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Public relations
Introduction: Public Safety
The aim of the public safety sector is the provision of products and services geared at safeguarding individuals and their … to include a sound occupational safety and health initiative necessarily. Having a sound occupational safety and health initiative in place may help improve relations between the department and the community it serves.
Furthermore, police officer conduct can affect overall trust and police-community dealings. Physically and mentally fit ……
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Buyantseva, L. V., Tulchinsky, M., Kapalka, G. M., Chinchilli, V. M., Qian, Z., Gillio, R., et al. (2007). Evolution of lower respiratory symptoms in New York police officers after 9/11: A prospective longitudinal study. J Occup Environ Med, 49, 310–17.
Homeland Security. (2005). Grand reform: The faster and smarter funding for first responders. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
Lippmann, M., Cohen, M. D., & Chen, L-C. (2015). Health effects of World Trade Center (WTC) Dust: An unprecedented disaster with inadequate risk management. Crit Rev Toxicol, 45(6), 492-530. DOI: 10.3109/10408444.2015.1044601
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… freeing slaves in states still occupied by the Rebels of the South. However, Emancipation Proclamation was still hardly the turning point in African-American relations that was needed—and Lincoln himself had been working on a plan that would see the slaves deported to a new black state in ……
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Guelzo, A. C. (2000). Lincoln and the Abolitionists. The Wilson Quarterly, 24(4), 58-70.
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Study Document
Common Assessment
In today’s multicultural workforce, gender remains an area where power disparity occurs. While other barriers are being broken down, there remains stereotypical views regarding gender roles that can influence the modern workplace. This paper will examine some of the prevailing research on the subject to determine the current … can influence the modern workplace. This paper will examine some of the prevailing research on the subject to determine the current state of gender norms within the workplace.
Diversity is typically considered a benefit to the workplace, but the way in which diversity manifests should nevertheless be … international person, for example, feeling that their experiences are not valued; this is the way many cultures interpret the lack…[break]…Corse (2013) discussing how gender education can contribute to fostering this greater degree of openness.
Diverse work environments are the norm, but there remains ongoing challenges with respect … but there remains……
Ely, R. & Thomas, D. (2001) Cultural diversity at work: The effects of diversity perspectives on work group processes and outcomes. Administrative Science Quarterly. Vol. 46 (2) 229-273.
Hesmondhalgh, D. & Baker, S. (2015) Sex, gender and work segregation in the cultural industries. The Sociological Review. Vol. 63 (S51) 23-36.
MacLeod, A. (1992) Hegemonic relations and gender resistance: The new veiling as accommodating protect in Cairo. . Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society. Vol. 17 (3) 533-557.
Nathan, R. (no date). As others see us. No publication, in possession of the author.
Sargent, C. & Corse, S. (2013) Picture my gender(s): Using interactive media to engage students in theories of gender construction. Teaching Sociology. Vol. 41 (3) 242-256.
Study Document
… been a part of the industry from the start, rapping, producing, and dancing. Their socially conscious lyrics went beyond issues related to race relations and violence, and addressed gender relations and black female sexuality. Female hip hop artists allow their male counterparts to understand, through their music, their perceptions of patriarchy and male ……
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Study Document
Racism and gender Oppression
In the speeches of Angela Y. Davis, black female activist of the 20th century, one sees a remarkable discernment of the underbelly … and his repressive and oppressive policies. [3: Alan Gómez, “Resisting Living Death at Marion Federal Penitentiary, 1972,” Radical History Review 96 (2006), 59.]
Racism, gender Oppression, the Regulation of Sexuality, and Global Capitalism
Davis’s interpretation of the prison-industrial complex and of the order of the U.S. as a … interpretation of the prison-industrial complex and of the order of the U.S. as a whole is filtered through the lens of racism and gender oppression. Linked to these concepts are the regulation of sexuality and the issue of global capitalism—the unregulated pursuit of market dominance, materialistic conquest, … need to challenge the tendency for discussions about the global economy and state violence to lose site of the intimate ways in which gender and sexuality are……
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Study Document
gender- The Behaviors and Acts Leading up to a Transition
gender, as a terminology, alludes to individuals whose sense of their gender is different from what would be anticipated based on the sex individualities that they are naturally born with. A gender individual may identify as a trans woman, which means a person who has a self-concept that is female, with the endeavor to or … individual who is non-binary does not identify stringently as a woman or a man (Sangganjanavanich, 2016).
Starting as early as a child, a gender individual may have continuous and perpetual feelings of gender dysphoria. This refers to a detachment between the individual's primary as well as secondary sexual characteristics. Also, this refers to as detachment amid … dysphoria. This refers to a detachment between the individual's primary as well as secondary sexual characteristics. Also, this refers to as detachment amid designated-gender and the……
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Study Document
… employees against discrimination. Federal anti-discrimination laws or legislative protections were initially enacted to prevent discrimination on the basis of age, race, ethnicity, color, gender or disability. These laws alongside state laws have played a critical role in safeguarding employees from discriminatory patterns or practices in the workplace.
… a federal law that prohibits disparity in payment of employees (Macgillivray, Beecher & Golden, 2010). The legislation prohibits payment of employees of one gender different wages from another when the jobs entail significantly similar skills, responsibility, and effort (Jennings, 2018). As a result, this law prohibits gender-based wage discrimination as it seeks to promote gender equality in the workplace. This anti gender-based wage discrimination law focuses on gender segregation within industries and occupations. An employer can use a factor other than sex to establish employee pay consistently with this law. In ……
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Study Document
...Gender relations Introduction
The Caribbean nations of Haiti, Jamaica, and Puerto Rico share in common a history of tumultuous colonial rule. Yet different Old World colonial governments had presided over each of these countries, leading to completely different languages, cultures, customs, and institutions. The French left the most lingering legacy on Haiti, and Haitian slaves ended up leading the world’s first successful large-scale slave rebellion. British rule in Jamaica would also eventually dissolve, as slavery became an untenable model for the global labor market. Spanish-ruled Puerto Rico likewise capitalized on the slave trade and the free labor extracted from it, but slavery in Puerto Rico was less linked to race as it was in either Haiti or Jamaica. This is not to say that Puerto Rico is not as marred by slavery as were Jamaica or Haiti, but the colonial system did ensure a lingering social stratification based on class status. This……
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Study Document
… If one looks at my social class, one will see that I belong to the dominant population of upper middle class persons. My gender orientation is also dominant in society (I am a heterosexual person). With regard to indigenous background-related cultural identity, my own is neutral. As … identity, my own is neutral. As I was born in America, my nationality coincides with that of the society's dominant population. Furthermore, my gender expression as well as gender identity lie within society's dominant group (I am male, possessing masculine expression). Lastly, while my weight (I am more toward the higher end … of the body mass index) means that with regard to body size, I belong to the non-dominant cluster, my society pertaining to birth-assigned gender is neutral.
Educational level represents one means of identifying the dominant or privileged population in my society, and I regard myself a part ………
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