Study Document
… interactions with other political leaders. They also have high interactions and reach with the global community: U.S President Donald Trump had 30.13 million twitter followers as at May 2017 and former U.S. President Barack Obama had 103 million followers as at June 2018 (C-142)
1.1.3. Depending on …
1.3.1. The expectation of the population is that they are able to post whatever they please on social media platforms. That explains why Twitter uses the bird mascot, which is a symbol of freedom (C-147)
1.3.2. The need to express feelings and experiences without a character constraint. … platform is optimized for mobile devices. Encouraging real-time interactions. (C-141)
1.3.3. Global celebrities like Rihanna, Lady Gaga, Jimmy Fallon, and Taylor Swift use Twitter to communicate with their fans, build their public image and spread news (C-141)
1.4. Technological
1.4.1. In 2017, Twitter raised character counts to 280 from 140 in order to……
Thompson, Arthur A.,. (2015). Crafting and Executing Strategy: Concepts and Readings..New York: McGraw-Hill Education, (pp. 138-148)
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Report to the CEO
1.2 Can the company raise capital?
Twitter has the ability to raise capital. It is rapidly growing, has strong cash inflows, and a healthy balance sheet. This gives Twitter the flexibility to raise debt capital, because its liquidity will attract investors, and furthermore Twitter’s increasing financial stability reflects a maturing business that implies long term cash flow stability.
Bond investors tend to also look at the debt-to-equity … to also look at the debt-to-equity ratio, as a high debt-to-equity ratio is typically associated with a company that would be higher risk. Twitter’s long term debt-to-equity is declining, largely because its profitability, and reductions in R&D spend are putting Twitter in a position of growing equity more quickly than it is growing debt. The company’s total liabilities are increasing, but long-term debt is … low. Both the absolute figure of 25.% and the downward trend in this……
Statista (2019) Social networking ad revenue market share of LinkedIn in the United States from 2015 to 2018. Statista. Retrieved March 20, 2020 from
Yahoo! Finance, various pages (2020).
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… in explaining how social media and “fake news” works and can be used to make sense of the 2016 election.
Enli, G. (2017). Twitter as arena for the authentic outsider: Exploring the social media campaigns of Trump and Clinton in the 2016 US presidential election. European journal of … social media campaigns of Trump and Clinton in the 2016 US presidential election. European journal of communication, 32(1), 50-61.
Article shows that Trump’s use of Twitter to communicate with the masses was more authentic than Clinton’s and thus had a bigger impact in the election. The article’s findings are … findings are thus helpful because they explain how Trump leveraged social media to win the electin.
Francia, P. L. (2018). Free media and Twitter in the 2016 presidential election: The unconventional campaign of Donald Trump. Social Science Computer Review, 36(4), 440-455.
The article argues that Trump won in 2016 … The unconventional campaign of Donald……
Study Document
… post online in order to rile up the opposition: it is a form of trolling that people do on social media, such as Twitter, so as to provoke an angry response from one’s political opponent. President Trump himself often engages in this type of behavior and is … Trump himself often engages in this type of behavior and is known to try to trigger his political opponents by mocking them on Twitter.
This type of example, however, only enflames the environment in which extremism exists: it is like pouring fuel on a raging fire. Instead ……
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Klein, A. (2019). From Twitter to Charlottesville: Analyzing the Fighting Words Between the Alt-Right and Antifa. International Journal of Communication, 13, 22.
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… Musk is a leader who combines expert power and charismatic power to influence those around him, particularly stakeholders with whom he engages on Twitter, where he communicates to the public at large. Leveraging Twitter is a way to influence stakeholders (Malhotra & Malhotra, 2016).
Role of Influence in Contemporary Leadership
Influence is highly important when it comes ……
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...Twitter Introduction
The implementation plan for the Meal Prepping business is to design the organizational structure: the company will necessarily have to be organized as a non-profit with 501(c)3 status to ensure that big donors can write off donations, which is a major incentive for many who wish to support non-profits. The business will need to be self-sustainable, however, and cannot count on relying on federal dollars, as the government itself is already heavily in debt and future years are likely to see big cuts in federal spending. The business’s success will thus depend upon partnering with other local businesses to gain visibility, using crowdfunding (Zhou & Kuo, 2018) to gain seed money that will support early investment in the business’s development, and using social media in the same way Elon Musk at Tesla has done to turn his $10 a share electric vehicle car company into a world-saving environmentally-friendly car……
Lunt, T., & Nicotra, E. (2018). Event Sponsorship and Fundraising: An Advanced Guide. Kogan Page Publishers.
Malhotra, C. K., & Malhotra, A. (2016). How CEOs can leverage twitter. MIT Sloan Management Review, 57(2), 73.
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Zhou, S., & Kuo, C. (2018). How Social Media are Changing Nonprofit Advocacy: Evidence from the Crowdfunding Platform in Taiwan. The China Nonprofit Review, 10(2), 349-370.
Study Document
… contact. This paper is about managing adult attendees at music festivals whose information would be stored in RFID wrist bands linked to their Twitter, Facebook, and credit/debit bank cards. The following sections would probe into its compliance issues and the related regulations that would impact the planned … wrist bands would be used for managing adult attendees at a music festival at a hotel where bands would be linked to their Twitter and Facebook accounts and their bank credit/debit cards so that the buying of eatables is made hassle-free. There are various benefits to using … Stored, Processed With the Use Case
The type of data collected and stored on the RFID wrist bands would be attendees' Facebook and Twitter accounts and bank credit/debit cards. The name, address, credit card authorization, and identification information would be stored on the RFID bands so that ……
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Preventing Bias on Twitter
Elon Musk is the CEO of Tesla and is a popular leader in the EV space. He is active on Twitter but has made some controversial tweets in the past. One came when he stated that he was going to take Tesla private at … upon him. He subtly attacked Bill Gates after Gates’ opinion contradicted his own with regards to the coronavirus outbreak. Gates attacked Unsworth on Twitter after Unsworth failed to show gratitude to Musk for the submarine the CEO built to help with Vern’s cave diving mission. Musk has ……
Marofsky, M., Grote, K. (Writers), Christiansen, L., Dean, W. (Directors), Christiansen, L., &Hommeyer, T (Producers). (1991). Understanding our biases and assumptions [Video file]. Retrieved from Films on Demand database.
Stewart, E. (2020). Elon Musk’s coronavirus journey: A timeline. Retrieved from
Study Document
… more in those of those who engage with them online (Goldhar).
Most of the popular social media websites such as,, and are designed to enable people to share with others highlights of their lives. All the websites contain people sharing their thoughts or arguments … mood. Most users, however, do not understand this and do not know that their continued frequent use of social media could further affect them…[break]…Twitter increase social media participation, social connectedness, social trust, and political participation (Konnikova). The findings that social media increases happiness and improves social connectedness ……
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… consumers on platforms that consumers themselves choose to use for the purpose of getting information about products and services. Companies that use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and other platforms can answer questions, post videos promoting concepts or products, put out press releases, address rumors, and work to … leverage digital technology and the Internet for their own purposes. More people are connected than ever before thanks to online sharing platforms like Twitter and YouTube. These platforms allow users to give their favorable impressions of products and services; however, they also allow people to share their ……
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