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God of the Old Testament is the same as the God of the New Testament
Mathewson, Dave. \"Reading Heb 6: 4-6 in light of the Old Testament.\" Westminster theological journal 61, no. 2 (1999): 209-226.
This particular article aims to propose an additional aspect that has not been adequately considered in the interpretation of Hebrews 6:4-6 to offer new exegetical understanding into comprehending this confusing passage. More precisely, the author looks to suggest reading Hebrews 6:4-6 in light of an Old Testament matrix since according to the author, a great portion of the interpretation of this part of Hebrews arises from the failure of not appreciating its Old Testament background.
Osredkar, Mari Jo�e. \"Forgiveness as the Summation of the Gospel Ethics of God.\" Bogoslovni vestnik 78 (2018): 313-323.
Here, the author maintains that the revelation of God doesn't necessarily fall from the heavens, but man acknowledges the word of God in the human word.……
Astika, Made. \\\\\\\\\\\\"The Relationship Between Old And New Testament: A Study On Contemporary Debate Of Methodology Of The Old Testament Theology.\\\\\\\\\\\\" Jurnal Jaffray 11, no. 1 (2013): 129-149.
Baah-Odoom, Dinah, and Frimpong Wiafe. \\\\\\\\\\\\"The Importance Of The Old Testament To The Christian Spirituality.\\\\\\\\\\\\" The International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention, Vol. 3 iss. 7, (2016); 2414-2425.
Baker, David L. Two Testaments, One Bible: The Theological Relationship between the Old and New Testaments. InterVarsity Press, 2010.
Jasper, F. N. \\\\\\\\\\\\"The Relation of the Old Testament to the New: Part I.\\\\\\\\\\\\" The Expository Times 78, no. 9 (1967): 228-232.
Lamb, David T. God Behaving Badly: Is the God of the Old Testament Angry, Sexist and Racist?. InterVarsity Press, 2011.
Longman, Tremper III. Making Sense of the Old Testament (Three Crucial Questions): Three Crucial Questions. Baker Books, 1999.
Mathewson, Dave. \\\\\\\\\\\\"Reading Heb 6: 4-6 in light of the Old Testament.\\\\\\\\\\\\" Westminster theological journal 61, no. 2 (1999): 209-226.
Newman, Kelly D. \\\\\\\\\\\\"To Know the One True God: Reconciling the God of the Old Testament with the God of the New Testament.\\\\\\\\\\\\" Masters of Arts in Religious Education, Brigham Young University. (2006).
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...Forgiveness Should Canada reinstate the death penalty for planned and premeditated murder What is your position and why
Why are people punished for their crimes? What is the driving idea behind punitive sentencing in criminal justice? Is life behind bars somehow to be considered more humane of a sentence for a person who commits premeditated murder? Or is knowing that one will never again have his freedom a worse punishment than death? Obviously these are all subjective questions and people will have different views on the matter, so it is important to define one’s own approach to the question. If one is talking about preferences and whether it is better to give up one’s life than to live the rest of one’s days in prison, one might go either way. But if one is talking about the issue of capital punishment from an ethical point of view, it is an approach……
Works Cited
Capote, Truman. In Cold Blood. NY: Vintage, 1994.
Holmes, A. Ethics: Approaching moral decisions. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2007.
Hursthouse, Rosalind. “Virtue Ethics.” Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2016.
Kronenwetter, M. Capital Punishment: A Reference Handbook. CA: ABC-CLIO, 2001.
Robbins, Tim, dir. Dead Man Walking. Gramercy Pictures, 1995. Film.
Study Document
… offenders committed. While murder is an unfortunate crime, the fact remains that a Christian society cannot exist without the virtue of mercy and forgiveness. That virtue seems to be lacking among some, and it is hard to see how their argument makes sense. The film did not … and make an effort to be better. I think of Hawthorne’s novel The Scarlet Letter and I feel like those who are against forgiveness are like the Puritans in that novel who condemn Hestor and treat her like a pariah. There is nothing good about what they ……
Study Document
… uses the parable to give a catechism lesson about what sin is. The second sermon engages the audience and approaches the topic of forgiveness first as a skeptic and cynic and then concludes with a major reversal and shows that the “foolish” father in the parable is ……
Harris, Daniel E. We Speak the Word of the Lord: a Practical Plan for More Effective Preaching Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock Publicshers, 2001.
McBride, Alfred. How to Make Homilies Better, Briefer, and Bolder. Huntington, Indiana: Our Sunday Visitor, 2007.
Wallace, James. Preaching to the Hungers of the Heart. The Homily on Feasts and Within the Rites. Collegeville, Minnesota: Liturgical Press, 2002.
Study Document
… lining (Goodman).
Once the deceased is in the casket, the chevra—i.e., the Jewish group tasked with overseeing the burial ritual—prays to God for forgiveness of the sins of the deceased (Brener). This preparation contrasts with the Catholic tradition, where the body is prepared for burial by placing ……
Works Cited
Brener, Anne. Mourning and Mitzvah: A Guided Journal for Walking the Mourner’s Path Through Grief to Healing. Jewish Lights/Turner Publishing, 2017.
Goldstein, Z. “The Jewish Burial.”
Goodman, Arnold M. A Plain Pine Box: A Return to Simple Jewish Funerals and Eternal Traditions. Ktav Publishing House, 2003.
Reform Judaism.
Sheikh, Aziz, and Abdul Rashid Gatrad, eds. Caring for Muslim patients. Radcliffe Publishing, 2008.
Siddiqui, Abdul Hamid. Sahih Muslim. Peace Vision, 2012.
Toner, Patrick. "Extreme Unction." The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 5. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1909.
Wilde, Melissa J. Vatican II: A sociological analysis of religious change. Princeton University Press, 2018.
Study Document
...Forgiveness Ethical Practices Self-Assessment Plan and Practices for Future Ministry
A plan for future ministry outlines the ethical and self-assessment strategies that a minister expects to employ in the course of their ministry. The purpose of this text is to develop a self-assessment plan for growth and strategy in the areas of self-care, pastoral care, community care, and familial care.
Growth Areas and Strategies for Self-Care
While there is no exclusive command requiring us to love ourselves, there is Biblical support for self-care. Confronted by the Scribes to give His view on what was the first of all commandments in Mark 12: 28-31, for instance, Jesus answered that it is to love the Lord with all of one’s heart, soul mind, and strength; and to love one’s neighbor as oneself. Loving oneself, therefore, is a prerequisite for loving God and one’s neighbor.[footnoteRef:1] Christians have an ethical duty to love and care……
Gates, Jeffery. “Self-Care: A Christian Perspective.” Evangelical Review of Theology 35, no. 1 (January 2015): 4-17.
Lassman, Ernie. “The Importance of Continuing Education for Pastors.” Concordia Theological Seminary Journal 19, no. 1 (March 2015): 1-5.
Lish, Allen, Trice Pamela, Root, Alicia, and Gilbert, Nicole. “Care for Pastors: Learning from Clergy and their Spouses.” Faculty Publications – Graduate school of Clinical Psychology, Paper 152 (2005):
Shirley, Chris. “It Takes a Church to Make a Disciple: An Integrative Model of Discipleship for the Church.” Southwestern Journal of Theology 50, no. 2 (Spring 2008): 207-24.
Study Document
… grace, and charity. He never lashed out at anyone, and He continued giving support to others along the way. He even asked for forgiveness for those who persecuted Him. He was the perfect example of charity at every step. He converted many people in this manner: for ……
Levine, A. J. (2016). Mary Marshall. The Portrayals of the Pharisees in the Gospels and Acts. Studies in Christian-Jewish Relations, 11(1).
Pelser, A. C. (2019). Temptation, Virtue, and the Character of Christ. Faith and Philosophy, 36(1), 81-101.
Yngvason, Y. R., Jonasson, H. I., & Ingason, H. T. (2013). Jesus Christ as a project leader. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 74, 398-407.
Study Document
...Forgiveness Understanding Israel and Palestine
Part 1
“A denial of life is a rejection of the God of life” (Keum 4). This gets to the heart of what I felt as I experienced Palestine for myself. Seeing the West Bank in person allowed me to witness a whole new level of marginalization and oppression that I had never seen before—even though I had been to South Africa and India. Here the marginalization was so deliberate, so offensive, so hypocritical and unchristian that I was shocked to find Christians here in Bethlehem who still found joy in life and calmly expressed their faith in God. To see the Israelis treating the people on the West Bank with such contempt, illegally building settlements, bulldozing their acreage and fruit trees and homes, erecting barriers of humiliation, treating these people like animals and criminals—it was to understand exactly the affirmation of the WCC publication that……
Works Cited
Keum, Jooseop, ed. Together towards life: Mission and evangelism in changing landscapes: With a practical guide. World Council of Churches Publications, 2013.
Study Document
… of penance to be approached as something done in common with others, but this is a rather novel departure from Church tradition and forgiveness of the laity unless in times of extreme emergency is forbidden and individuals must make use of the sacrament of penance through confession ……
Toner, Patrick. \\\\\\"Extreme Unction.\\\\\\" The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 5. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1909.
Study Document
...Forgiveness Executive Summary
The healthcare sector in the United States is facing shortage of healthcare providers, particularly in rural settings. One of the most affected areas in the country is rural Maryland, especially Allegany County, which has been selected as the location for this project. The proposed plan seeks to help lessen the shortage of healthcare providers in the county using MedChi, an organization that provides public health resources in Maryland. MedChi could help address the problem through promoting adoption of technologies like telemedicine and expansion of the scope of practice of non-physician providers. To realize this objective, the organization needs to establish partnerships with relevant stakeholders within and outside the county’s health sector including policymakers. These partnerships should focus on identifying necessary resources for implementation of the proposed solution.
Provider Shortage Proposal
Shortage of providers in healthcare is a major issue facing this industry at a time when patient populations……
Antonelli, A.F. (2019, May 14). Does America Have a Physician Shortage – or Are Our Doctors ‘Just Bad at Managing Time’? Retrieved August 5, 2019,
Daly, R. (2018, May 22). Healthcare Workforce Shortage Worsening: Senators. Retrieved August 5, 2019, from
Desmon, S. (2019, March 1). Doctors in Short Supply in Rural Maryland. Baltimore Sun. Retrieved August 5, 2019, from
Heath, S. (2019, July 11). What Clinician Recruitment Tactics Say About the Physician Shortage. Retrieved August 5, 2019, from
Merritt Hawkins. (2019). 2019 Review of Physician and Advanced Practitioner Recruiting Incentives. Retrieved August 5, 2019, from
Western Maryland Health System and Allegany County Health Department. (2011, November). Allegany County Community Health Needs Assessment. Retrieved August 5, 2019, from
Wolford, H.B. (2018, May 28). Allegany County Sees Shortage of Health Care Workers. Time News. Retrieved August 5, 2019, from
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