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...College sports Dance is often said to be one of the unique aspects of being human. Dance can be informal or formal in nature. Some dances are performed solo; others in pairs or groups. Specific dances may have a sacred or ceremonial component. Some dances are mainly performed by people of a specific gender or stage of life. Other dances are art forms in and of themselves. One of the most famous of these is ballet, a medium which requires years of intensive study, usually beginning at an early age. Yet while the art of ballet versus a form of dance which emerges organically from the streets may seem to have little in common, all forms of dance still share common connections.
Ballet, for example, as a classic style of dance originated as a highly formalized style involving intensive preparation to pointe work for women and a highly turned out style for……
Works Cited
“A Dance with Jane Austen by Susannah Fullerton – A Review.” Jane Austen’s World. September 15, 2012. Web. July 2, 2019.
“Types of Ballet.” Pittsburgh Ballet Theater. Web. July 2, 2019. ballet/
Study Document
… the flowers, which serve as a kind of symbol of her heart and emotions. He is interested in masculine things, such as work, sports and movies. He tries to engage his wife, but does so in something of a mocking manner: “At it again,” he says to ……
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Thurber, James. “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty.”
Study Document
… includes army band operations, command interest programs, and morale, recreation, and welfare operations (United States Department of the Army, 2014). Welfare operations include sports programs and recreation support. These joint activities boost teamwork among soldiers. Command interest programs refer to programs that cater to the needs of ……
United States Department of the Army. (2014). Field Manual FM 1-0 Human Resources Support April 2014. Retrieved from website:
United States Department of the Army. (2013). Field Manual FM 1-04 Legal Support to the Operational Army March 2013. Retrieved from website:
Study Document
...College sports Understanding the Value of Qualitative Research
Qualitative researchers have a number of different research strategies available to them, including case studies, phenomenology, grounded theory and ethnography. Each of these research strategies has its respective strengths and weaknesses, but ethnography in particular represents a special challenge since it seeks to learn more about a group of people from the perspective of an insider. The purpose of this paper is to provide a review of the relevant literature to identify and describe and benefits of ethnographical research as a strategy for developing a better understanding concerning the lived experiences of others. A critique of Dr. Loïc Wacquant’s ethnographical work and a discussion concerning its implications for social change are followed by a description concerning the potential impact of research in supporting positive social change through public policy in the paper’s conclusion.
Review and Discussion
Role of the qualitative researcher
The role of……
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Wacquant, L. (2011). Habitus as topic and tool: Reflections on becoming a prizefighter. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 8(1), 81-92.
Study Document
… into not a long time ago.
Have you experienced changes in your physical strength in recent years?
As I said, I really liked sports and always endeavored to keep fit. As years went by, my frequency of playing in the field reduced, leading to a corresponding loss ……
Study Document
… drug of media consumption (Drake).
The Drug of Media Consumption
Consuming is the high that the media-addicted seek. The TV programs, films, music, sports, advertisements—all of it is meant to get people to consume. It is meant to attach them to the world created for them by ……
Works Cited
Drake, Jennifer, et al. Growing up postmodern: Neoliberalism and the war on the young. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2002.
Giroux, Henry. “Disney, Casino Capitalism and the Exploitation of Young Boys: Beyond the Politics of Innocence.” TruthOut, 2009.
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Marger, Martin N. \\\\\\\\\\\\"The mass media as a power institution.\\\\\\\\\\\\" Power in modern societies (1993): 238-249.
Study Document
...College sports Introduction
Music has the power to generate different kinds of emotions in human beings. Even in animals sometimes people see changes in mood when they play music. The type of emotion music evokes depends on the type of music. Feelings than can be generated by music include fear, sadness, and happiness (Goycoolea et al. 2013). Therefore, the mood-altering effect of music can either be positive (happiness) or negative (sadness). However, how music exactly affects emotion or mood is not so straightforward. While some music generally evokes same feelings in most people, many times individuals are affected differently by music (Rana et al. 2011). In the case of this paper, music refers to any singing, playing of musical instrument, pre-recorded music, and live music. Whether one chooses to play music, sing, or listen to music, there will always be mood altering and several other effects. And one of the most often……
Bottiroli, S., Rosi, A., Russo, R., Vecchi, T. and Cavallini, E., 2014. The cognitive effects of listening to background music on older adults: processing speed improves with upbeat music, while memory seems to benefit from both upbeat and downbeat music. Frontiers in aging neuroscience, 6, p.284.
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Hole, J., Hirsch, M., Ball, E. and Meads, C., 2015. Music as an aid for postoperative recovery in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The Lancet, 386(10004), pp.1659-1671.
Ludke, K.M., Ferreira, F. and Overy, K., 2014. Singing can facilitate foreign language learning. Memory & cognition, 42(1), pp.41-52.
Onieva-Zafra, M.D., Castro-Sánchez, A.M., Matarán-Peñarrocha, G.A. and Moreno-Lorenzo, C., 2013. Effect of music as nursing intervention for people diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Pain Management Nursing, 14(2), pp.e39-e46.
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… the examples given by Arnold and Oakley (2013) is that of a drug company advertising a pill for erectile dysfunction (ED) during a sports game on TV, where families and likely children may be watching. It is not a topic that generally comes up in polite conversation, ……
Arnold, D. G., & Oakley, J. L. (2013). The politics and strategy of industry self-regulation: the pharmaceutical industry's principles for ethical direct-to-consumer advertising as a deceptive blocking strategy. Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 38(3), 505-544.
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Study Document
...College sports Transgender- The Behaviors and Acts Leading up to a Transition
Transgender, as a terminology, alludes to individuals whose sense of their gender is different from what would be anticipated based on the sex individualities that they are naturally born with. A transgender individual may identify as a trans woman, which means a person who has a self-concept that is female, with the endeavor to or has transitioned to living as a woman after being born with male genitalia. On the other hand, an individual who identifies as a trans man implies having a male self-concept despite being born with female genitalia. Furthermore, an individual who is non-binary does not identify stringently as a woman or a man (Sangganjanavanich, 2016).
Starting as early as a child, a transgender individual may have continuous and perpetual feelings of gender dysphoria. This refers to a detachment between the individual's primary as well as……
Bockting, W. O., Miner, M. H., Swinburne Romine, R. E., Hamilton, A., & Coleman, E. (2013). Stigma, mental health, and resilience in an online sample of the US transgender population. American journal of public health, 103(5), 943-951.
Bockting, W., Coleman, E., Deutsch, M. B., Guillamon, A., Meyer, I., Meyer III, W., ... & Ettner, R. (2016). Adult development and quality of life of transgender and gender-nonconforming people. Current opinion in endocrinology, diabetes, and obesity, 23(2), 188.
Catelan, R. F., Costa, A. B., & Lisboa, C. S. D. M. (2017). Psychological interventions for transgender persons: a scoping review. International Journal of Sexual Health, 29(4), 325-337.
Divan, V., Cortez, C., Smelyanskaya, M., & Keatley, J. (2016). Transgender social inclusion and equality: a pivotal path to development. Journal of the International AIDS Society, 19, 20803.
Drydakis, N. (2020). Trans People, Transitioning, Mental Health, Life, and Job Satisfaction. Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics, 1-22.
Glynn, T. R., & van den Berg, J. J. (2017). A systematic review of interventions to reduce problematic substance use among transgender individuals: A call to action. Transgender Health, 2(1), 45-59.
Grossman, A. H., Haney, A. P., Edwards, P., Alessi, E. J., Ardon, M., & Howell, T. J. (2009). Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth talk about experiencing and coping with school violence: A qualitative study. Journal of LGBT Youth, 6(1), 24-46.
Jellestad, L., Jäggi, T., Corbisiero, S., Schaefer, D. J., Jenewein, J., Schneeberger, A., ... & Garcia Nuñez, D. (2018). Quality of life in transitioned trans persons: a retrospective cross-sectional cohort study. BioMed research international, 2018.
Study Document
...College sports The Impact of Royale Racing on Race Club Engineering
Royale Racing was established in 1968 by Bob King in Great Britain. The company produced single seater race cars until 1987 when the company closed its production facility. King had had some experience in working on speedway cars in New Zealand in his youth and after returning to Great Britain he opened a car lot, selling road cars. His father owned a motor showroom, which is where King learned to take his interest in cars in the first place (Ward). Operating his own lot, he acquired a used Elva on a trade-in and kept it around with the intention of racing the car—but the car caught the attention of other consumers and because he had experience in the speedway, he found that he had a skill set that was in demand in a niche market in England. Thus, he soon……
Works Cited
1973 Royale RP16 Formula Ford.
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Royale Race Tires. “About Us.”
Ward, Ian. “Royale Racing.” The World of Automobiles, volume 17. Pennsylvania State University, 1974.
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