Fake News Essays (Examples)


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What Is Cybercrime And How To Deter It

Pages: 7 (2243 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:58559500

...Fake news What is Cybercrime?
Definition of Cybercrime
Cybercrime is any criminal activity that is conducted using computers or the Internet. As today’s digital natives have the most experience with computers, cybercriminals tend to be of the Millennial generation—i.e., born after 1980. They are young, digitally sophisticated, and able to operate with a degree of professionalism and discipline that allows them to hide their crimes beneath legitimate-looking facades. Spearphishing is one example of a type of cybercrime used by professional criminals to lure victims into traps or sites that have the appearance of legitimacy.
Cybercrime is committed by people who know computer code, understand computer systems and networks, know how to navigate databases, access data storage, get past firewalls, exploit cloud computing services, control the Internet of Things and more. They
How Cybercrime Has Evolved over Time
Computers and the rise of the Internet ushered in the era of cybercrime. IBM’s first……



Computer Hope. (2019). When was the first computer invented? Retrieved from  https://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch000984.htm 

Crane, C. (2019). 33 alarming cybercrime statistics you should know in 2019. Retrieved from  https://www.thesslstore.com/blog/33-alarming-cybercrime-statistics-you-should-know/ 

Schjølberg, Stein. (2017). The History of Cybercrime (1976-2016). Books on Demand.

Statista. (2020). Global digital population. Retrieved from  https://www.statista.com/statistics/617136/digital-population-worldwide/ 

Taylor, R. W., Fritsch, E. J., Liederbach, J., Saylor, M. R., & Tafoya, W. L. (2019). Cyber crime and cyber terrorism. NY, NY: Pearson.


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Fight Club And Resiliency

Pages: 9 (2826 words) Sources: 7 Document Type:Essay Document #:28924089

...Fake news Resiliency
As Webster and Rivers (2018) point out, the notion of resilience has been promoted in a variety of fields and essentially research on it has focused on the need for individuals to “toughen up”—particularly in what has been called a “snowflake” culture, a term popularized by the 1996 Chuck Palahniuk novel Fight Club. As Palahniuk said later when the book was made into a cult hit film, “Every generation gets offended by different things but my friends who teach in high school tell me that their students are very easily offended…The modern Left is always reacting to things. Once they get their show on the road culturally they will stop being so offended” (Londoner, 2017). While there is a lot to unpack in that statement (offense and culture are implicitly linked to resiliency and the ability to cope with conflict), the essence of the point made by Palahniuk is……



Domhardt, M., Münzer, A., Fegert, J. M., & Goldbeck, L. (2015). Resilience in survivors of child sexual abuse: A systematic review of the literature. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 16(4), 476-493.

Fincher, D. (1999). Fight club. Los Angeles, CA: 20th Century Fox.

Koerner, R. (2017). Authoritarians to the Right of Me, Authoritarians to the Left. Retrieved from  https://fee.org/articles/authoritarians-to-the-right-of-me-authoritarians-to-the-left/ 

Londoner. (2017). Londoner's Diary: Fight Club's Chuck Palahniuk: "I coined 'snowflake' and I stand by it". Retrieved from  https://www.standard.co.uk/news/londoners-diary/londoners-diary-chuck-palahniuk-i-coined-snowflake-and-i-stand-by-it-a3448226.html#comments 

Perkins-Gough, D. (2013). The significance of grit: A conversation with Angela Lee Duckworth. Educational Leadership, 71(1), 14-20.

Reivich, K. J., Seligman, M. E., & McBride, S. (2011). Master resilience training in the US Army. American Psychologist, 66(1), 25.

Tough, P. (2013). How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity, and the Hidden Power of Character. NY: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

Webster, D., & Rivers, N. (2018). Resisting resilience: disrupting discourses of self- efficacy. Pedagogy, Culture & Society, 1-13.


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Branding Study

Pages: 6 (1727 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Essay Document #:84457750

...Fake news Nike Should Move Production to the US and Make America Great Again
Nike is a global sport, clothing and shoe supplier and retailer with over 1000 retail outlets in the US and with global brand recognition. Since its founding in the 1960s, the company has dominated the sporting industry with its apparel, shoes, accessories and sporting products—from golf balls to tennis rackets. One reason for its success has been its ability to brand itself as the company that produces the products champions use. Nike is associated with winners like Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods and LeBron James. When people think of Nike, they think of winning, and the trademark phrase of the company—“Just Do It”—has inspired millions of customers to put on Nike gear and go out onto the field to give it their all.
Overview of Firm
Nike was founded by Phil Knight and Bill Bowerman as……


Works Cited

“About Nike.” Nike, 2000.  https://about.nike.com/ 

Global News. “Nike shoes burn on social media as Colin Kaepernick features in ‘Just Do It’ campaign.” Global News, 2018  https://globalnews.ca/news/4425379/nike-shoes-burn-colin-kaepernick/ 

Morning Consult. “Nike's Favorability Drops Double Digits Following New ‘Just Do It’ Campaign with Colin Kaepernick.” Morning Consult, 2019.  https://morningconsult.com/form/nike-kaepernick-report/ 

Peters, Jeremy. “The Birth of ‘Just Do It’ and Other Magic Words.” The New York Times, 19 Aug 2009.  https://www.nytimes.com/2009/08/20/business/media/20adco.html?_r=3&ref=busine ss

Storey, G. “Nike and the importance of meaningful brand values.” Polpeo, 2019.  https://polpeo.com/nike-and-the-importance-of-meaningful-brand-values/ 


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Political Correctness In Modern Politics

Pages: 5 (1408 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Essay Document #:11120124

...Fake news Language Culture Society and Politics during the Trump Administration
Political Correctness (PC) in Modern Politics: An Assessment of the Trump Presidency
When Donald Trump launched his campaign for the highest seat in the land, most people – including most political analysts – did not believe he stood a chance. Here was a reality TV show host and real estate billionaire known for his brash language and liking for controversy. He simply did not fit the political mold, which, due to the constant need to balance the interests of various stakeholders and ensure that no constituency feels aggrieved, was created to enable politicians to be politically correct (PC). Yet voters seemed to like that Trump had a non-PC, no-holds-barred approach: it endeared him to millions of viewers of his TV show around the world. Perhaps most surprisingly, this inexperienced, political new-entrant ended up beating seasoned politicians – with the first……



Conway, L.C. (2020). How a cultural revolt against “political correctness” helped launch Trump into the presidency. Retrieved from https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/usappblog/2018/02/28/how-a-cultural-revolt-against-political-correctness-helped-launch-trump-into-the-presidency/

Hart, R.P. (2020). Trump and us: What he says and why people listen. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.

Morini, M. (2020). Lessons from Trumps Political Communication: How to Dominate the Media Environment. Belmont, CA: Springer Nature.

Marron, M.B. (2019). Misogyny and media in the age of Trump. New York, NY: Rowman & Littlefield.

Mooney, A. & Evans, B. (2015). Language, society and power. New York, NY: Routledge.

NPR (2016). 'Politically correct': The phrase has gone from wisdom to weapon. Retrieved from  https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2016/12/14/505324427/politically-correct-the-phrase-has-gone-from-wisdom-to-weapo n

Travers, M. (2019). In new research, psychologists explore the upside of political incorrectness. Retrieved from  https://www.forbes.com/sites/traversmark/2019/10/09/in-new-research-psychologists-explore-the-upside-of-political-incorrectness/#7935b4c252af 

Woodhouse, L. (2018). Trump’s shithole countries remark is at the center of a lawsuit to reinstate protections for immigrants. Retrieved from  https://theintercept.com/2018/06/28/trump-tps-shithole-countries-lawsuit/

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