Studyspark Study Document

Ethical Persuasion Is Considered to Essay

Pages:3 (870 words)



Document Type:Essay


The best method for persuasion that is totally ethical is communication that would persuade the audience to voluntarily act in the desired way. Persuasion communication would use honesty and provide truthful information, which would make it ethical and ensure that no one is forced into making the decision or acting involuntarily.

Reasons for agreeing with the text

The text provides valuable insights in regards to methods a person can use to persuade an audience. The different methods of persuasion presented all have examples to demonstrate the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of a method. From the text, one is able to learn how to persuade an audience in different scenarios, which is vital in persuasion. For example, the case where the city council intends to turn the local athletic field into a parking lot, the authors have demonstrated different methods that the residents can use and ensure that this does not happen, but in the different methods the authors have pointed out the likely effect their persuasion methods would have. Finally, the authors indicate that persuasion communication is the best persuasion method that the citizens can use as it allows them to demonstrate why the park should remain. Using this method the citizens would be honest and provide truthful knowledge that the council cannot ignore, and this would persuade the council in their desired way.

The credibility of the speakers is another important aspect on persuasion. Majority of audiences do not have the inclination to analyze the evidence provided, and they will solely rely on the credibility of the speaker. The speaker can show the audience how credible they are by their qualifications, providing honest information, and sharing the same behaviors and attitudes. Providing solutions and satisfaction to the audience a speaker can be able to persuade audiences in the desired way. For example, sales people could start showing how a product will solve the user's problems instead of demonstrating the various features of the product. Using this method the audience will be able to identify with the product been proposed. The text also encourages sales people to be good listeners because by listening to their users, they can understand the user's problems and address those specific problems.

The text provides information regarding how a speaker can structure their presentation and defer the thesis. The deferring is dependent on the audience the speaker intends to address. If the audience is likely to reject the idea, it is always good for the speaker to defer the thesis. This way they can hook the audience slowly and change their attitude or belief.

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