attribute is beneficial as it allows one to demonstrate to the employees how to perform a particular task. Coaching encourages employee learning and development, which ensures the organization has well trained and skilled employees.
Leveraging the outcomes of these two articles is the plan for overcoming ……
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Study Document
… For example, a widget factory can make widgets, and then subcontract its customer services offshore, so it does not have to divert needless resource into training and human resource development. Subcontractors can theoretically provide certain products at a lower cost and thus justify outsourcing.
On the other hand, when an organization subcontracts out … when specific areas of the supply chain are impacted by outside events, this can cause unexpected delays, and the organization has no internal resource to rectify them.
Contracting out labor-intensive aspects of a project may be necessary, if it is prohibitively expensive for the organization to perform ……
Fine, J. (2012). Six reasons why government contracting can negatively impact quality jobs and why it matters for everyone. In the Public Interest. Retrieved from: Brief-final.pdf
Study Document
Specific HR Strategy
human resource management (HRM) is an integral part of organizational operations with greater impacts on financial performance. Modern HR strategies and practices have evolved to … strategy and HR strategy. On the other hand, horizontal integration ensures HR goals are linked to individual HR policy areas.
Specific HR Strategy
human resource management (HRM) is an important part of organizational operations and has a greater impact on firm performance. human resource (HR) practices have evolved to adopt a strategic approach from its conventional focus on individual and organizational effectiveness. According to Richard & Johnson … adopt a strategic approach from its conventional focus on individual and organizational effectiveness. According to Richard & Johnson (2001), the current focus of human resource management is critical to the strategic processes of an organization as HR activities contribute to profitability rather than a cost of production. This … financial performance while……
Boon, C., Eckardt, R., Lepak, D.P. & Boselie, P. (2017, October 5). Integrating Strategic Human Capital and Strategic Human Resource Management. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 29(1), 34-67.
Boon, C., Hartog, D.N.D. & Lepak, D.P. (2019, January 14). A Systematic Review of Human Resource Management Systems and Their Measurement. Journal of Management, 45(6), 2498-2537.
Richard, O.C. & Johnson, N.B. (2001, March). Strategic Human Resource Management Effectiveness and Firm Performance. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 12(2), 299-310.
Seyyedjavadin, S.R. & Zadeh, M.H. (2009, June). HR Strategy and Its Aligning with Organizational Strategy and Human Capabilities. Iranian Journal of Management Studies, 2(2), 5-29.
Wright, P.M. (2008). Human Resource Strategy – Adapting to the Age of Globalization. Retrieved July 25, 2020, from
Study Document
… Program
Introduction & Purpose
With greater understanding of how key business objectives like employee attraction, retention and motivation contribute to overall business outcomes, human resource departments have been challenged with expanding their scope, and looking at the total rewards experiences of their companies’ employees. When the links between … and at a lower total cost to the company. Walmart can improve its total rewards program by focusing on the working environment and development opportunities, and by leveraging its bargaining power to offer superior benefits, such as with health care, or employee discounts. By doing this, it ……
Group Dentistry Now (2019) Walmart introduces first-ever health center, which includes a comprehensive dental clinic. Group Dentistry Now. Retrieved May 7, 2020 from
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Rumpel, S. & Medcof, J. (2006) Total rewards: Good fit for tech workers. Research Technology Management. Retrieved May 7, 2020 from
Study Document
… formerly known as EasyBuyMusic and the entrepreneur Chris George.
Overview of the Company
EBS Worldwide is an international full-service company that offers business development and general management consulting services for SME privately-held companies in North America. The company's mission is to help companies increase their profit margin … improve this assignment, there is a need to contact EBS Worldwide for original documents.
3. In the area of Corporate Entrepreneurship and Strategic human resource Management, two or three things that I learnt that I did not know before reading the assignment
i. The first thing, in the …
ii. With the current change in the workplace, especially with the emergence of the digital workspace, it is essential to establish a clear human resource management protocol and provide staff with practical tools to complete their work. It is evident that, for EasyBuyMusic, there was no active management … protocol and provide……
Doppelt, B., 2017. Leading change toward sustainability: A change-management guide for business, government, and civil society. Routledge.
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Shirey, M. R. (2013). Lewin\\\\\\\\\\\\'s theory of planned change as a strategic resource. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 43(2), 69-72.
Study Document
… high school guidance counselor, and I have long term goals of staring a full-service consulting group that helps underprivileged or underserved students access resource and tools for personal and professional development.
As a middle school math teacher, I started to work with students with emotional and behavioral disorders. I started working with students with … into account the students’ performance in school, personality, dreams, talents, and unique opportunities. It would be my job to investigate all of the resource available to students, including resource for special populations. I also want to help students understand themselves better, by using personality tests and not just making assumptions based on … underprivileged students who might not otherwise know what opportunities they have and how to pursue them.
Part Two
A) My path of career development started as a young child who was influenced by peers, parents, and my teachers. Since I was……
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Study Document
… with motivational support from my family and peers, I do not see these barriers as being insurmountable at all.
Leadership, Personal and Professional Development Goals
I want to be an educator. I see professorship as the ultimate goal, as it is a respected position and educators are ……
Study Document
… the level of quality of their products and services in order to gain competitive advantages. Corporations have to attain and capitalize on their resource in an efficacious manner. As a result, it is of the best interest for the corporations to improve the job performances of their … by carrying out training and education as one of the fundamental measures to increase productivity. Training and education is a significant component in human resource growth and development for enhancement of performance and organizational efficacy. In addition, training and education is a wide ranging aspect necessitated to attain most output and … performance and organizational efficacy. In addition, training and education is a wide ranging aspect necessitated to attain most output and productivity from the human assets as it is utilized to enhance or increase activity that is linked with general performance requirements of the staff and the organization … research……
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