Early Childhood Essays (Examples)


Study Document Study Document

Role Of Parents And Students In Special Education Systems

Pages: 6 (1774 words) Sources: 10 Document Type:Essay Document #:53757847

...Early childhood IDEA LAW IEP Special Education
Since the majority of parents of disabled students struggle with navigating special education systems, advocacy training provides a means of helping parents secure the right educational service for their disabled child. In this paper, parents' need for advocates for asserting special education rights as well as advocate training in the areas of special education advocacy and legislation will be addressed. Additionally, the impacts of advocacy training for disability-linked special education will be discussed.
Parental engagement in child education is a raging topic these last twenty-five years. Before the 80s, school-family partnerships were not the norm but an exception. But ever since, a growing research pool indicates that parental engagement positively influences both child learning and academic performance. The subject of parental engagement is accorded, even greater focus when it comes to special education. Before the 80s, several parents depended on professionals to receive……


Works Cited

Arnini, Sarah, \\\\\\"Parents as Partners: An Analysis of the Barriers to Parental Involvement in Special Education\\\\\\" (2007). Social Work Theses. 12.  http://digitalcommons.providence.edu/socialwrk_students/12 

Burke, Meghan M. \\\\\\"Improving parental involvement: Training special education advocates.\\\\\\" Journal of Disability Policy Studies 23.4 (2013): 225-234. DOI: 10.1177/1044207311424910

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Study Document Study Document

Depression And Social Media

Pages: 8 (2464 words) Sources: 13 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:12318199

...Early childhood Introduction
Loneliness is defined as “a subjective, unwelcome feeling of lack or loss of companionship. It happens when we have a mismatch between the quantity and quality of social relationships that we have, and those that we want” (Office for National Satistics).  As Horne notes, loneliness and depression play off one another. Loneliness is not necessarily isolation from people as it is the feeling of being alone (Horne). Van Winkel et al. show that loneliness often is both a predictor and symptom of depression. Depression in other words is typically an underlying current in loneliness.
In recent years there has been a significant increase in the rate of depression among young adults (National Institute of Mental Health). Twenge, Cooper, Joiner, Duffy and Binau show that over the past decade, the number of adolescents who are depressed has more than doubled. This coincides with the rise of social media and the……


Works Cited

Andreassen, Cecilie Schou, Ståle Pallesen, and Mark D. Griffiths. \\\\\\\\\\\\"The relationship between addictive use of social media, narcissism, and self-esteem: Findings from a large national survey.\\\\\\\\\\\\" Addictive behaviors 64 (2017): 287-293.

Bandura, A. “Toward a psychology of human agency: Pathways and reflections.”  Perspectives on Psychological Science 13.2 (2018): 130-136.

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Klinenberg, Eric. \\\\\\\\\\\\"Is loneliness a health epidemic?.\\\\\\\\\\\\" New York Times (2018): SR8.

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Mayo Clinic. “Depression.” MayoClinic, 2019.  https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/teen-depression/symptoms-causes/syc-20350985


Study Document Study Document

Jesse Imeson Criminal Behavior

Pages: 7 (2025 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:27881804

Background and Biographical Data
The case of Jesse Norman Imeson reveals the possible connections between childhood upbringing, childhood trauma, and psychological characteristics on criminal behavior. While childhood experiences can never be used to condone violence or criminality, understanding the correlation between these factors may help identify early warning signs or risk factors that can then be used in crime prevention strategies. The story of Jesse Imeson gripped Canada because it … in prison.
Jesse was the oldest of three children in the Imeson family. Until the first known traumatic event that occurred in Imeson’s early life, he was described by babysitters and friends as being “likeable,” “adventurous,” “happy,” and “wide-eyed...always smiling” boy who just wanted “to have fun,” … 60). Moreover, the mother’s behavior is even more important than that of the father when it comes to the internalization of trauma in childhood (Bartol & Bartol, 2016).
Therefore, since his……



Bartol, C. R., & Bartol, A, M. (2018). Criminal behavior: A psychological approach. Boston, MA: Pearson Learning Solutions.

“Jesse Imeson charged in death of Windsor man,” (2007). CTV News. Retrieved from:  https://www.ctvnews.ca/jesse-imeson-charged-in-death-of-windsor-man-1.251008 

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Study Document Study Document

Impact Of Depression In Children And Adolescents

Pages: 2 (642 words) Sources: 10 Document Type:Essay Document #:49917925

According to Son and Kirchner (2000), depression frequently goes unrecognized in children and adolescents. However, Bhatia (2019) is categorical that depression in childhood and teen years appears to have been in an upward trend in recent times. According to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent … they perceive as being responsible for their troubles.
Third, past research has also indicated that there is indeed a correlation between depression in childhood and/or during teen years and substance abuse. Indeed, “several longitudinal epidemiological studies have indicated that adolescent drug use may develop in response to … is also important to note that…[break]…On the basis of the effects of depression identified above, it is clear that there is need for early intervention. To be able to effectively address depression in children and adolescents, it is often necessary to be aware of the presenting symptoms ……



American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (2018). Depression in Children and Teens. Retrieved from  https://www.aacap.org/AACAP/Families_and_Youth/Facts_for_Families/FFF-Guide/The-Depressed-Child-004.aspx 

Bhatia, R. (2019). Childhood Depression. Retrieved from https://adaa.org/learn-from-us/from-the-experts/blog-posts/consumer/childhood-depression

Capuzzi, D. & Golden, L. (2013). Preventing Adolescent Suicide. New York, NY: Routledge.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – CDC (2020). Anxiety and Depression in Children. Retrieved from  https://www.cdc.gov/childrensmentalhealth/depression.html 

Clark, M.S., Jansen, K.L. & Cloy, A. (2012). Treatment of Childhood and Adolescent Depression. Am Fam Physician, 86(5), 442-448.

Koplewicz, H.S. & Klass, E. (Eds.). (2016). Depression in Children and Adolescents. New York, NY: Routledge.

Lee, S.W. (Ed.). (2005). Encyclopedia of School Psychology. Thousand Oaks: SAGE.

Mehler-Wex, C. & Kolch, M. (2008). Depression in Children and Adolescents. Dtsch Arztebl Int., 105(9), 149-155.


Study Document Study Document

Right Of Informed Refusal For Minors

Pages: 9 (2623 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:16932208

… drive or purchase liquor can be regarded as trivial compared to end-of-life decisions, proponents of allowing minors to make this fateful decision are early faced with some daunting arguments in opposition. Nevertheless, some health care practitioners are advocating for greater involvement of minors in their health care … regard, Katz and Webb (2016) emphasize that, “Informed consent should be seen as an essential part of health care practice; parental permission and childhood assent is an active process that engages patients, both adults and children, in their health care” (p. 30).
Rather than relying on an … along a continuum ranging from zero at birth to adult levels which may occur at any time prior to their legal age emancipation.
early, the determination as to the precise moment that minors gain adult-level competence for their health care decisions is highly subjective, and even the ……



Black’s law dictionary. (1990). St. Paul, MN: West Publishing Company.

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Katz, A. L. & Webb, S. A. (2016, August). Informed consent in decision-making in pediatric practice. Pediatrics, 138(2), 30-37.

Lemmens, C. (2009, September). End- of- life decisions and minors: do minors have the right to refuse life preserving medical treatment? A comparative study. Medical Law Review, 28(3), 479-497.

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Salsberry, P. J. (1999, January 1). Caring, virtue theory, and a foundation for nursing ethics. Scholarly Inquiry for Nursing Practice, 6(2), 155-160.

Williams, Z. (2012, October 25). Early puberty: why are kids growing up faster? The Guardian. Retrieved from  https://www.theguardian.com/society/2012/oct/25/early-puberty-growing-up-faster .


Study Document Study Document

Dementia Inevitable Or Preventable

Pages: 6 (1785 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:89668895

… when one begins being treated for hypertension in one’s middle age. Some of the interventions that Livingston et al. (2017) recommend start as early as childhood with increased levels of childhood education in order to strengthen the child’s cognitive development and abilities. The researchers also recommend exercising regularly, not smoking, and having an active … of the main keys to prevention, however, is to boost one’s resilience (Livingston et al., 2017).
Resilience can be increased through intellectual stimulation early in life and continued throughout one’s adulthood. The evidence suggests that the more engaged one’s mind is on a daily basis, the more … set of circumstances, but it is an intriguing idea to verify whether the promotion of a high level of cognitive engagement at an early age for children makes a difference on the onset of dementia in later age. It would be a study that would require……



Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (2015). Non-pharmacologic Interventions for Agitation and Aggression in Dementia. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Retrieved from http://effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov/index.cfm/search-for-guides-reviews-and-reports/?productid=1999&pageaction=displayproduct

Livingston, G., Sommerlad, A., Orgeta, V., Costafreda, S. G., Huntley, J., Ames, D., ... & Cooper, C. (2017). Dementia prevention, intervention, and care. The Lancet, 390(10113), 2673-2734.

McCleery, J., Abraham, R. P., Denton, D. A., Rutjes, A. W., Chong, L. Y., Al?Assaf, A.S., ... & Di Nisio, M. (2018). Vitamin and mineral supplementation for preventing dementia or delaying cognitive decline in people with mild cognitive impairment. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (11).

Van Baal, P. H., Hoogendoorn, M., & Fischer, A. (2016). Preventing dementia by promoting physical activity and the long-term impact on health and social care expenditures. Preventive medicine, 85, 78-83.


Study Document Study Document

Obesity And Role Of Government

Pages: 6 (1668 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Essay Document #:81197776

… about ten years ago. The government did this by launching long term programs to turn the tide against obesity as time goes by. early in the year 2010, the top medical officer in the United States, the Surgeon General, issued a report that touched on obesity. The ……



AAFP. (2010). Federal government takes bigger role in combating obesity. Retrieved from https://www.aafp.org/news/obesity/20100517fed-initiatives.html

Institute of Medicine. 2007. Progress in preventing childhood obesity: how do we measure up?. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.  https://doi.org/10.17226/11722 .

Kumanyaki, S. K., Parker, L., & Sim, L. J. (2010). Bridging the evidence gap in obesity prevention: A framework to inform decision making. Retrieved from  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK220174/ 

Mitchell, N., Catenacci, V., Wyatt, H., & Hill, J. (2011). Obesity: Overview of an epidemic. Psychiatr Clin North Am, 34(4), 717-732. DOI: 10.1016/j.psc.2011.08.005

Swinburn, B. (2008). Obesity prevention: The role of policies, laws, and regulations. Aust New Zealand Health Policy, 5(12). DOI: 10.1186/1743-8462-5-12


Study Document Study Document

Adolescent Psychosocial Assessment

Pages: 10 (2865 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Case Study Document #:54875989

… relationship with the industrious world. It also marks the start of sexual maturity. These two developments are clear markers of the end of childhood and the onset of adolescence. While they look for ways of mutually regulating themselves in light of the changes occurring on the psychosocial ……



Alexander Jr, R. (2010). The Impact of Poverty on African American Children in the Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice Systems. In Forum on Public Policy Online (Vol. 2010, No. 4). Oxford Round Table. 406 West Florida Avenue, Urbana, IL 61801.

Belgrave, F. Z., & Allison, K. W. (2009). African American psychology: From Africa to America. Los Angeles: Sage.

Brittian A. S. (2012). Understanding African American Adolescents\\\\\\' Identity Development: A Relational Developmental Systems Perspective. The Journal of black psychology, 38(2), 172–200.  https://doi.org/10.1177/0095798411414570 

Chávez, R. (2016). Psychosocial development factors associated with occupational and vocational identity between infancy and adolescence. Adolescent Research Review, 1(4), 307-327.

Crain, W. C. (2014). Theories of development: Concepts and applications. Harlow, Essex: Pearson.

Fernandes-Alcantara, A. L. (2018). Vulnerable Youth: Background and policies.Congressional Research Service

Newman, B. M., & Newman, P. R. (2015). Theories of human development. Psychology Press.

Reubins, B. M., &Reubins, M. S. (2014). Pioneers of child psychoanalysis: Influential theories and practices in healthy child development. London: Karnac.


Study Document Study Document

Angleton S Counterintelligence Program And What Went Wrong

Pages: 9 (2657 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Essay Document #:36485484

… be a challenge, however (Valentine 2016, 45). The circumstances under which counterintelligence in the US was formerly developed and pursued in its infancy, childhood, and adolescence could be said to have predicted what that program would become in its adulthood. Abuses, errors and mistakes were so rampant … successfully to later stages of development, one could potentially gain insight in understanding the policies and issues of counterintelligence today by examining the early days of the counterintelligence program as it grew through its infancy, childhood and adolescence stages of the post-war/Cold War era (Valentine 2016, 10). This study aims to see how conflict, relationships and a……


Reference List

Bailey, Christopher and Susan M. Galich. “Codes of Ethics: The Intelligence Community.” International Journal of Intelligence Ethics 35.2 (2012), 77-99.

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Study Document Study Document

Impact Of Phobias

Pages: 14 (4238 words) Sources: 12 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:96563573

… same phobia, people will be judgmental and recognize the irrational behavior.
It has been shown that most phobias will develop in late childhood and they might continue through adult life. If the individual does not seek treatment then they will continue to have the phobia. In … where interpersonal factors have interfered with treatment results. When there is a presence of more than one specific phobia it is associated with early age onset. Children and adolescents who have more than one type of phobic stimulus have been found to have higher rates of psychiatric … have more than one type of phobic stimulus have been found to have higher rates of psychiatric comorbidity.
Specific phobias that develop during childhood generally attenuate over time but some might persist into adulthood. On the other hand, specific phobias that manifest in adolescents and adults will ……



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