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Re-Assessing the Effectiveness of the Country’s gun Laws
America’s gun Laws Are they Effective
Signed into law on the 22nd of Oct, 1968, the gun control Act of 1968 is largely considered to be the very first significant attempt at control not only interstate firearms commerce, but also firearm ownership. Prior to this particular legislation, there had been other gun-control laws passed. These included but they were not limited to the National Firearms Act of 1934 and the Federal Firearms Act of 1938. … with the assassination of both Martin Luther King and President J.F. Kennedy, there was a clear need for an interventionist measure in the gun politics realm. Today, gun control remains a rather divisive issue in our nation’s politics. Thanks to an escalation in mass shooting incidences, it may be time to re-assess … issue in our nation’s politics. Thanks to an escalation in mass shooting……
Ausman, J.I. & Faria, M.A. (2019). Is Gun Control Really About People Control? Surgical Neurology International, 10(6), 195-204.
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Webster, D.W. & Wintemute, G.J. (2015). Effects of Policies Designed to Keep Firearms from High-Risk Individuals. Annual Review of Public Health, 36, 21-37.
Study Document
… change the ways consumers—or voters—think, act, and feel. The goal of advertising is ultimately behavioral change. With public service announcements like those for gun control, advertisers use the same principles used to market goods and services. As with commercial product advertising, public service announcements are created to invoke … response, to change social norms, and to induce meaningful and lasting behavioral change. One print advertisement by the organization Moms Demand Action for gun Sense in America demonstrates the deft implementation of pathos, ethos, and logos in a striking visual campaign.
In one Moms Demand Action ad, … because the illustration of the title character depicts the young girl carrying in her picnic basket to Grandma’s house a bottle of wine (“gun control PSAs By Moms Demand Action Are Striking And Powerful” 1). The girl on the right holds an assault rifle. The text of the … of the organization.……
Works Cited
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Study Document
gun Violence Effect on African American Community
The African American community has faced the brunt of the criminal justice system in the aftermath … Effect on African American Community
The African American community has faced the brunt of the criminal justice system in the aftermath of gun violence. For starters, the violence takes a toll on these communities. The violence that emanates from the use of gun and other incidences of shooting rips families apart and tears the family and community fabric. There's often a second devastating effect that results … are calls for reforms in the justice system owing to the disproportionate numbers of people of color in incarceration. Also, the increase in gun violence across the populace and the states has triggered public outcry for changes in the judicial system to bolster the safety of the … judicial system to bolster the safety of the public(Urban……
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Study Document
… they represent more than half of all American homicides; but what is worse is that 87% of African American homicides are killed by gun. It is evident from these statistics that gun violence among the African American community is a real problem. This paper will provide an overview of the problem, who it affects and … to a homicide rate for African Americans of 20.44 per 100,000 (Violence Policy Center, 2020). 6,505 out of 7,442 victims were killed with gun. 17% of the killings were gang related. Nearly half of the killings were a result of an argument between the victim and the … were totally unrelated to any other crime being committed (Violence Policy Center, 2020). These statistics show a community that is being destroyed by gun violence but also by violent attitudes. This problem, moreover, is cultural.
The culture of the African American community has been hurt……
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Study Document
… system which deals with penalizing those who perpetrate criminal offenses. Among the many criminal laws of the nation is its 1994 Violent Crime control and Law Enforcement Act or, simply, crime bill. The bill’s enactment was, in a number of ways, characteristic of the tough-on-criminals bipartisan campaign … as well as court interpretation of the act through examining different aspects of the bill.
History of crime bill
The 1994 Violent Crime control and Law Enforcement Act or bill was formulated by presidential candidate for the 2020 elections, Joe Biden (a senator at that time). The … linked to monetary and territorial clashes between different gangs involved in the US drug trade (The Establishment, 2016). This served to increase gangs’ control in different localities, besides their ability of recruiting new gang members and providing for them. Between the middle of the ‘70s decade and ……
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Study Document
… result, the narrator is chained with a shackle, which Dr. Bledsoe calls…[break]…who was shot by the police. The Brotherhood is, as Ras states, control opposition meant to keep the blacks invisible and quiet. Finally, the narrator adopts a disguise, which doubles his invisibility, as he attempts to … war and I have been a traitor all my born days, a spy in the enemy’s country ever since I give up my gun back in the Reconstruction”—in the sense that by being invisible he is like his grandfather who gave up his gun during the Reconstruction Era. By giving up arms, he gave up his defense and right to be treated as a real person. To ……
Works Cited
Ellison, Ralph. Invisible Man. NY: Vintage, 1992.
Study Document
… receiving the accolades they deserve, but the artists who have made it their business have paved the way for younger women to take control over their image, music, and branding. Women have at times mimicked their male counterparts, such as through female-led gangsta rap, but even then … have a single go gold” (Morris 1). Female hip hop artists have also shown that rap and hip hop are not necessarily about gun, money, and objectifying women. Scholarly analyses of female hip hop artists reveal that even when some female rappers use these tropes in their … of irony that needs to be considered as deliberate and subversive; a means by which African American women can “search for self-identity and self-control,” (White 607). The presence of women in hip hop historically paved the way for other female artists to retain power over their bodies. … Even those artists who avoided……
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Study Document
… who rely on stereotyping to determine who is a bad guy and who is a good guy. The “bad guys” end up being gun down more frequently and their study showed that implicit bias scores could serve as a predictor of violence towards minorities by police. The ……
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Study Document
… know computer code, understand computer systems and networks, know how to navigate databases, access data storage, get past firewalls, exploit cloud computing services, control the Internet of Things and more. They
How Cybercrime Has Evolved over Time
Computers and the rise of the Internet ushered in the … developed cybercrime began to focus on committing fraud in a variety of forms, identity theft, and hacking (Schjølberg, 2017). Today, cybercriminals can take control of radar systems, hijack ships, and steal data. Common cyber crime often takes the form of enterprise crime, in which illegal activities are … The Mafia is such an organization and it may have a legitimate business front but behind the scenes it is moving drugs or gun, and during the days of Prohibition it was moving alcohol. Enterprise crime can hide behind restaurants, charitable organizations, art galleries and so on. ……
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Study Document
… privacy above all else. Although the concept lacks definitional clarity, the term “privacy” is generally used to refer to “a person's ability to control access to personal information” (Cantor, 2006). More specifically, the right of privacy is defined by Black’s Law Dictionary (1990) as “The right to … this information is being used by both the public and private sectors which in many cases is violative of their basic rights to control any information about them. Continuing innovations in technology have compounded the problem for business leaders that are faced with the need to remain ……
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