Consumer Psychology Essays (Examples)


Study Document Study Document

Intake Information For Mental Health

Pages: 9 (2605 words) Sources: 13 Document Type: Document #:76744601

...Consumer psychology Case information and intake information
Presenting Problem:
The patient is a Caucasian female that is 29 years old. She presented the symptoms and signs of a mental health condition. Apart from having sleepless nights, she stated that she often felt sad, had crying spells almost daily, and that she was overeating. She stated that her sleeping was not right in the sense that it took her a couple of hours before finally falling a sleep. She also added that during certain nights, falling a sleep was impossible and if it happened, she would only sleep for few hours. She mentioned that she found herself thinking a lot and worrying during the time that she was awake. She said that her worries included the thoughts of her not being a good mother, and she felt as though she was a burden to her husband. She also acknowledged that she often thought……



American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders. BMC Med, 17, 133-137.

Buntrock, C., Ebert, D. D., Lehr, D., Smit, F., Riper, H., Berking, M., & Cuijpers, P. (2016). Effect of a web-based guided self-help intervention for prevention of major depression in adults with subthreshold depression: a randomized clinical trial. Jama, 315(17), 1854-1863.

Davaasambuu, S., Aira, T., Hamid, P., Wainberg, M., & Witte, S. (2017). Risk and resilience factors for depression and suicidal ideation in Mongolian college students. Mental health & prevention, 5, 33.

Gilbert, P. (2016). Depression: The evolution of powerlessness. Routledge.

Hammen, C. (2018). Risk factors for depression: An autobiographical review. Annual review of clinical psychology, 14, 1-28.

Kahneman, D. (2011). Thinking, fast and slow. Macmillan.

Khoury, B., Langer, E. J., & Pagnini, F. (2014). The DSM: mindful science or mindless power? A critical review. Frontiers in psychology, 5, 602.

MacGill, M. (2017). What is depression and what can I do about it? Medical News Today. Retrieved from


Study Document Study Document

Impact Of Depression In Children And Adolescents

Pages: 2 (642 words) Sources: 10 Document Type:Essay Document #:49917925

...Consumer psychology According to Son and Kirchner (2000), depression frequently goes unrecognized in children and adolescents. However, Bhatia (2019) is categorical that depression in childhood and teen years appears to have been in an upward trend in recent times. According to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (2018), it is not uncommon for children to have worries and fears. If these fears and worries are not addressed, they could result in depression. If depression in children and adolescents goes unaddressed, the impact could be severe. Indeed, according to Clark, Jansen, and Cloy (2012), depression could in this case have a negative impact on not only the emotional, but also the social and physical development of children and adolescents suffering from the same. Rey and Birmaher (2012) point out that depression in this age group could impact the ability to form and nurture social relationships. This is more so the case……



American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (2018). Depression in Children and Teens. Retrieved from 

Bhatia, R. (2019). Childhood Depression. Retrieved from

Capuzzi, D. & Golden, L. (2013). Preventing Adolescent Suicide. New York, NY: Routledge.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – CDC (2020). Anxiety and Depression in Children. Retrieved from 

Clark, M.S., Jansen, K.L. & Cloy, A. (2012). Treatment of Childhood and Adolescent Depression. Am Fam Physician, 86(5), 442-448.

Koplewicz, H.S. & Klass, E. (Eds.). (2016). Depression in Children and Adolescents. New York, NY: Routledge.

Lee, S.W. (Ed.). (2005). Encyclopedia of School Psychology. Thousand Oaks: SAGE.

Mehler-Wex, C. & Kolch, M. (2008). Depression in Children and Adolescents. Dtsch Arztebl Int., 105(9), 149-155.


Study Document Study Document

Organizational Situations

Pages: 6 (1663 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Essay Document #:92019167

… can be great because managers are showing the love to workers and workers will in turn pay it forward to co-workers and to consumer who…[break]…making sure that all employees are getting enough paid leave time, are using vacation time (which should be mandated) and having opportunities to ……



Cañadas-De la Fuente, G. A., Vargas, C., San Luis, C., García, I., Cañadas, G. R., &

Emilia, I. (2015). Risk factors and prevalence of burnout syndrome in the nursing profession. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 52(1), 240-249.

Meacham, W. (2017). History of industrial and organizational psychology. Retrieved from 


Study Document Study Document

Fight Club And Resiliency

Pages: 9 (2826 words) Sources: 7 Document Type:Essay Document #:28924089

… been rendered powerless by a lifetime of submission to a culture of innocuous platitudes ultimately designed to make everyone into a mindless, soulless consumer. The unnamed hero (he is christened Jack at one point) finds that in spite of society’s attempt to regulate everything, including his own … purpose, a higher calling. Their work must not be self-centered but dedicated to a higher good, a higher moral principle—liberation from the authoritarian, consumer culture of the politically correct land of the dead. Tyler is offering them life through awareness. Each week he gives them challenges that ……



Domhardt, M., Münzer, A., Fegert, J. M., & Goldbeck, L. (2015). Resilience in survivors of child sexual abuse: A systematic review of the literature. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 16(4), 476-493.

Fincher, D. (1999). Fight club. Los Angeles, CA: 20th Century Fox.

Koerner, R. (2017). Authoritarians to the Right of Me, Authoritarians to the Left. Retrieved from 

Londoner. (2017). Londoner's Diary: Fight Club's Chuck Palahniuk: "I coined 'snowflake' and I stand by it". Retrieved from 

Perkins-Gough, D. (2013). The significance of grit: A conversation with Angela Lee Duckworth. Educational Leadership, 71(1), 14-20.

Reivich, K. J., Seligman, M. E., & McBride, S. (2011). Master resilience training in the US Army. American Psychologist, 66(1), 25.

Tough, P. (2013). How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity, and the Hidden Power of Character. NY: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

Webster, D., & Rivers, N. (2018). Resisting resilience: disrupting discourses of self- efficacy. Pedagogy, Culture & Society, 1-13.


Study Document Study Document

CEOs And Presidents

Pages: 11 (3242 words) Sources: 13 Document Type:Essay Document #:96542123

… to do that is to implement a system of ethics that will prevent egos from running amok and causing problems for stakeholders and consumer. The more that leaders reflect on the importance of acting ethically the more likely they will be to succeed. Also, in a global ……



Bromley, H. R. (2007). Are you a transformational leader?. Physician Executive, 33(6), 54.

Brown, M. E., & Treviño, L. K. (2014). Do role models matter? An investigation of role modeling as an antecedent of perceived ethical leadership. Journal of Business Ethics, 122(4), 587-598.

Chamers, M.M. (2014). An Integrative Theory of Leadership (4thed.). New York, NY: Psychology Press.

De Vries, M.F.K. (1998). Charisma in action: The transformational abilities of Virgin's Richard Branson and ABB's Percy Barnevik. Organizational Dynamics, 26(3), 7-21.

Healthcare Technology Report. (2019). Alex Gorsky is the all-American CEO. Retrieved from 

Holmes, A. (2007). Ethics: Approaching moral decisions. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.

Kameda, T., Ohtsubo, Y., & Takezawa, M. (1997). Centrality in sociocognitive networks and social influence: An illustration in a group decision-making context. Journal of personality and social psychology, 73(2), 296.

Kolodny, L. (2018). Elon Musk’s extreme micromanagement has wasted time and money at Tesla, insiders say. Retrieved from


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The Transformation Of The US Into Oceania

Pages: 9 (2807 words) Sources: 7 Document Type:Essay Document #:33502677

… to privacy have become the greatest issue facing 21st century ethical leadership. Indeed, public and private sector organizations of all types routinely collect consumer’ personal information and use it in ways that are violative of the spirit if not the letter of the law, and the proliferation … that emerged in the paper’s conclusion.
Review and Discussion
Overview of threats to personal privacy
Together with freedom of speech and religion, many consumer prize their personal privacy above all else. Although the concept lacks definitional clarity, the term “privacy” is generally used to refer to “a … in a wide range of ways. For example, the introduction of electronic health care records a few years ago caused many health care consumer to question who was allowed access to their personal medical information and for what purposes. In response, the U.S. government enacted the Health … Despite some criticism from practitioners……



Black’s law dictionary. (1990). St. Paul, MN: West Publishing Company.

Cantor, M. D. (2006, Summer). No information about me without me: Technology, privacy, and home monitoring. Generations, 30(2), 49-55.

Ethical issues facing businesses. (2020). Florida Tech. Retrieved from https://www.floridatech

Haslag, C. (2018, Fall). Technology or privacy: Should you really have to choose only one? Missouri Law Review, 83(4), 1027-1033.

Karn, R. (2019). The biggest threat to data security? Humans, of course. The Privacy Advisor. Retrieved from .

Sharma, P. (2017, June). Organizational culture as a predictor of job satisfaction: The role of age and gender. Journal of Contemporary Management Issues, 22(1), 35-40.

Taslitz, A. E. (2009, Spring). The Fourth Amendment in the twenty-first century: Technology, privacy, and human emotions. Law and Contemporary Problems, 65(2), 125-131.


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Defending The Practice Of Social Media Marketing

Pages: 3 (969 words) Sources: 3 Document Type:Essay Document #:17440556

How to Use Social Media Influencers to Promote Products
Social media marketing has become an important marketing strategy for companies today, as many consumer turn to social media for information on products and for their peers’ opinions on products (Lou & Yuan, 2019). Through influencers, blogs, video-sharing … gain followers, build brand equity, and answer questions and tease coming products (Ki & Kim, 2019). Thus, companies that want to influence the consumer’s intention to purchase are looking at social media as the best way to do this (Lim, Radzol, Cheah & Wong, 2017). This paper …
Pros and Cons of Social Media Marketing
The pros of social media marketing are that it allows the company to directly connect to consumer on platforms that consumer themselves choose to use for the purpose of getting information about products and services. Companies that use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and other … concepts or……



Ki, C. W. C., & Kim, Y. K. (2019). The mechanism by which social media influencers persuade consumers: The role of consumers’ desire to mimic. Psychology & Marketing, 36(10), 905-922.

Lim, X. J., Radzol, A. M., Cheah, J., & Wong, M. W. (2017). The impact of social media influencers on purchase intention and the mediation effect of customer attitude. Asian Journal of Business Research, 7(2), 19-36.

Lou, C., & Yuan, S. (2019). Influencer marketing: how message value and credibility affect consumer trust of branded content on social media. Journal of Interactive Advertising, 19(1), 58-73.


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Social Media And Its Effects On Girls

Pages: 12 (3470 words) Sources: 3 Document Type:Essay Document #:56099073

… genders are using social media, young people in particular have embraced these communication platforms in a major way, with a majority of these consumer using social media systems on daily basis. Against this backdrop, identifying and explicating the effects of social media usage on girls has assumed … where there are more users of social media services globally than there are not (Reinberg 2019).
Furthermore, a large majority of young female consumer are already using popular social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and Facebook (Reinberg). Moreover, the competition between these major social media ……


Works Cited

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Study Document Study Document

Healthcare Scientific Merit

Pages: 11 (3267 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Paper Document #:78470537

… and reinforcing ideas through a critique and reflection of techniques already employed in the field of healthcare, by presenting the views of healthcare consumer (i.e., patients) and their informal caregivers that, despite their significance, are typically neglected. The study furthers knowledge on the subject, and more significantly, ……



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Study Document Study Document

Motivation In The Workplace

Pages: 3 (1010 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Case Study Document #:53218704

… them must be apparent. Workers who are incentivized are workers who are motivated.
Addressing Productivity
When Tesla sought to increase productivity to meet consumer demand, the company focused all its energy on meeting very specific and achievable goals. By narrowing the focus of the workplace to that ……



De Vries, M. F. K. (1998). Charisma in action: The transformational abilities of Virgin's Richard Branson and ABB's Percy Barnevik. Organizational Dynamics, 26(3), 7-21.

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Xirasagar, S. (2008). Transformational, transactional and laissez-faire leadership among physician executives. Journal of Health organization and management, 22(6), 599-613.


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