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...Internal control Appendix
External Analysis
1. PESTEL Analysis
1.1. Political
1.1.1.Global leaders use of social media impacts the political landscape and is able to influence operations. (C-142)
1.1.2. Several high-profile world leaders utilize social media platforms to address their followers, the most notable being U.S. President Donald Trump who tweets regularly to announce global interactions with other political leaders. They also have high interactions and reach with the global community: U.S President Donald Trump had 30.13 million twitter followers as at May 2017 and former U.S. President Barack Obama had 103 million followers as at June 2018 (C-142)
1.1.3. Depending on the political climate in various countries, governments may censor content and access to social media platforms.
1.2. Economics
1.2.1. Generated revenues through advertising, data licensing and other products. products. In 2017, total revenue generated was $2,443, 299, 000 (C-142)
1.2.2. Fluctuating exchange rates and inflation rates can affect overall profit-margins. (C-147)……
Thompson, Arthur A.,. (2015). Crafting and Executing Strategy: Concepts and Readings..New York: McGraw-Hill Education, (pp. 138-148)
Study Document
… and critical infrastructures and operations it supports. Despite developments in information security, numerous information systems continue to display susceptibility to both external and internal breaches (Suduc, Bîzoi & Filip, 2010). internal information security auditing enhances the likelihood of implementation of suitable security measures for averting such breaches and reducing their adverse impacts.
Security risks
… typhoons, among others, terror attacks, vandalism, fire outbreak, illegal tampering, power surges, and break-ins. Vlad and Lenghel (2017) put forward a collection of control defending information systems from such physical threats.
The control include different kinds of locks, hardware insurance coverage, and coverage of information recreation costs, having processes in place for everyday data and information … access and purposeful or inadvertent modification or destruction of information or the whole information system. Such threats may be reduced using logical security control, limiting user system accessibility, and averting unauthorized system access. All of the precautions……
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Suduc, A. M., Bîzoi, M., & Filip, F. G. (2010). Audit for information systems security. Informatica Economica, 14(1), 43.
Study Document
… amount to an expense account.
The elements of the Opportunity Triangle (commit, conceal, convert) present in Miller’s case that allowed him to circumvent control when embezzling funds from Associated Communications consisted of the fact that he could get around the requirement for two signatures on checks by … will continue to happen in the future. Failure to report is the problem that they suffer from through and through: they lack the internal control for preventing fraud from occurring and they lack the audit team to catch bad reporting from lower down in the company. They do ……
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Study Document
… particular case, affidavits should be presented clearly indicating that the victims did not initiate the transactions in question. In seeking to ensure that internal control are improved so as to prevent an occurrence of the very same fraudulent activity, there are a number of suggestions that I would ……
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Study Document
The key assumptions underlying strain, control, and learning theories of criminal behavior are similar, which is why they are sometimes integrated or at least interrelated in criminological discourse. Strain … experience strain—or psychological distress—resulting from unmet needs, especially when those needs are unmet due to sociological problems such as inequality, injustice, or disparity.
control theories posit a set of internal and external control on individual or even collective behavior. Social institutions are assumed to serve as mechanisms of social control, also influencing individual behaviors via a series of real or perceived constraints. Like strain theories, control theories assume that social cohesion is important for normative behavior, whereas the breakdown of social cohesion leads to the disregard for the institutions … leads to the disregard for the institutions and the norms they uphold. Without institutions or their overarching rules, individuals lack the impetus to control urges and are therefore more likely……
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Study Document
… expansion in different cultures should be consistent with measures that will allow it to achieve that ROI. The company thus needs to conduct internal analysis to see how well its resources are being inbounded, how well operations are performing in processing resources into goods or services, how … let the Pixar team do with its films. Disney’s executives should recognize the talent and vision that others bring and not attempt to control their environment. Netflix is very hands off in this way and it should be the same with Disney.
The more latitude Disney gives … it if it just monitors the reaction from fans on social media. That is where customer satisfaction is best read and understood. Output control,……
Wheelen, T. L., Hunger, J. D., Hoffman, A. N., & Bamford, C. E. (2010). Strategic management and business policy. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Study Document
… our industry: “Given the complexity and global nature of the modern financial market, any government's attempt to regulate it in a purely unilateral command-and-control manner will inevitably encounter the fundamental problem of regulatory arbitrage, whereby financial institutions find new ways to get around government rules, thus creating … a viable alternative. The way it would work is this: instead of complying with external standards, codes and rules, the company complies with internal standards, codes and values that both drive the company’s culture and the company’s performance. The firm must develop its own standards of conduct, … the company’s vision, and the same expectations of behavior inherent in ethical leadership. However, the firm must still be able to monitor activity internal and identify potential abuses or fraudulent activity, both through monitoring and routine internal and…[break]…a system of virtue ethics. Whatever the system is, however, it should be promoted and communicated……
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Study Document
… been reported to help deal with disability caused by low back pain, depression for low back pain patients, and as compared to a control group, the level of pain was significantly lower for those practicing yoga stretches (Groessl et al., 2008; Williams et al., 2009).
Heat/cold therapy ……
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Study Document
… management encompasses the practice of identifying, assessing and listing of risks followed by organized and cost-effective application of resources to curtail, supervise and control the probability and influence of disastrous events or to capitalize in the realization of prospects (Gizaw, Kebede, and Selvaraj, 2015).
The power and … take in significant insight from past experiences. Presently, banks ought to have a profound cognizance of the need to ascertain measure, supervise and control fundamental credit risk factors (Asfaw and Veni, 2015).
In relation to existent literature, scholars have determined that the factors affecting the success of … relation to existent literature, scholars have determined that the factors affecting the success of credit risk can be categorized into two groups including internal factors (micro-economic) and external factors (macro-economic). In accordance to Garr (2013), the different factors that influence credit risk can be classified into macroeconomic ……
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Study Document
… a brand identity, communicate the organization’s commitment to social justice or environmental stewardship, and to align itself with strategic partners. When external or internal crises threaten the organization, its worldview can also help……
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