Studyspark Study Document

Warehouse and Material Handling Research Proposal

Pages:9 (2845 words)



Topic:Supply Chain

Document Type:Research Proposal



This paper explicates a proposal for a warehouse for Electrical Appliances for distribution both within Singapore and overseas. Logistics plays a pivotal role in the integration of supply chains within industries. One of the key components within the supply chain of an enterprise is warehousing. The warehouse will be a private warehouse, which implies that it will be owned by the company. This will be important for the enterprise in regard to increased control, flexibility, and cost. Concerning warehouse location accessibility, Tangjong Pagar is considered to be the most suitable location for the warehouse. This is linked to low inbound transportation cost and also distance to the port of Singapore. In addition, there is ready and accessible manpower for the distribution operations. The appropriate racking system for storage of the finished product will be a combination of block stacking and adjustable pallet racking storage. This will facilitate flexibility within the warehouse, increased cost effectiveness and increase the likelihood of ideal utilization of the space that is available. The materials location system will be automated and include an identification device that will enable faster and effective location of the devices and their specific coordinates. The order picking method will employ the prerouted picking system, which is deemed ideal owing to the reason that it eradicates backtracking for order pickers. The proposed layout of the warehouse will encompass different sections including loading and unloading areas, reception area, storage area, order picking area, dispatch area and service area.


In the contemporary, warehousing has come to be the most significant facilitators for efficacious worldwide supply chain network. Warehousing is the activity that comprises of the storage of goods that will be either distributed or retailed later on. Warehouses employ specific components that enable manufacturers, distributors as well as retailers in the everyday monitoring and storage of goods in a safe manner (Buurman, 2002). Material handling encompasses the movement, safety, storage, as well as control of materials and products all the way through manufacturing, warehousing, distribution, end0user consumption and ultimately disposal. The main objective of material handling system and processes within a firm are to enhance customer service, decrease inventory levels, curtail the delivery time and also lower general handling costs within manufacturing, distributing and transporting activities. The handling of products is fundamental to the level of productivity within a warehouse. For instance, the comparative number of labor hours necessitated to undertake material handling generates a susceptibility to any decrease in the output rate per labor hour. The warehouse signifies the primary field for material handling operations. As a result, the design of the warehouse is a key aspect for general handling efficacy and is also of great worry and concern in attaining increased labor productivity (Bhatnagar, 2010). The purpose of this paper is to present a proposal for a warehouse for Electrical Appliances for distribution both within Singapore and overseas.

Description on the type of warehouse proposed

Making decisions on whether a firm should purchase its own warehouse or partake in leasing is a pivotal financial consideration and have to bear in mind the effect of warehousing costs on the total logistics costs. The type of warehouse that will be used by Electric Appliances will be a private warehouse. Private warehousing is delineated as the storage of goods in a warehouse that is owned by the corporation that has title deed to such goods (Ross, 2015). The private warehouse will make it possible for the company to have a greater magnitude of control, owing to the reason that it is owned by the entity. Basically, the company will maintain direct control of the product up until the ownership is transmitted to the customer. What is more, the management of the organization will be able to safeguard and manage the goods as they please and in relation to their own standards (Voortman, 2004).

The private warehouse will play a key role in the distribution system of the company. To begin with, it will facilitate increased control, flexibility, cost, as well as other imperceptible advantages. Imperatively, private warehouses provide additional control owing to the reason that the firm has complete decision-making power over all activities and primacies within the facility. Owing to this level of control, the company will have the capability to assimilate warehouse operations with the other internal logistics procedures of the firm (Voortman, 2004). In addition, this type of warehouse is selected because it is more often than not deemed more cost-effective as compared to public warehouses. Notably, the private facility costs do not include a profit mark-up. For this reason, both the fixed as well as variable cost elements ought to be lower (Ross, 2015). What is more, the private warehouse will place a key role to the distribution system of the firm, especially in regard to market presence. It is imperative to note that a private warehouse that includes the name of the company on it might generate consumer perceptions of receptiveness, awareness and stability. At times, this sort of awareness gives a company a marketing advantage over other rivaling firms (Ross, 2015).

Description on warehouse location accessibility

Warehouses are very significant components within a supply chain network either locally or globally. The location of a warehouse within a supply chain network is a key determining factor of the…

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…diagram above illustrates the proposed layout of the warehouse. Section A is the loading and unloading areas. These are the areas in which the different vehicles and trucks purposed or transportation and distribution of the goods will have direct accessibility to. These sections are separate from the rest in order to facilitate adequate space for loading as well as unloading. Section B takes into account the reception area. This is particularly situated individually from the other sections of the warehouse in order for it to be utilized not only for the reception of the goods but also to facilitate their sorting and checking quality control. The subsequent section C will be essential for storage. In this case as initially indicated the goods will be stored using the block stacking and pallet racking methods. Section D of the warehouse layout will be designated for order picking. This will be important in making certain that the goods are in ideal condition prior to dispatch. In addition, this area can also be assimilated into a storage area, especially since racking units will be used. Fifth, section E of the layout will be purposed for the dispatch area. Taking into consideration that the company will be dealing with a wide range of products, this section will be utilized for packing the orders. That is, for instance, ensuring that that the different appliances, for instance, refrigerators are packaged in an ideal way for distribution and transportation. Lastly, section of the warehouse layout will be designated for servicing. This will be intended to support various activities within the warehouse facility, for instance, offices for administrative managers and general staff, washrooms and also changing rooms (Interlake, 2019).


This particular assignment has been significant in regarding to attaining greater insight and understanding into the aspects of warehousing and material handling. I believe that effective warehousing can facilitate significant financial and service benefits not only to the consumers but also organizations as a whole. A warehouse provides a centralized location for the reception, storage and distribution of products. I believe that warehousing and material handling will be key aspects in the distribution system of the electrical appliances. The selected warehouse design and layout are important in not only guaranteeing effectiveness for the company but also increasing stock visibility. The selected warehouse in this case is a private one and will key role to the distribution system of the firm in terms of greater flexibility, decreased costs and also greater control and management. In my opinion, a warehouse location that facilitates ease in accessibility and also cost effectiveness. For this reason, I believe that Tangjong Pagar would be the most suitable location because…

Sample Source(s) Used


Adler, D. (Ed.). (2007). Metric handbook. Routledge.

Alberto, P. (2000). The logistics of industrial location decisions: An application of the analytic hierarchy process methodology. International Journal of Logistics, 3(3), 273-289.

Bhatnagar, A. (2010). Textbook of supply chain management. New Delhi: Sanbun Publishers.

Buurman, J. (2002). Supply chain logistics management. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Heizer, J., & Render, B. (2006). Additional Problems: Principles of Operations Management/Operations Management. Prentice Hall.

Interlake. (2019). Warehouse layout design. Retrieved from:

Mulcahy, D. E., & Sydow, J. (2008). A supply chain logistics program for warehouse management. Auerbach Publications.


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