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… security audits entail and how such audits enhance organizational IT security will be dealt with. According to research on the subject, IT security auditing constitutes a significant step in the safeguarding of corporate data against cybercrime, data breaches, and fraud. It must be performed from time to … and critical infrastructures and operations it supports. Despite developments in information security, numerous information systems continue to display susceptibility to both external and internal breaches (Suduc, Bîzoi & Filip, 2010). internal information security auditing enhances the likelihood of implementation of suitable security measures for averting such breaches and reducing their adverse impacts.
Security risks
Two classes of … and information flow- reliant multilevel security, access control lists, cryptographic protocol, and public-key cryptography, several information systems continue to be at risk of internal as well as external attacks. Security setups are a time-consuming process and do not play any part in helpful……
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… destroying it. The stolen amount would then be charged…[break]…investigating any red flags. Records should be submitted to an independent external auditor, as well. auditing is one of the best ways to self-regulate and firms provide a degree of security for themselves when they focus on making sure … will continue to happen in the future. Failure to report is the problem that they suffer from through and through: they lack the internal controls for preventing fraud from occurring and they lack the audit team to catch bad reporting from lower down in the company. They ……
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...Internal auditing Tesla is a company that has had at least a 5 year relationship with its CEO Elon Musk. Up until recently Musk was also Chairman of the Board. He was removed from his role as Chairman as part of a settlement with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The settlement resulted from charges filed by the SEC relating to securities fraud when Musk’s public Tweet on Twitter about taking the company private and that he had “funding secured.” The statement was shown to be a lie (Gaydos, 2018). Musk settled with the SEC and paid a hefty fine and Robyn Denholm replace Musk as Chairman of the Board. Denholm had been a Board member for five years up to that point (Porter, 2018). Thus, up until Musk’s run-in with the SEC in 2018, he had been both CEO and Chairman of the Board—which can serve as a conflict of interest,……
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… Leaders set the tone for all ethical decisions made within an organization. While using fraud and abuse detection software and conducting regular third-party internal audits can help reduce instances, severity, and frequency of fraud and abuse, the ideal way of addressing the issue if by creating an ……
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...Internal auditing Introduction
Agency theory is a theory explicating the relationship between the shareholders, who act as the principals, and the managers, who act as the agents. Within this relationship, the principal either employs or delegates an agent to carry out work and take actions in the best interests of the principal (Scott and O’Brien, 2003).
Imperatively, when the decision-making power and authority is delegated to another party, this can result in a loss of efficiency and subsequently increased costs. For instance, if the owner of a company partakes in the delegating of decision-making power to a manager, the agent in this case, it is conceivable that the manager will not work or operate as hard and with determination as the owner would, bearing in mind that the manager does not have any direct shares in the financial results of the company (Tearney and Dodd, 2009).
As a result, this could give……
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… relation to existent literature, scholars have determined that the factors affecting the success of credit risk can be categorized into two groups including internal factors (micro-economic) and external factors (macro-economic). In accordance to Garr (2013), the different factors that influence credit risk can be classified into macroeconomic ……
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