Studyspark Study Document

History of the American South Term Paper

Pages:6 (1726 words)



Topic:Emancipation Proclamation

Document Type:Term Paper


However, they "were too few in number to provide adequate protection and were not always themselves fully committed to ensuring justice for freed blacks" (Cary Royce 67). The American public wanted reform to happen but few people were actually willing to risk their position in society by supporting black people. As a consequence, former slaves were provided with little support and were practically forced to maintain many of their attributes as slaves despite the fact that they were free.

Works cited:

Berlin, Ira, et al. "The Terrain of Freedom: The Struggle over the Meaning of Free Labor in the U.S. South." History Workshop Journal 22 (1986)

Cary Royce, Edward, the origins of southern sharecropping, (Temple University Press, 1993)

Fast, Howard, Freedom Road (Armonk, NY M.E. Sharpe, 1995)

An Interdisciplinary Bibliography, 1865-1980 an Interdisciplinary Bibliography, 1865-1980, vol. 1 (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1982)

Lanza, Michael, L. Agrarianism and Reconstruction Politics: The Southern Homestead Act, (LSU Press, 1990)

Torres, Arturo, "Jim Crow and the Re-enslavement of African-Americans," Retrieved February 22, 2012, from the Sites@UCI Website:

Wilbur, Henry W. President Lincoln's Attitude towards Slavery and Emancipation: With a Review of Events before and since the Civil War (New York: Biblo and Tannen, 1970)

Louisiana Black Code, 1865, Senate Executive Document No. 2, 39th…

Sample Source(s) Used

Works cited:

Berlin, Ira, et al. "The Terrain of Freedom: The Struggle over the Meaning of Free Labor in the U.S. South." History Workshop Journal 22 (1986)

Cary Royce, Edward, the origins of southern sharecropping, (Temple University Press, 1993)

Fast, Howard, Freedom Road (Armonk, NY M.E. Sharpe, 1995)

An Interdisciplinary Bibliography, 1865-1980 an Interdisciplinary Bibliography, 1865-1980, vol. 1 (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1982)

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