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Parental Custody Case Research Paper

Pages:4 (970 words)



Topic:Child Custody

Document Type:Research Paper


Parental Custody

Child Custody

Parental Custody Case

Memorandum for Mother

The issue at hand regards the legal custody of minor child Chastity Bright and whether her mother or father should be her legal custodian.

Short Answer

In the state of Arizona, custody is based on several factors. The wishes of the parents, wishes of the child, child interaction with parents, health of all participants, child's adjustment, parent primarily responsible for care, which parent will allow contact, any duress or coercion attempted, and whether false allegations were raised are to be considered subsequently.

Statement of the Facts

Based on the testimony of the mother, father and minor child, the facts of the case are these. Both the mother and the father want to have primary custody of the child, and the mother has had that custody prior to this trial. The mother has retained promise of a job in another state, and wishes to move to that location with the child. The father has a high paying job in the parent's current location, but he has been abusive to the mother in the past and he has started a new relationship. The daughter would prefer to remain in her present location, but she feels uncomfortable with her father's partner, who is a man, and she has been having emotional issues about which she is receiving counseling.


Although the facts of the case relate that the child in question would like to remain in her present location, the best interest of the child is the primary concern (Arizona State Legislature, 2009). The safety of the child is the primary issue. Arizona law is clear about several issues in this case. Arizona law (25-403.03 section B) regarding custody of a child when there is a history of domestic abuse in the home is clear. The statute says "The court shall consider evidence of domestic violence as being contrary to the best interests of the child. The court shall consider the safety and well-being of the child and of the victim of the act of domestic violence to be of primary importance." The child wishes to remain in her current place of residence and that also must be taken into consideration. The law states if custody is awarded to both parents then both parents are "entitled to reasonable parenting time rights to ensure that the minor child has frequent and continuing contact with the noncustodial parent" (Arizona State Legislature, 2009). This is only appended if "after a hearing, that parenting time would endanger seriously the child's physical, mental, moral or emotional health" (Arizona State Legislature, 2009).


It is the recommendation of the memorandum, based on Arizona statutes, that the child be awarded to the mother. The father of the minor child has committed domestic abuse, and the law is clear that awarding custody in this case should go to the non-abusive parent. It does not matter that…

Sample Source(s) Used


Arizona State Legislature. (2009). Child custody and visitation. Retrieved from

Owen v Blackhawk. (2003). 1 CA-CV 02-0363.

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