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ESSAY Question: Why is it that we associate PTSD to war veterans first and foremost? In fact, if we look at the numbers of those served in the armed forces and the gender distribution we will see that the numbers are contradictory. Why is it that we have more men who experienced war trauma, yet we have more women diagnosed with this disorder? Women (10.4%) are twice as likely as men (5%) to experience PTSD at some point in their lives, what do you think are the contributing factors ? Support your views with complimentary internet research.
PTSD first became widely known as a possible diagnosis in the wake of the Vietnam War, but the condition (as its name suggests) is specific to trauma, not to wartime trauma alone. In fact, sexual abuse is one of the most common reasons people experience PTSD. The fact that women experience sexual assault and domestic abuse at a higher rate than do men may be one of the primary reasons that women have a higher diagnosis rate of PTSD than men (Greenberg, 2018). There is also some evidence that women are more physically vulnerable to the symptoms of PTSD due to greater activity in the right amygdala, right rostral anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and dorsal ACC, all of which are associated with a more sensitive response to stressors (Greenberg, 2018). Women also report higher rates of depression and anxiety than men, conditions which are frequently comorbid with PTSD (Greenberg, 2018).
Finally, the fact that women are often more apt to seek out outside help for psychological conditions in general may make them more apt to be diagnosed with PTSD. Women historically have sought out psychological assistance in the form of therapy, while men (particularly if they are still active in the service and worry that a negative evaluation may affect their promotion prospects) are more apt to ignore psychological symptoms, and view them as weak and unmanly (Greenberg, 2018). Men may also manifest symptoms in a more culturally acceptable manner for a man, in the form of anger, which may make them less apt to receive a diagnosis. It is important to remember that a higher rate of diagnosis of one gender versus the other gender does not necessarily reflect the number of individuals who do or do not have the condition.
Greenberg, M. (2018). Why women have higher rates of PTSD than men. Psychology…
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Findings showed that 95% of the respondents' overall health status was slightly higher compared to that of the general U.S. population of the same age and sex. Factors identified with the favorable health status were male gender, married state, higher educational attainment, higher military rank and inclusion in the Air Force service. Lower quality of health was associated with increased use of health care, PTSD, disability, behavioral risk factors
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, 2003). The results of the study found that cocaine/PTSD were younger that alcohol/PTSD subjects (Back et al., 2003). Additionally, the researchers found that the alcohol/PTSD participants were more likely to be married and have more intimate friends than the cocaine/PTSD participants. In addition, the study found that alcohol/PTSD participants were more likely to be employed full time (Back et al., 2003). The alcohol/PTSD participants were also more likely to be
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The study also revealed that 9% of those still in active military service developed psychiatric disorders. It concluded that many of them displayed psychotic symptoms other than flashbacks and dissociative symptoms. These symptoms are essential parts of PTSD. Most of the war veterans investigated exhibited psychotic symptoms of either depressive or schizophrenia. O the PTSD patients, 9% also suffered from major depressive disorder with psychotic features, while 11% had psychotic
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Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Children Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is most commonly associated with war veterans. Researchers have, however, increasingly recognized this condition in women, children, and men from all backgrounds and for a variety of reasons. According to Roberts et al. (2011), the condition results from the experience of an event that is traumatic, and that makes the individual feel helpless, horrified, or afraid. A common factor among sufferers of
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In this study, patients were adults suffering from PTSD that had been referred after three months of PTSD symptoms. These patients were not combat soldiers, and had been referred after either a non-sexual assault or a motor vehicle accident. The patients were between 17 and 60 years old and did not have other psychological problems. Eighty-four individuals made it through the primary assessment through the follow-up meeting. Individuals were
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Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Alcoholism/Addiction Narrative Alcoholism and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Overview PTSD and Co morbidity of Alcoholism: The Role of Trauma Childhood Abuse and Gender Differences in PTSD Association Between Alcoholism and Emotion Genetic and Environmental Influences Models of Assessment/Conclusions Abstract TC "Abstract" f C l "1" This study will examine the relationship between post traumatic stress disorder and alcoholism/addiction. The author proposes a quantitative correlation analysis of the relationship between PTSD and alcoholism be conducted to