Study Document
This paper looks at the concepts of the labor market, wage growth and income inequality in the U.S. and discusses them in terms of inflation (caused by the injection of $4 trillion … that the “best economy ever”—as it is described by President Trump—should not be dependent upon a rate-cutting Fed. A good look at the labor market, wage growth and income inequality may help to explain why the president is so worried about the central bank maintaining loose monetary … ever (BBC, 2019), there are signs that this might not be true—and those signs can be seen in terms of how one interprets labor market data (unemployment vs. labor participation rate), wages vs. inflation, and income inequality. Since the Federal Reserve along with the other central banks of the world engaged in … Fed responding with a 25 basis point mid-cycle cut at the end of July, the……
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Study Document
II. Client’s Case
D. Application of the law to the Facts
Was Jennifer in breach of the confidentiality agreement that she signed committing never to disclose confidential/proprietary information she encounters in … work, she was offered a total of $125,000. Following her employ, she passed-on key Hallmark documents (and information) to RPG. Hallmark initiated a law upon its learning of the said developments. According to Peacock (2013), “the jury returned a verdict in Hallmark's favor for $860,000 - equal … termination notice, but also a severance. This the company would be doing as a demonstration of compassion and to minimize the probability of law in the future. However, at present, the company ought to defend itself against a clear breach of a confidentiality agreement.
iii. To avoid ……
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Study Document
… does indeed have significant strengths in as far as its legal claim is concerned. This is more so the case given that Jennifer law did indeed sign a confidentiality agreement whereby she made a commitment to keep any information gathered relating to the creation of Ever-Gold secret. … be prudent to note that Greene’s Jewelry position would be weak. The subsequent sections of this text not only analyze the facts and law relevant to the scenario presented, but also evaluate the various facts to be determined. Cases that support the position of Greene’s Jewelry will … various facts to be determined. Cases that support the position of Greene’s Jewelry will also be highlighted.
II. Client’s Case
A. Facts and law
Jennifer has been sued by Greene’s Jewelry for breach of the confidentiality agreement she signed. In the said confidentiality agreement, Jennifer made a … it would be prudent to……
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… tenure remains a critical component in protecting the integrity of higher education.
However, the means by which to protect academic freedom and ensure labor rights could be currently under threat. The vast majority—70%--of all faculty appointments are currently not on the tenure track at all (Curnalia & … of organizational structure (Curnalia & Mermer, 2018). Shared governance implies that…[break]…and to collective bargaining.
The Collective Bargaining Process
Integral to the exercise of labor rights, collective bargaining is a process by which administrators and faculty negotiate terms with the ideal outcome of a win-win situation. As with … and accessible in state funded educational institutions due in part to landmark legislation that seriously undermined faculty rights in the United States: National labor Relations Board (NLRB) v. Yeshiva University. This landmark case resulted in a dramatic decline in the power conferred to faculty, which were subsequently treated … abusing the right to declare……
Alleman, N.F. & Haviland, D. (2017). “I expect to be engaged as an equal”: collegiality expectations of full-time, non-tenure-track faculty members. High Educ (2017) 74: 527.
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Study Document
… the Rights of Workers, which was especially highlighted by Pope Leo in Rerum novarum and showed that employers should respect and care for labor and apply Christian principles in the workplace.[footnoteRef:2] These themes of Catholic Social Teaching are rooted in the Church’s teaching on natural. This paper … in the workplace.[footnoteRef:2] These themes of Catholic Social Teaching are rooted in the Church’s teaching on natural. This paper will show how natural law from the time of Aristotle till now has complemented the Church’s moral law and provided a framework for its own social teaching, and it will also show how the Enlightenment Era Social Contract perverted the notion … a framework for its own social teaching, and it will also show how the Enlightenment Era Social Contract perverted the notion of natural law by viewing it from a liberal and atheistic perspective. [2: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops,……
Barton, George Aaron. A critical and exegetical commentary on the book of Ecclesiastes. Vol. 17. Scribner, 1908.
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Study Document
Fair treatment of workers is a priority for any employee given that it is a right guaranteed by the Constitution and protected by labor law. Since this right is protected by the Constitution and existing federal and state law, employers face the need to establish work settings and procedures the ensure all employees are treated in a fair and equal manner. Existing … employers face the need to establish work settings and procedures the ensure all employees are treated in a fair and equal manner. Existing labor law protect employees from discrimination, unfair treatment, retaliation, and other work-related issues. For this large company, making business decisions in consideration of employment protections … ensuring fair treatment of employees. The significance of fair treatment of all employees in this large company with respect to applicable federal antidiscrimination law, federal health and safety law, and state law is discussed.
Recent Federal Legislative Protections/law……
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Study Document
1. Best practices and compliance with recruitment law
The first step towards filling the request will be to review the various H.R. best practices and compliance to minimize an employee law's risk. The review will be done on issues such as hiring, wage requirements, and employee classification. To ensure this, the H.R. department will … ensure this, the H.R. department will establish a strategy (assuming none exists at the moment) for regulatory reviewing and updating compliance procedures and labor law that are constantly changing (Breaugh, 2016). The suggested strategy is to have one of the H.R. department staff members as a "point person" … there shall be the same legal requirements for hiring. At the federal level, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) enforces the anti-discrimination law (Flynn et al., 2016). The EEOC website will be used to determine some of the critical areas that pose potential legal trouble……
Arthur, D. (2012). Recruiting, interviewing, selecting & orienting new employees. AMACOM Div American Mgmt Assn.
Avery, D. R., McKay, P. F., & Volpone, S. D. (2013). \\\\\\"Diversity staffing: Inclusive personnel recruitment and selection practices.\\\\\\" In Q. M. Roberson (Ed.), Oxford library of psychology. The Oxford handbook of diversity and work (p. 282–299). Oxford University Press.
Becker, W. J., Connolly, T., & Slaughter, J. E. (2010). The effect of job offer timing on offer acceptance, performance, and turnover. Personnel Psychology, 63(1), 223-241.
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Compton, R. L. (2009). Effective recruitment and selection practices. CCH Australia Limited.
Flynn, W. J., Mathis, R. L., Jackson, J. H., & Valentine, S. R. (2016). Healthcare human resource management, 3rd Edition. Cengage Learning, U.S.
Garner, E. (2012). Recruitment and Selection. Bookboon.
Gusdorf, M. L. (2008). Recruitment and Selection: Hiring the right person. USA: Society for Human Resource Management.
Study Document
...Labor law Purchasing and Supply Management at Best Buy Today
Headquartered in Richfield, Minnesota and founded in 1966, Best Buy Co., Inc. (hereinafter alternatively “the company” or “Best Buy”) is a leading retailer in electronics and other consumer products that competes throughout North America and Mexico today. As of early 2019, Best Buy operated nearly 1,200 large format as well as 51 small-format retail stores (Company profile, 2019). Despite its success in growing its market share in its existing market, the company is faced with the same existential threats as other major retailers, including most especially e-commerce operators such as Amazon (Wack, 2017). The purpose of this paper is to provide a review of the relevant literature to develop an informed and timely discussion and explanation concerning Best Buy’s new competitive environment and an analysis concerning how Best Buy's purchasing and supply management strategies contribute to their competitive advantage. In addition, an……
Chan, R. (2011, June 29). Best Buy. Marketing, 20.
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Mitchell, S. (2009, September-October). The big box swindle: The true cost of the mega-retailers. Multinational Monitor, 27(5), 34-39.
Ong, T. (2018, May 1). Best Buy is closing all 250 of its mobile stores in the U.S. The Verge. Retrieved from .
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Wack, K. (2017, June 29). Credit card issuers face peril from rise in store closures: American Banker, 182(124), 37-39.
Study Document
...Labor law The Wage Gap
Whether or not the wage gap exists depends entirely upon who one asks. If one is asking Christina Hoff Sommers, resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and writer for Time, she will say, no, it does not exist: “The bottom line: the 23-cent gender pay gap is simply the difference between the average earnings of all men and women working full-time.” The enduring myth that “women earn 77 cents for every dollar a man earns—for doing the same work” is based on the average earnings statistic—not on an actual analysis of a side by side comparison of pay for men and women doing the same work (Sommers). But if you ask Nikki Graf, Anna Brown and Eileen Patten, writing for Pew Research, you will research a much different answer. They argue that the pay gap is closing but that women are still behind by as much……
Works Cited
Graf, Nikki and Anna Brown, Eileen Patton. “The narrowing, but persistent, gender gap in pay.” Pew Research Center, 2019.
Sommers, Christina Hoff. “6 Feminist Myths That Will Not Die.” Time, 2016.
Wilde, Heather. “Does the Wage Gap Exist? I Was Paid 60 Percent Less Than Men in the Same Role.” Inc., 2019.
Study Document
… the timecard scandal and abuse of the agency’s shift swapping policy by workers, particularly full-time employees.
Problem Statement
The agency is facing a law from Matt Glynne, a part-time employee who was injured on the job after his claim for workman’s compensation was rejected. Glynne’s claim was … work. In addition, the employee’s benefits will not be calculated appropriately, which implies that the agency may be liable for infringement of the law.
Preliminary investigations into the issue has shown that the Unit supervisor was aware of the shift swap. Glynne had shift swapped with Jacob … to financial losses on the part of the agency should be subjected to disciplinary action in line with the agency’s policies and relevant labor law.
In conclusion, the agency is facing a law from a part-time employee whose workman’s’ compensation claim after being injured when working was denied. The claim was denied on……
Bowen, G.A. (2009). Document Analysis as a Qualitative Research Method. Qualitative Research Journal, 9(2), 27-40. DOI: 10.3316/QRJ0902027
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