Studyspark Study Document

Qualitative Vs. Quantitative Research This Essay

Pages:2 (622 words)


Subject:Social Science

Topic:Quantitative Research

Document Type:Essay


On the other hand, qualitative research is process oriented and usually seeks the methods by which individuals draw certain conclusions about the information under scrutiny. It is more aligned with studies on social systems that have numerous variables and properties. There would be a search for "chain" sequences that lead to events.

Criterion five, Sampling, as previously stated has very different emphasis in either of these methods. In quantitative analysis, the bigger the better is the overall emphasis on sampling size. The more data and the larger the sample, the less the variance and the more accurate the results. This is often the opposite in qualitative research. In this venue the research often has to gather a great deal of information from individual subjects. The time involved for data collection and analysis is much greater and requires more detailed analysis of meaning. Which leads to criterion six, Analysis. Analysis is also quite different for both methodologies. Quantitative research relies on well-structured experiments whose results are scalable and repeatable. Data analysis and prediction occurs at the end of the research. Qualitative research relies on more subjective methods such as observation, interviews and other more in-depth data collection. Analysis is an ongoing process through the research and can often change direction through findings. The final criterion is quality. Both methodologies have different sets of evaluative standards that go directly to quality assessments. The quality of quantitative research lies in its validity, both external and internal, and objective analysis of data collected. Qualitative research has more the qualities of truth and credibility, which can often be quite subjective standards, but nonetheless provide the quality for this research paradigm. Finally, while both methods have their merits, they can also be combined as mixed methods in a single project to allow more flexibility with the particular research project.


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