Classroom Essays (Examples)


Study Document Study Document

Chicago Public School System Issues

Pages: 4 (1328 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Essay Document #:89040340

… system that should be recognized and hailed as the state’s top district. Instead, the reality is that there is no maximum limit on classroom size in the CPS system (Guerrero, 2019), and some classes can grow much larger than already woeful average student to teacher ratios. What … now. As Guerrero (2019) notes, “teachers citywide are striking for a better contract that’ll provide more nurses, social workers and a cap in classroom size in CPS.” As the third largest school district in the United States, CPS teachers should be heard loud and clear, but the ……



Blatchford, P., & Russell, A. (2019). Class size, grouping practices and classroom management. International Journal of Educational Research, 96, 154-163.

Guerrero, M. (2019). Understaffed and overcrowded: Chicago teachers on strike. Retrieved from 

Laraviere, T. (2019). Is the teachers' union demanding enough? Retrieved from 

Leone, H. (2019). Chicago Public Schools’ enrollment drops another 6,000 students, extending long downward trend. Retrieved from 

Sepeda-Miller. (2018). Is CPS the most understaffed district in Illinois? Retrieved from 


Study Document Study Document

Role Of Parents And Students In Special Education Systems

Pages: 6 (1774 words) Sources: 10 Document Type:Essay Document #:53757847

… from the high school level to subsequent levels or life after high school (Rehm et al. 7).
How to Approach IEP issue in Classrooms
Classroom educators are, at times, made members of IEP design teams. At other times, they simply receive an IEP student in their class. Either … of plan implementation. Using collaboration, a well-timed, polished-up approach to the integration of specific evaluation and instructional strategies may be accomplished within everyday classroom practice. IEP students, akin to their son-IEP counterparts, can be found in all educational settings. Though there are numerous differences between pupils, including differences … can be found in all educational settings. Though there are numerous differences between pupils, including differences in learning, an educator must perceive his/her classroom students as belonging to a diverse population. In some instances, a few pupils will require particular accommodations, which will, besides IEPs, be put … tweaking approaches if needed.……


Works Cited

Arnini, Sarah, \\\\\\"Parents as Partners: An Analysis of the Barriers to Parental Involvement in Special Education\\\\\\" (2007). Social Work Theses. 12. 

Burke, Meghan M. \\\\\\"Improving parental involvement: Training special education advocates.\\\\\\" Journal of Disability Policy Studies 23.4 (2013): 225-234. DOI: 10.1177/1044207311424910

Dameh, Bilal A., \\\\\\"The Impact of Parent Involvement Practices in Special Education Programs\\\\\\" (2015). Culminating Projects in Education Administration and Leadership. 11. 

Hornby, Garry, and Rayleen Lafaele. \\\\\\"Barriers to parental involvement in education: An explanatory model.\\\\\\" Educational review 63.1 (2011): 37-52.

Rehm, Roberta S et al. \\\\\\"Parental advocacy styles for special education students during the transition to adulthood.\\\\\\" Qualitative health research vol. 23,10 (2013): 1377-87. DOI:10.1177/1049732313505915

Sapungan, Gina Madrigal, and Ronel Mondragon Sapungan. \\\\\\"Parental involvement in child\\\\\\'s education: Importance, barriers, and benefits.\\\\\\" Asian Journal of Management Sciences & Education 3.2 (2014): 23-43.

Statewide Parent Advocacy Network. \\\\\\"Questions and Answers about IDEA: Parent Participation.\\\\\\" Center for Parent Information and Resources, 3 Jan. 2019,

Thatcher, Steven Brown, \\\\\\"Increasing Parental Involvement of Special Education Students: The Creation of Smartphone-Friendly, Web-Based Legal and Procedural Resources\\\\\\" (2012). All Graduate Plan B and other Reports. 147.


Study Document Study Document

Curriculum Review Lesson Plans

Pages: 7 (2042 words) Sources: 1 Document Type:Essay Document #:27061697

… where they will share important qualities about them. After learners will pair with a classmate and share. The educator will walk around the classroom and guide students as required.
Direct instruction
Using a digital tool, e.g., the App Popplet, the educator will model how to create a ……



Biondi, L. (2012). A Major CCSS Resource [Review of the book Common Core Literacy Lesson Plans: Ready-to-Use Resources 6-8, By Lauren Davis]. Middle web. Retrieved from 

Davis, L. (Ed.). (2013). Common Core Literacy Lesson Plans: Ready-to-Use Resources, K-5. Routledge.

Ramakrishna, A., & Sawhney, M. S. (2012). Constructivist Lesson Planning: Theory and Practice. RESEARCHERS ORGANIZATION BILASPUR (CG), 121.


Study Document Study Document

Early Childhood Education Diverse Learners Project

Pages: 6 (1793 words) Sources: 3 Document Type:Essay Document #:86067466

… 3 to 5 years). The school’s physical surrounding is specially designed to meet the needs of all children, and it has two pre-school classrooms. One classroom has 18 students (aged 4 to 5 years old), and the other one has 16 students (aged 3to 4 years old). The classes … years old), and the other one has 16 students (aged 3to 4 years old). The classes are very colorful and eye-catching. Also, the classrooms were furnished with age-appropriate furniture. Other things that were also taken care of include the easy access to books for varying reading levels, … the easy access to books for varying reading levels, positioning learning materials within reach on the shelves, and leaving enough space around the classroom to facilitate the easy movement of kids on wheelchairs. The students are of African-American ethnicity, and 95.6 percent of the students are from … properly understand the……



Avdameg. (2020). Early childhood education. Retrieved from 

Illinois Early Learning Project. (2020). 2013 Illinois early learning and development standards. Retrieved from 

Rock, A. (2020). What your child will learn in pre-school. Retrieved from 


Study Document Study Document

Arabic Language And Culture Course Middle East Culture

Pages: 9 (2626 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Project Proposal Document #:35105739

… Language Club for an authentic interactive and creative learning environment, which will create learning opportunities for the students (heritage and non-heritage) outside the classroom, helping them practice their linguistic skills in the real world while staying 80% within the Target language. (Social Distancing and mask-wearing will be … able to apply Arab courtesies appropriately.
Content and Design
Arabic Language and Culture Program introduce students to life in the Middle East through classroom discussions and face-to-face visits to Hookah Lounges and Ishtar Restaurant in Dearborn, Michigan. The course has four units: 1) Introducing self, 2) Identifying … Egypt and personal experiences in the country.
· Three hours weekly dedicated to the area of service-learning, which aims at extending learning beyond classroom settings and into real-world (community) settings. In summer 2007, students collaborated with a couple of non-governmental organizations in Cairo’s Mokattam area, one which … and society. Students will visit……



Center for Arabic Study Abroad (Casa). (2012). USED Grant Proposal, 2008-2012. Cairo, Egypt, The University Of Texas, Austin. Retrieved from 

Center for Cross-Cultural Learning. (2008). Arabic Course Description and Syllabus. Boston University Morocco Program. Department of Moroccan Languages and Culture CCCL. Retrieved from 

General English Activities Worksheets Games. s

Learn Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) Online with Arab Academy. 

Syllabus for Spanish Culture - Instructure.

Utah State University DigitalCommons@USU. Retrieved from


Study Document Study Document

Education Law Policy And Social Justice

Pages: 11 (3232 words) Sources: 10 Document Type:Essay Document #:71943061

… their mother tongue. This is particular the case in early learning. In one such study, it was found out that in early childhood classroom education, mother tongue was a key factor in the further advancement of the learning abilities of children (Awopetu, 2016). To a large extent, … forward. With the U.S. increasingly becoming a multilingual society, Sahin (2018) is of the opinion that the relevance of advancing linguistic diversity in classroom settings cannot be overstated. This is more so the case given that linguistic diversity and multiculturalism are two important factors in the social ……



Awopetu, A.V. (2016). Impact of Mother Tongue on Children’s Learning Abilities in Early Childhood Classroom. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 23, 58-63.

Busse, V., Cenoz, J., Dalmann, N. & Rogge, F. (2019). Addressing Linguistic Diversity in the Language Classroom in a Resource?Oriented Way: An Intervention Study with Primary School Children. Language Learning.

Bingol, A.S. (2012). Mother tongue instruction policies towards Turkish migrant children in Europe. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 70, 1016-1023.

Mcmahon, T., Griese, E.R. & Kenyon, D.B. (2019). Cultivating Native American scientists: An application of an Indigenous model to an undergraduate research experience. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 14, 77-110.

Ozfidan, B. (2017). Right of Knowing and Using Mother Tongue: A Mixed Method Study. English Language Teaching; 10(12), 15-23.

Peyton, J.K. (2015). Language of Instruction: Research Findings and Program and Instructional Implications. Reconsidering Development, 4(1), 71-79.

Philips, J.S. (2015). The rights of indigenous peoples under international law. Global Bioethics, 26(2), 75-82.

Sahin, I. (2018). A look at mother tongue education in the context of the right to education. Educational Research and Reviews, 13(9), 343-353.


Study Document Study Document

Parent Family And Engagement Advocacy Event Plan

Pages: 5 (1604 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Essay Document #:48140575

...Classroom Event Plan
Evidence has shown that involving parents for college selection and career guidance is fruitful for a brighter future of their children. Involving parents is valuable since they help their child in considering options for career development and influence the way the child has to make transitions from high-school to college, their career determination, exploration, consideration, and self-belief (Oomen, 2016). The school counselors help the parents to create an impact on their child’s prospective exploration in various ways, such as skill acquirement, safety from undesirable experiences, increasing rational thinking, improving character development, strengthening personal accountability and accomplishment of parents’ personal goals. Studies have also shown that students themselves were affirmative of the positive effects of school counselors in helping them gain career guidance thorough organization of career days and conferences along with the direction of occupational guidance information for making intelligent decisions (Amoah, Kwofie & Kwofie, 2015).
This paper……



Amoah, S.A., Kwofie, I. & Kwofie, F.A.A. (2015). The school counselor and students’ career choice in high school: The assessor’s perspective in a Ghanaian case. Journal of Education and Practice, 6(23), 57-65. 

Kaplan. (2020). Planning your family engagement event. 

Oomen, A. (2016). Parental involvement in career education and guidance in secondary education. Journal of the Institute for Career Education and Counseling, 37. DOI: 10.20856/jnicec.3707

Survey Monkey. (2020). Post event feedback survey template. template/?program=7013A000000mweBQAQ&utm_bu=CR&utm_campaign=71700000064348497&utm_adgroup=58700005704021004&utm_content=39700052007397610&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=adwords&utm_term=p52007397610&utm_kxconfid=s4bvpi0ju&gclid=Cj0KCQjw7ZL6BRCmARIsAH6XFDLPCt8pJXJnfLRhNpT_EG2X1BzHdZyoA0FXVEQgCY42MsHc2GfZw8aAsV9EALw_wcB&gclsr c=aw.ds

US Department of Education. (2007, October 16). College and career guidance and counseling.


Study Document Study Document

Measuring Academic Success Among Psychology Students Reflection

Pages: 6 (1835 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Essay Document #:94221872

… succeed.
Other Characteristics of Programs that Lead to Success
One of the areas in which schools fall short is in the area of classroom size. The smaller the classroom the more engaged the student is likely to be, which translates into a greater likelihood of academic success. If the school cannot afford ……



Ashbaugh, K., Koegel, R. L., & Koegel, L. K. (2017). Increasing social integration for college students with autism spectrum disorder. Behavioral development bulletin, 22(1), 183.

Hughes, A., & Fahy, B. (2009). Implementing an Undergraduate Psychology Mentoring Program. North American Journal of Psychology, 11(3).

Page, D., & Hanna, D. (2008). Peer mentoring: The students' perspective. Psychology Learning & Teaching, 7(2), 34-37.

Prensky, M. (2001). Digital natives, digital immigrants part 1. On the horizon, 9(5), 1-6.

Stoloff, M. L., Good, M. R., Smith, K. L., & Brewster, J. (2015). Characteristics of programs that maximize psychology major success. Teaching of Psychology, 42(2), 99-108.


Study Document Study Document

School Uniforms

Pages: 5 (1474 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Essay Document #:15058485

...Classroom School uniform policies have been enforced in many schools over the past few decades. These policies are enforced based on school administrators beliefs that students are ready to learn when they arrive dressed for success (Adams, 2007). However, school uniform policies have become controversial in relation to their potential benefits and impact on student achievement. On one hand, school uniforms are said to impact school safety and academic success through establishing a positive, beneficial learning environment. On the other hand, student achievement is viewed as a construct influenced by various factors including behavioral issues and class attendance/participation rather than how a student dresses. While school uniform policies have become relatively controversial in the recent past, many schools have established dress codes that guide acceptable and unacceptable dress attires in the learning environment. This study examines the benefits of school uniforms on student learning and whether establishing such policies would lessen……



Adams, B.J. (2007, May 2). The Effectiveness of School Uniforms on Students’ Academic Achievement and Overall Classroom Behavior. Retrieved from Rowan University website: 

Creswell, J.W. (2014). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods approaches (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications Inc.

DeMitchell, T.A. (2015, December 15). Does Wearing a School Uniform Improve Student Behavior? Retrieved October 19, 2019, from 

Ordway, D. (2018, April 20). School Uniforms: Do They Really Improve Student Achievement, Behavior? Retrieved October 19, 2019, from 

Sanchez, J. (2013, April 23). College of Education Researchers Conduct Study on Impacts of School Uniform. Retrieved from University of Nevada, Reno website: 


Study Document Study Document

Reforming The High School System

Pages: 10 (2967 words) Sources: 7 Document Type:Essay Document #:70939676

… (90). The teacher must have both in order to help students to take ownership of the educative process. A teacher who enters the classroom with an attitude of superiority as though he were the king of the castle is not going to click with many students. Students … standardized curriculum pushed on schools by the U.S. Department of Education is ludicrous. The U.S. Department of Education is not in the actual classroom dealing with actual real life students who want to know about everything—why girls are the way they are around boys, what it is … teachers need to realize that they are teaching in a system that is actually designed to keep people oppressed. The idea of the classroom in general is one that is designed to facilitate the oppression. Socrates, for instance, who is the father of Western philosophy, did not … one that is designed to……


Works Cited

Adorno, Theodor and Max Horkheimer. The culture industry: Enlightenment as mass deception. Stardom and celebrity: A reader, 34, 2007. “11 Facts about High School Dropout Rates.” 

Freire, Paulo. Pedagogy of the oppressed. Bloomsbury Publishing USA, 2018.

Kristjánsson, Kristján. \\\\\\\\\\\\"There is Something About Aristotle: The Pros and Cons of Aristotelianism in Contemporary Moral Education.\\\\\\\\\\\\" Journal of philosophy of education 48.1 (2014): 48-68.

Lickona, Thomas. \\\\\\\\\\\\"The return of character education.\\\\\\\\\\\\" Educational leadership 51.3 (1993): 6-11.

Micheletti, Gabrielle. “Re-Envisioning Paulo Freire\\\\\\\\\\\\'s “Banking Concept of Education’.” Inquiries Journal 2.2 (2010): 1. 

Plato. Allegory of the Cave. 

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