Critical Care Essays (Examples)


Study Document Study Document

Coronavirus And The Courts

Pages: 8 (2481 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Term Paper Document #:21023640

One of the major problems in the US and the wider world is the dissemination of news or information that is accepted critical as gospel truth because it comes from a trusted source, a trusted outlet, a trusted organization, or a professional with the right sort … deal of legitimate questions and points that are raised by professionals, doctors, scientists, researchers and people with extensive backgrounds in epidemiology and health care that are not promoted in the mainstream media because those questions and points do not provoke fear and hysteria, which are the main … protocol for putting coronavirus patients on ventilators, which have a 90% kill rate (Fox 2). One must begin to see that the coronavirus care is a manufactured crisis that has been used as a pretense to bailout corporate America and Wall Street (once again) while leaving Main … or media personalities, or the……


Works Cited

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Roe v. Wade (1973). 

Zucht v. King (1922).


Study Document Study Document

Recruitment Of Talented Employees

Pages: 4 (1315 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:52942441

… It is also noteworthy that for some professions, at least according to Keller & Meaney (2017), finding a high-level performer is even more critical, such as in the fields of care, technology, and creative occupations—in these spheres, workers are estimated as being as much as 800% productive. Knowledge-based workers drive the innovation and advancement ……



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Study Document Study Document

Developing A Research Hypothesis

Pages: 8 (2368 words) Sources: 10 Document Type:Essay Document #:36304259

… the search process, and iii. It directs the person asking to point out the problem, the intervention measure, and outcomes linked to the care extended to the patient (Eriksen & Frandsen, 2018).
The PICO framework encourages designing clinical questions based on the four categories of clinical data: ……



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Study Document Study Document

Family Business Reliance Industries Ambani Family

Pages: 8 (2546 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:16675031

… make sense from a vertical and horizontal standpoint. The company is guided by the Ambani brothers now—but the mother’s influence has been as critical as anything else in preventing the business from being ripped apart by feuding brothers with feuding visions of where to take the company. … made with the awareness that the family’s reputation is on the line and therefore each decision is made with the kind of prudent care required of successful businesses like the Reliance Industries Empire.



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Study Document Study Document

Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation Coronavirus COVID 19 In Nigeria

Pages: 2 (460 words) Document Type:Questionnaire Document #:95467089

...Critical care Q1. At present, COVID-19 has largely been a disease of the developed world. Even so, it has presented significant challenges for developed world nations such as the United States to contain its spread. What unique challenges are presented by Africa’s developing world nations in containing a disease for which there is no vaccine, and which is transmitted through social contact?
Q2. Unlike the West, Africa has already faced a relatively recent pandemic, that of Ebola. How are the challenges posed by COVID-19 similar to those posed by Ebola? How are they different? What particular precautions must be undertaken that were not necessary during the Ebola crisis, and how may existing resources be used to help fight COVID-19? What can be learned from the Ebola crisis, particularly from physicians who were there, treating patients at the time?
Q3. How is it possible to meaningfully introduce social distancing into an African context?……


Study Document Study Document


Pages: 8 (2471 words) Sources: 14 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:75344096

...Critical care Abstract
This paper describes and discusses schizophrenia. It looks at the disorder from the standpoint of history, etiology, treatment, prevention, culture and the Bible to explore its many facets. It shows that in spite of there being no known cause of the disorder, treating it is possible. It highlights the need to reduce the taboo and stigma associate with schizophrenia as a step in preventing it or at least in treating it before it worsens. It notes that from the Biblical standpoint faith can be a factor in prevention.
Keywords: schizophrenia, biblical worldview, history of schizophrenia
Schizophrenia literally means “split mind,” and the symptoms of schizophrenia have been observed throughout all history and have been treated differently in different cultures in different eras (Kinter, 2009). The DSM (2013) classifies schizophrenia as a mental disorder that causes the patient to experience hallucinations, delusions, irrational speech patterns, anti-social behavior, a loss……



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Study Document Study Document

Biblical Text And God S Character

Pages: 8 (2389 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Research Proposal Document #:46963717

… lenses of reading the Bible. This research seeks to explore how contextual biblical hermeneutics, in general, can be put in conversation with the historical-critical (original context) of the approach.
Research question
To help in meeting the study goal, this research will seek to answer the question: How … text to make sense and be useful to the reader[footnoteRef:4]. [4: Anthony C. Thiselton. Hermeneutics: an introduction. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, 2009.]
Exegesis: the critical explanation of bible scripture[footnoteRef:5]. [5: John H. Hayes, and Carl R. Holladay. Biblical exegesis: a beginner's handbook. Westminster John Knox Press, 2007.]
Liberationist theology: ……



Elliott, John E. \\\\\\"Oppression, Exploitation and Injustice in the Old Testament: The View from Liberation Theology.\\\\\\" International Journal of Social Economics, Vol. 19, No. 10/11/12 (1992): 15-52.

Hayes, John H., and Carl R. Holladay. Biblical exegesis: a beginner\\\\\\'s handbook. Westminster John Knox Press, 2007.

Klein, William W., Craig L. Blomberg, and Robert L. Hubbard Jr. Introduction to biblical interpretation. Zondervan Academic, 2017.

Pontifical Biblical Commission. The Interpretation of the Bible in the Church: Address of His Holiness Pope John Paul II and Document of the Pontifical Biblical Commission. Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 1993.

Thiselton, Anthony C. Hermeneutics: an introduction. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, 2009.

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Study Document Study Document

Ethical Issue In Public Administration

Pages: 6 (1796 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Case Study Document #:87375741

… supportive home
Honesty, transparency and fairness
Mrs. Mitchell
Mrs. Mitchell – Wife of Commissioner Richard Mitchell
Works together with her husband in taking care of foster children
Honesty, fairness and transparency
Nick Kellogg
Nick Kellogg – Director, Department of Transportation
Manages day to day activities in this … in the grand theft and ensure they are charged for their actions based on the law. Third, this action would also play a critical role in ensuring the City Council does not wrongly incriminate any of the key actors. Finally, it will prevent further losses of property ……



Academic Partnerships. (2016, May 24). The Importance of Ethics in Public Administration. Retrieved from the University of Texas Arlington website:,the%20trust%20of%20the%20community .

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Whitton, H. (2001, February). Implementing Effective Ethics Standards in Government and the Civil Service. Retrieved June 18, 2020, from 



Study Document Study Document

Foxtrot Phone Scandal

Pages: 6 (1877 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:Case Study Document #:53518196

… private sectors. These dilemmas and issues are attributable to the emergence of different situations in the work setting. Therefore, addressing these issues is critical toward promoting a suitable work environment and interactions with others. Cooper (2012) states that a decision making model is essential in addressing ethical ……



Cooper, T.L. (2012). The responsible administrator: An approach to ethics for the administrative role (6th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

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Kapstein, M. (2015). The Battle for Business Ethics: A Struggle Theory. Journal of Business Ethics, 144, 343-361.

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Singh, A.K. & Mishra, N.K. (2018). Ethical Theory & Business – A Study Based on Utilitarianism and Kantianism. International Journal of Humanities and Social Development Research, 2(1), 97-113.

Stein, C. (2019, January 25). Ethical Considerations in Public Administration. PA Times. Retrieved June 7, 2020, from 


Study Document Study Document

Resilience Theory Essay

Pages: 4 (1485 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Essay Document #:723534

… also be built through the leveraging of resources exogenous to the individual or organization. Exogenous resources may include finances, access to quality medical care, a robust social network, or social services safety nets. For adolescents, resources could also include school programs, sports, and extracurricular activities. Creative leveraging …

Resiliency theory can help psychologists, organizational behavior managers, or leaders understand why some people can endure a tremendous amount of adversity or face critical risks and still survive, succeed, or even thrive. Especially popular as a strengths-based approach in psychology, resiliency theory can help counselors and other ……



Ledesma, J. (2014). Conceptual frameworks and research models on resliience in leadership. Sage Open 4(3): 

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Shean, M. (2015). Current theories relating to resilience and young people. VicHealth. Retrieved from: 

Van Breda, A.D. (2018). A critical review of resilience theory and its relevance for social work. 

Zimmerman, M.A. (2013). Resiliency theory. Health Education Behavior 40(4)L 381-383.

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