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Violence in Gangs and Its Prevention Essay

Pages:3 (1394 words)



Topic:Youth Gangs

Document Type:Essay


Gang Violence Prevention

Gang Violence

Study of each and every society around the world gives us a phenomenon, which indicates at a certain graph related to organized crime. American society has long been associated with such a vice, and there have been many unearths made in this direction. There has been a lot of study and research associated with fact that how these gangs formed and what is the major motivational factor behind such activities. Several studies in this regard have brought forward certain phenomenon which forms the basis of gang formations and majority of which is related to unsatisfied social structure. These gangs are formed in the societies, which are highly disintegrated and have developed into individually functioning micro units. Extensive liberalization of political policies and the general promotion of individualistic approach towards life in most countries have motivated certain individuals in direction of organized crime, and this is a growing trend. What began from a micro level has now become a global phenomenon, and most of these gangs are now internationally operated and linked (Hagedorn, 2005).

Why do juveniles join gangs?

One of the most critical aspects associated with these gangs is that of the younger population joining these gangs at a fast pace. In most cases, the teenager population is more quickly motivated to join these gangs and they are readily led away by the charm which is associated with it. There has been a widespread glorification of ghetto culture in music videos and movies in the recent past, which portray individuals associated with these areas as main protagonists. Due to such media exposure, there is a widespread motivation and influence among the younger population, who take these activities. Each individual who is influenced to be a part of these gangs has their own version of justification, which is mostly self-developed and promoted. In one of the most critical analysis, the psychology of students is studied and taken into consideration, in order to understand the real reason behind such developments. In young age, even a simple heated dialogue with family members can be a motivational factor enough, to drive a person towards life of crime (Taylor, 2013).

What is the psychological profile of a gang member?

There are many factors which are associated with the psychology which plays a prominent role in driving an individual towards a life of crime. Younger population, especially those in teenage and adolescent years are more vulnerable towards these social groups (Donnellan, Trzesniewski, Robins, Moffitt, & Caspi, 2005). While studying the psychology and thought process of younger population, it is evident that during the young years, one individual passes through a lot of emotional and psychological change (Dukes, Martinez, & Stein, 1997). During these years, an individual can be shattered and depressed very quickly, and that is when critical decision making takes place. Rising social standards and competitive lifestyle has also raised expectations from life, and every teenager wants to achieve more in less time (Esbensen et al., 2001; Esbensen & Weerman, 2005). These gangs prove to be a shortcut towards easy money, and teenagers are easily led towards these dark streets and shady gangs (Esbensen & Weerman, 2005; Esbensen, Peterson, Taylor, & Freng, 2009). Family also plays an important role in conditioning the behavior of the individual, and when more families are becoming disintegrated, there is a more chance…

Sample Source(s) Used


Alleyne, E., & Wood, J. (2010). Gang involvement: Psychological and behavioral characteristics of gang members, peripheral youth and non-gang youth. University of Kent. Retrieved from:

Donnellan, M.B., Trzesniewski, K.H., Robins, R.W., Moffitt, T.E., & Caspi, A. (2005).Low self-esteem is related to aggression, antisocial behavior, and delinquency. Psychological Science, 16, 328-355.

Dukes, R.L., Martinez, R.O., & Stein, J.A. (1997).Precursors and consequences of membership in youth gangs. Youth and Society, 29, 139-165.

Esbensen, F-A., Winfree, L.T., Jr., He, N., & Taylor, T.J. (2001). Youth gangs and definitional issues: When is a gang, and why does it matter? Crime and Delinquency, 47, 105-130

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