Study Document
Pages:2 (817 words)
Topic:Higher Education
Document Type:A2 Outline Answer
Quality" Policy in higher education in the U.S.A. and the UK
As a country, we need more citizens who are college graduates. We need their help for rebuilding the nation's economy for a global age, to make our democracy stronger, to empower millions of the citizens. Even in this contentious and divisive times, harmony is building at that instance. Labor personnel employers, social scientists, researchers, together with Washington policy makers and those in almost every state- are in agreement: There must be a significant increase in college attainment-to help the short-term economic recovery and ensure long-term prosperity in the country as well as social stability.
But, as a matter of fact, increasing the number of college graduates is never enough. There is also the need to ensure that these new graduates come out from the postsecondary school system equipped with all the necessary knowledge and skills required to succeed in the global economy of the 21st century. Again, let me take you to the 2025 Goal statement: It is not only based on a 60% target, but specifically calls for high-quality credentials and degrees. Our major goal is to improve the quality of education and at the same time increase educational attainment. Frankly, without focusing on quality, there would be little of no meaning in increasing degree attainment (Merisotis, 2011). Relevant high quality higher education has the capacity to equip students with the necessary knowledge, core transferable competences and skills they require to succeed after they graduate, within a learning environment with great quality (European Commission, 2016).
The Role the Faculty Plays in Defining Quality and Higher Education Standards.
For several years, or even centuries, the quality decisions made on higher education, from curriculum admissions to evaluation of quality, have been carried out by the faculty within each university.
Knowing the toughness of the word quality, faculty tends to keep the definition generally vague than the critics would love to have it. It might endanger innovation to tighten the definitions on quality-innovation is one other term that is a bit hard to define.
Quality decisions processes are well-developed and exist numerously in the university system. At the center of these processes are the tenured faculty members. Faculty decisions are responsible for shaping both the curriculums and devaluation of students as well as who gets promoted and who gets hired in the universities. It is widely assumed that all…
European Commission. (2016, January 21). Quality and Relevance in Higher Education. Retrieved from European Commission:
Lederman, D., & Fritschler, A. L. (2010, September 9). Setting Quality Standards in Higher Ed. Retrieved from Inside Higher Ed:
Merisotis, J. (2011, December 16). Defining quality in higher education with the DQP. Retrieved from Lumina Foundation:
Study Document
Higher Education Investment in Higher Education The literacy rate is one of the important indicators of a developed country hence governments focus on enhancing its infrastructure. There are many challenges to promote higher education as demographic and social factors act as barriers to admission for many candidates. The effect of these factors should be explored so that the negative outcomes can be controlled. Investment in Higher Education Formal education system is considered as one
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UK Mental Health Policy Mental healthcare service delivery in the UK has been subjected to a series of significant imperative policy in the last few decades, and number of people suffering from mental illness is on the increase. Recent statistics reveal that one out of four people in the UK has been diagnosed of mental problem. (Mental Health Foundation, 2013, Singleton, Bumpstead, O'Brien et al. Meltzer 2001). Although, mental disorders are
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American universities are working with their Caribbean counterparts to create a trans-border trade in ideas and information. This weekly column will explore issues related to business and higher education in Jamaica and in the United States. Each issue will address specific concerns related to everything from gender to ethics, management to ecommerce. The column will encourage an exploration of cultural differences in a desire to foster dialogue. Business ethics, corporate
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UK Social Policy Compare and contrast the trends in the 'settling' & 'unsettling' of the political, economic & social settlements for the UK social policies relating to health care and social housing. (Approx 2 pages) Explain and illustrate the broad nature of the UK post-war welfare settlements (namely political, economic, social & organizational) and their reconstruction in the 1980s and 1990s. In what ways has the discourse of management affected the
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UK Welfare The following review of current literature is categorized by a number of variables. Statistics and Data initiate the report and is quickly followed up with Policy Literature. From there, an Academic Literature Review focusing on five articles (with corresponding studies and citations) takes place. After the Academic Review comes a Relevant Campaigning Review and a Media Review. Finally, a quick conclusion ties the literature together in a neat little
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In the event that the analysis of records of telephone, e-mail and internet use was considered to amount to an interference with respect for private life or correspondence, the Government contended that the interference was justified. First, it pursued the legitimate aim of protecting the rights and freedoms of others by ensuring that the facilities provided by a publicly funded employer were not abused. Secondly, the interference had a