Study Document
...Great britain Comparing the U.S. Health Care System to Other Countries
The US health care system compares favorably to some other countries in terms of long-term costs but unfavorably to others in terms of quality of care. However, statistics about costs can be misleading because there are administrative costs and long-term care costs; there are also tax payer costs in countries like the UK and Japan, where health care has been nationalized. So household expenses may seem high in the US but in the UK they are also high if one takes into consideration how much they are taxed to pay for universal coverage. This paper will compare the health care systems of the US, UK, Japan, France and India to see how they well they stack up.
Coverage in the US is both private and public. The government provides coverage for individuals through Medicare and Medicaid if they meet an……
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Study Document
… (CIA, 2019). Poland has a completed electrical grid with 100% coverage and a generating capacity of 38.11 KW (CIA, 2019). They import a great portion of electricity than they export (CIA,…[break]…the Baltic Sea (U.S. Department of State, 2019).
Poland is considered to be an important partner with ……
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Study Document
...Great britain Evaluating a Counterterrorism Strategy
One of the problems with the “war on terror” as first conceived in the wake of 9/11 was that it lacked objectivity and realism (Taddeo, 2010). The mission calculus was unclear, the operation involved lacking in all the variables of iSTART (ideology, strategy, tactics, accounting/financing, recruitment, targets). What was the aim of the counterterrorism operation in Afghanistan? Numerous negative consequences of the mission followed: the liberation of the poppy fields and the spike in the heroin trade around the world that decimated communities, including American ones back home (Felbab-Brown, 2017); the rise of the Islamic State throughout the Middle East (Barton, 2016); two trillion dollars in costs in addition to the loss of 2,400 US soldiers and the deaths of nearly 40,000 Afghani civilians (Almukhtar & Nordland, 2019). Because the US lacked an adequate iSTART framework going into its counterterrorism operation in Afghanistan, the result……
Almukhtar, S. & Nordland, R. (2019). What Did the U.S. Get for $2 Trillion in Afghanistan? Retrieved from
Barno, D. (2007). The Other War: Counterinsurgency Strategy in Afghanistan 2003– 20. Military Review, 87(5), 32–44.
Barton, G. (2016). Out of the ashes of Afghanistan and Iraq: the rise and rise of Islamic State. Retrieved from
Felbab-Brown, V. (2017). Afghanistan’s opium production is through the roof—why Washington shouldn’t overreact. Retrieved from
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Hitz, F. P. (1999). Obscuring Propriety: The CIA and Drugs. International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence, 12(4), 448-462.
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Kiras, J. D. (2002). Terrorism and Irregular Warfare, in John Baylis, James Wirtz, Eliot Cohen and Colin Gray eds., Strategy in the Contemporary World (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002), 208–232.
Study Document
...Great britain Keywords: corona virus, coronavirus, covid, covid-19
The novel Coronavirus COVID-19 appeared in China in 2019, quickly having a much more serious impact than prior evolutions of the coronavirus. As it began to spread from Wuhan, the district in China where it originated, to other parts of China and to other countries, the world began to realize that the local epidemic could become a pandemic. Efforts to contain the spread were varied and had mixed results, but Coronavirus eventually hit the United States and began to spread locally. In this article, we describe what Coronavirus is, what COVID-19 is, where it originated, where it has spread, transmission rates, mortality, and efforts to contain the spread of the disease. Because this is a constantly evolving situation, this article should be used in conjunction with developing news to fully understand the issue.
Almost everyone in the United States is aware that……
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): Key Facts.” CDC. 12 March 2020. . Accessed 16 March 2020.
Newey, S. and Gulland, A. “What Is Coronavirus, How Did It Start and Could the Outbreak Grow Bigger?” The Telegraph. 16 March 2020. . Accessed 16 March 2020.
U.S. Food and Drug Administration. “Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) Frequently Asked Questions.” FDA. 2020. . Accessed 16 March 2020.
World Health Organization. “Coronavirus.” WHO. 2020. . Accessed 16 March 2020.
Study Document
...Great britain Overview
The electric vehicle (EV) market has received a considerable boost in recent years thanks in no small part to the rise of Tesla and its Model 3. However, while Tesla is basically a luxury EV manufacturer and most other automakers in the business are approaching the EV design with a tendency towards luxury over affordability, the idea behind this venture is to provide a cheap, high-quality EV to consumers that is practical, appealing, and safe. Considering that internal combustion engine (ICE) cars have reached a plateau in terms of how much further advanced they can get, and the EVs from Tesla, VW, Porsche and other firms are all going after the luxury consumer market, there is room for an innovate EV idea that will transform the entire industry just as the first car transformed the horse and buggy industry. This idea aims to be disruptive. The product will be……
Andwari, A.M., Pesiridis, A., Rajoo, S., Martinez-Botas, R. and Esfahanian, V., 2017. A review of Battery Electric Vehicle technology and readiness levels. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 78, pp.414-430.
Angerer, M., Brem, A., Kraus, S. and Peter, A., 2017. Start-up funding via equity crowdfunding in Germany: A qualitative analysis of success factors. The Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance (JEF), 19(1), pp.1-34.
Baron, R.A. and Tang, J., 2011. The role of entrepreneurs in firm-level innovation: Joint effects of positive affect, creativity, and environmental dynamism. Journal of Business Venturing, 26(1), pp.49-60.
Car, 2019. Best EVs 2019. Retrieved from
Crum, R. 2018. Elon Musk says Tesla nearly died during Model 3 production ramp. Retrieved from
Ewing, J. 2017. What Needs to Happen Before Electric Cars Take Over the World. Retrieved from
Fuentelsaz, L., Maicas, J.P. and Montero, J., 2018. Entrepreneurs and innovation: The contingent role of institutional factors. International Small Business Journal, 36(6), pp.686-711.
Inman, P., 2019. Is a global recession imminent? Retrieved from
Study Document
...Great britain Counterintelligence Thesis Proposal
This proposal describes the need for an ethical standard in counterintelligence. It discusses how an analysis of the formation of the counterintelligence program under Angleton can provide insight into what went wrong with counterintelligence and how those problems can be prevented in the future. It uses a combination of conflict theory, structural functionalism and critical theory to explore the dimensions of counterintelligence in the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s. The research design is qualitative with the case study approach to Angleton’s counterintelligence serving as the method. The aim of the research is to provide an ethical framework that could be used to help the counterintelligence enterprise collaborate more effectively with the private sector in the future.
Intelligence and counterintelligence operations have always been a part of the American Republic (Federation of American Scientists 1996). General Washington was aware of the threat of foreign espionage and the……
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Coyne, John, Peter Bell, and Shannon Merrington. "Exploring ethics in intelligence and the role of leadership." Interntional Journal of Business and Commerce 2, no. 10 (2013): 27-37.
Erskine, Toni. "'As Rays of Light to the Human Soul'? Moral Agents and Intelligence Gathering." Intelligence & National Security 19, no. 2 (2004): 359-381.
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Study Document
From France to Italy to Spain to Hungary and on, a rising tide of nationalism has exalted several independence movements and garnered a great deal of support for populists who are fed up with EU policies that they see as prohibitive, punitive, and dangerous for their own … has officially taken steps to leave the EU, it leaves the Union more unstable than when it entered in. There is now a great deal of uncertainty about whether the EU can assuage the nationalist wave spreading across the Europe. With each nation now thinking of its … for other countries to follow. These trends are not positive developments for the EU and with the global economy wavering there is a great deal of downside risk. How can the EU weather the coming social, political, and economic storm that is gathering overhead?
The reality is ……
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Study Document
… and regions included the building of railroads to increase connectivity between various important towns and regions; the significant development witnessed in the border great Lakes region and the Civil War. The main exports of the Canadian colonies included coal, livestock, meat, flour, and grain (Gerriets & Gwyn, … Gwyn, 1996).
History of Canada-US relations around the treaty
The call for a reciprocity treaty began in earnest in the year 1848 after britain repealed the Corn Laws. The Corn Laws were protectionist laws that imposed high duties on corn imports into great britain and its territories. The repeal of Corn Laws was the first step britain took towards free trade. It was what made the United States try and reach an agreement with the country over fishing rights off … reach an agreement with the country over fishing rights off the Canadian colonies. The United States was desperate to reach……
Ankli, R. E. (1971). The reciprocity treaty of 1854. The Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d\\\\\\\\\\\\'Economique, 4(1), 1-20.
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Study Document
...Great britain International Acquisition
EU or not EU?
On the question of whether to expand into the European Union or not, there are a few different considerations for an American firm. While the EU has a fairly complex regulatory environment that could prove challenging, the decision as to where to expand internationally still has to be more of a market-based decision. That means looking at an ROI or net present value type of calculation, weighing the cost of entering the market against the size of the market opportunity. That calculation might show that the EU is the best choice for international expansion, or it might not.
There is a lot of information available about expanding into Europe, so at least the decision to enter the EU market or not can be made with a fairly robust set of information guiding it. Each of the 28 member nations publishes material for exporters, and……
CE Intelligence. (2019) EU – market entry strategies. CE Retrieved December 5, 2019 from
Chapman, K. & Edmond, H. (2010) Mergers/acquisitions and restructuring in the EU chemical industry: Patterns and implications. Regional Studies. Vol. 34 (8) 753-767
Conyon, M., Girma, S., Thompson, S. & Wright, P. (2003) The productivity and wage effects of foreign acquisitions in the United Kingdom. The Journal of Industrial Economics. Vol. 50 (1) 85-102. (2019) English proficiency index. Retrieved December 5, 2019 from (2019) European Union – market entry strategy. Retrieved December 5, 2019 from
Girma, S. (2002) The process of European integration and the determinants of entry by non-EU multinationals in UK manufacturing. DOI:10.1111/1467-9957.00305
Girma, S. (2005) Technology transfer from acquisition FDI and the absorptive capacity of domestic firms: An empirical investigation. Open Economies Review. Vol. 16 (2) 175-187.
Lamson, M. (2016) 5 things you need to know before doing business in Europe. Inc. Magazine. Retrieved December 5, 2019 from
Study Document
The Impact of Royale Racing on Race Club Engineering
Royale Racing was established in 1968 by Bob King in great britain. The company produced single seater race cars until 1987 when the company closed its production facility. King had had some experience in working … its production facility. King had had some experience in working on speedway cars in New Zealand in his youth and after returning to great britain he opened a car lot, selling road cars. His father owned a motor showroom, which is where King learned to take his interest ……
Works Cited
1973 Royale RP16 Formula Ford.
“About Royale Racing.” Royale FCS Competition Services.
Brazilian Formula Ford.
Lawrence, Paul. Nowhere to Hide: The Story of Royale Racing Cars. TFM Publishing, 2001.
Royale Race Tires. “About Us.”
Ward, Ian. “Royale Racing.” The World of Automobiles, volume 17. Pennsylvania State University, 1974.
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