Study Document
...Algorithm A Systematic Review of Online Auctions for Fund Raising by Non-Profit Organizations
Its origin dating back to Babylon in 500 BC auctions account as one of the oldest forms of price determination mechanism in the markets. Auction is negotiation protocols that entail simultaneous bidding with the price determined bidders and products or services allocated based on competition amongst potential buyers (McAfee, 2017).
Classifications of Auctions
There are four major classifications of auctions formats in the market based on the information asymmetry and the flow of prices. The auction types include English Auction, Dutch Auctions, sealed-bid first-price auctions, and Vickrey auctions (Klemperer, 2004).
English and Dutch auctions are both open auctions implying that they are orally implemented but entail distinguishing value setting features. According to Klemperer (2004), an English Auction also known as the oral ascending auction or first-price auction entails an ascending sequential price strategy where the auctioneer sets a……
Cachon, G. P., Daniels, K., & Lobel, R. (2015). The Role of Surge Pricing on a Service Platform with Self-Scheduling Capacity.
Connelly, A., & Winter, M. (2003). Going...Going...Gone!: Successful Auctions for Non-Profit Institutions (Second). Target Funding Group, Inc. All.
Fasli, M., Co, C., & Co, C. (2014). Designing and Implementing E-market Games. Designing and Implementing e-Market Games. January 2005.
Forbes Magazine. (2019). The 100 Largest U.S. Charities. Forbes Magazine.
Hasker, K., & Sickles, R. (2010). eBay in the Economic Literature: Analysis of an Auction Marketplace. Review of Industrial Organization, 37(1), 3–42.
Kingston, K. (2015). A Higher Bid: How to Transform Special Event with Strategic Benefit Auctions. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.
Klemperer, P. (2004). Auctions: Theory and Practice. In Princeton University Press.
McAfee, P. (2017). The Ideal Auction - Numberphile. YouTube.
Study Document
...Algorithm The Limits of Deontology and Utilitarianism in the Trolley Problem
The trolley problem is an old moral quandary that essentially has no wrong or right answer. It is a kind of worst case scenario in which one must choose the lesser of two evils. For example, a runaway trolley is set to crash and kill five people, but by throwing a lever you might spare those five but take the life of one innocent man crossing a connecting set of tracks. Is there a morally wrong or right answer to the question? And how does it apply in the case of self-driving cars? How should an engineer program an autonomous vehicle to respond to such a worst case scenario? Should the machine be programmed to swerve and take the life of an innocent man on the sidewalk so as to avoid taking the lives of five people dead ahead……
Works Cited
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Himmelreich, Johannes. \\\\\\\\\\\\"Never mind the trolley: The ethics of autonomous vehicles in mundane situations.\\\\\\\\\\\\" Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 21.3 (2018): 669-684.
Marshall, Aarian. “What Can the Trolley Problem Teach Self-Driving Car Engineers?” Wired, 2010.
Nyholm, Sven. \\\\\\\\\\\\"The ethics of crashes with self?driving cars: A roadmap, I.\\\\\\\\\\\\" Philosophy Compass 13.7 (2018): e12507.
Nyholm, Sven, and Jilles Smids. \\\\\\\\\\\\"The ethics of accident-algorithms for self-driving cars: An applied trolley problem?.\\\\\\\\\\\\" Ethical theory and moral practice 19.5 (2016): 1275-1289.
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Snow, Nancy E. \\\\\\\\\\\\"Neo-Aristotelian Virtue Ethics.\\\\\\\\\\\\" The Oxford Handbook of Virtue. Oxford University Press, 2018. 321.
Study Document
… organizations’ web applications since it enhances performance and prevents system lags during high activity.
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Study Document
… insights to decision-makers looking for data points to inform their decision processes. The growth of Big Data has necessitated the development of computer algorithms and tools that can analyze the data at scale. Good analysis and interpretation of the data allow organizations to ‘co-create’ solutions alongside their …
The financial services sector is one of the industries that have adopted Big Data at scale to inform decision making. In stock trading, algorithmic trading and big data help investors utilize historical data to maximize the returns on their portfolios. As the adoption of Big Data in ……
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Study Document
...Algorithm Abstract
This paper provides an extensive review of literature on deaf students and deafness. The purpose of the literature review is to obtain an understanding of what deafness is, what causes deafness, how it occurs, and what deaf culture is like for deaf people. The review identifies schools and programs that are used to help the deaf community and it also examines the outcomes of deaf students in general education. It discusses whether deaf students are better served in an inclusive environment or whether they are better served in a deaf community based learning environment. It examines the characteristics of hearing loss and how there are different tools and ways to treat hearing loss when it occurs in cases where reversing the hearing loss is possible. In some cases, reversal is not possible but surgical solutions may exist.
One of the more remarkable qualities of deaf culture is that……
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