Those who suffer from it become red in the face, with their skin extremely agitated. Moreover, "they may have flushing of the face, when they are hot, drink alcohol or hot drinks, or eat spicy foods. This flushing causes the face to appear red" (AZ Network, 2013). Blood vessels under the skin often become visible along with the flush of redness experienced by rosacea sufferers. These symptoms tend to get worse with time, with multiple cyclical outbreaks.
A number of treatments exist to try to counter act the effects of rosacea. Here, the research suggests that "you can help keep rosacea under control by keeping a record of things that cause it to flare up. Try to avoid or limit these triggers as much as you can" (AZ Network, 2013). Understanding what triggers a flare up can be crucial in helping to avoid them. Yet, medical treatments also prove effective, as "rosacea often improves with antibacterial drugs" (MacKenzie, 2012). Antibacterial wipes are a common treatment, but others include topical creams, lasers, pulse light therapies, and photodynamic therapies (Cole & Stoppler, 2012). There are also a number of more natural, homeopathic treatments for rosacea as well. These typically consist of chrusanthellum indicum cream, niacinamide cream, and azelaic acid cream (Wong, 2013). Moreover, avoiding foods that trigger rosacea and utilizing an anti-inflammatory diet is another natural approach to trying to treat the annoying symptoms of rosacea. Most often, the most successful treatments of rosacea with best results use a combination of different types of treatments. Combining treatment methods tends to yield better results that single treatments on their own (Cole & Stoppler, 2012).
AZ Network. (2013). Rosacea: Facial redness. News Medical Net. Web.
Clinical Reference Systems. (2004). Rosacea. Columbia University. Web.
Cole, Gary W. & Stoppler, Melissa Conrad. (2012). Rosacea. EMedicine Health. Web.
MacKenzie, Debora. (2012). Rosacea mat be caused by mite feces in your pores. New Scientist. Web.
Wong, Cathy. (2013). Natural treatments for rosacea. Alternative Medicine. Web.
AZ Network. (2013). Rosacea: Facial redness. News Medical Net. Web.
Clinical Reference Systems. (2004). Rosacea. Columbia University. Web.
Cole, Gary W. & Stoppler, Melissa Conrad. (2012). Rosacea. EMedicine Health. Web.
MacKenzie, Debora. (2012). Rosacea mat be caused by mite feces in your pores. New Scientist. Web.
Study Document
· Introduction
· Signs and symptoms
· Impact of the disease on healthy body functions, and relates to symptoms
· Risk factors and preventive steps
· Maintenance of quality of life
· Diagnostic and therapeutic tools
· Expected outcomes and prognosis
· Current research into prevention, treatment or even cure
· Possible areas of research into prevention, treatment or cure
· Conclusion
Rosacea is
Study Document
Rosacea is a skin disease that affects millions of people. The chief cause of rosacea is still unclear and hence all treatment is based on a preventive basis rather than a curative one. The management of this chronic condition is made easier by a combination of different therapies, which includes oral antibiotics, topical gel and latest laser treatments. Rosacea is one of the chronic skin diseases which affects an astounding 13
Study Document
Treatments for Rosacea Rosacea is a medical condition characterized by reddening of the skin. The face primarily will turn red in hue. Sores may appear on the skin as well. The face may also swell to some degree. It is an unfortunate condition where patients not only have to deal with the illness itself, but also with psychological ramifications from feeling unattractive due to the skin pigments or lesions. Although there
Study Document it was deemed safe to use in patients who had Hepatitis C Lab tests were ordered and conducted on the 60-year-old patient's liver, and the results indicated normal enzyme production in the liver. In August 2004, the patient was started on Enbrel 50 MG twice a week, and some immediate improvement was noted; but after 18 weeks, the patient, who was inconsistent in making appointments, showed a worsened psoriasis
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CellCept drug for the treatment of kidney complications could be a boon to lupus patients (Chang, 2005). A small study showed that the drug delivered better results than standard chemotherapy, which could cause infertility and other medical problems. A recent experiment compared the effects of CellCept and the older treatment, cyclophosphamide, in patients for 6 months. Those taking CellCept reported fewer side effects. The researchers were led by Dr. Ellen
Study Document 2001). Of those 1,795 reactions, "23 were fatal, 14 being actual suicides," the pressbox Web site reported. More than 200 of the "adverse reactions were psychiatric with 20 reports of suicidal thoughts of suicide attempts." Additionally, 80 reports of "depression" were logged and 13 reports of "mood swings." The pressbox article stated that surprisingly, 74% of UK patients who had used Accutane "had mild or moderate acne according to a