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Core Ethical Principles Behavioral Analysis Essay

Pages:1 (326 words)



Topic:Ethical Principles

Document Type:Essay


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A behavioral analyst applies the principles of behavioral analysis and provides suggestions about how to change behavior to improve a subject’s behavior and health (“About Behavioral Analysis,” 2019). But as is the case with all mental health therapies, behavioral analysis must adhere to ethical principles. As noted in Bailey & Burch (2016), the core principle of all medical research is to do no harm. This means that the work one does should have a positive effect upon the patient, and non-intervention is better than an intervention with potentially ill consequences. An example of harm might be a behavioral program that was excessively rigid. While it instituted compliance, it might cause the subject to become depressed and anxious.

A second principle is respect for autonomy. Behavioral analysts often deal with vulnerable populations, such as the mentally ill, elderly, or children. But this does not mean that subjects sacrifice their autonomy, simply because they are not always able to easily articulate their own wants and needs. Ultimately, as much as possible, subjects should be granted a degree of choice in their treatment programs. Bailey & Burch (2016) uses the ability to choose what rewards are granted in an applied behavioral system, but on an even larger ethical level, clinicians should allow at least older children and competent adults to give input into how much they want their behavior shaped.

For example, a child on the autistic spectrum who has intense interests should have a degree of input into how much he is permitted to talk about those interests, rather than making the goal of the behavioral analysis to entirely eliminate aspects of the child’s personality and life that he believes are integral to his character, even if they may still appear quirky and eccentric to the outside world.


About behavior analysis. (2019). Behavior Analyst Certification Board. Retrieved from:

Bailey, J., & Burch, M. (2016). Ethics for behavior analysts (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Routledge.

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