Annotated Bibliography Essays (Examples)


Study Document Study Document

Income Inequality And Poverty

Pages: 5 (1391 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Annotated Bibliography Document #:25579678

… numerous opinions on the various proposed solutions, there is no doubt that there is a need for additional research. This paper is an annotated bibliography that aims to establish the findings by different researchers on the efficacy of the particular solutions that could be utilized in the reduction ……



Bonito, J. D. M., Daantos, F. J. A., Mateo, J. C. A., & Rosete, M. A. L. (2017). Do entrepreneurship and economic growth affect poverty, income inequality, and economic development. Review of Integrative Business & Economics Research, 6(1), 33-43.

Chiazor, I. A., Egharevba, M. E., & Ozoya, M. I. (2016). Widening Inequality and Poverty in the Developing World-Micro-Financing as a Viable Solution. The Social Sciences, 11(13), 3286-3293.

Chotia, V., and Rao, N.V.M. (2017). Investigating the interlinkages between infrastructure development, poverty, and rural-urban income inequality: Evidence from BRICS nations. Studies in Economics and Finance, Vol. 34 No. 4, pp. 466-484.

Cyrek, M. (2019). Government social spending in the EU countries: efficiency in poverty and income inequality reduction. Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy, 14(3), 405-424.

Omar, M. A., & Inaba, K. (2020). Does financial inclusion reduce poverty and income inequality in developing countries? A panel data analysis. Journal of Economic Structures, 9, 1-25.


Study Document Study Document

Challenges In Management Facing Transformational Leaders Service

Pages: 5 (1606 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Annotated Bibliography Document #:57833590

annotated bibliography: Management and Accounting Challenges facing Transformational Leaders: Service and Technology
Carreiro, H., & Oliveira, T. (2019). Impact of transformational leadership on the diffusion ……



Al Ahmad, S., Easa, N. F., & Mostapha, N. (2019). The Effect of Transformational Leadership on Innovation: Evidence from Lebanese Banks. European Research Studies Journal, 22(4), 215-240.

Aldholay, A. H., Isaac, O., Abdullah, Z., & Ramayah, T. (2018). The role of transformational leadership as a mediating variable in DeLone and McLean information system success model: The context of online learning usage in Yemen. Telematics and Informatics, 35(5), 1421-1437.

Carreiro, H., & Oliveira, T. (2019). Impact of transformational leadership on the diffusion of innovation in firms: Application to mobile cloud computing. Computers in Industry, 107, 104-113.

Zappalà, S., & Toscano, F. (2019). Transformational leadership and innovation adoption: Is there a moderation role of personal initiative and job control?. Psychologica, 119.

Zhang, Y., Zheng, J., & Darko, A. (2018). How does transformational leadership promote innovation in construction? The mediating role of innovation climate and the multilevel moderation role of project requirements. Sustainability, 10(5), 1506.


Study Document Study Document

Managing Behavior In Adolescents And Children Through Solution Focused

Pages: 10 (3015 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Annotated Bibliography Document #:12594584

Objective: The motivation behind this paper is to give annotated bibliography of sources on research in regards to overseeing conduct in young people and kids through arrangement centered treatment. Solution Focused Therapy or SFBT … a specific issue. As opposed to going through years in treatment, SFBT enables such clients to discover solutions and get results rapidly. This annotated bibliography provides a summary of different behavior presented in adolescents and children through Solution-Focused Therapy and other approaches.
To locate the articles used … summary of different behavior presented in adolescents and children through Solution-Focused Therapy and other approaches.
To locate the articles used in the annotated bibliography, EBSCO HOST and PROQUEST database were utilized to determine the appropriate articles. The search terms were “Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies, Managing Child Behavior Problems, Recovering … were found, but only a few selected that we're able to meet the project standard. While……



Boyer, B., MacKay, K. J., McLeod, B. D., & van der Oord, S. (2018). Comparing Alliance in Two Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies for Adolescents with ADHD Using a Randomized Controlled Trial. Behavior Therapy, 49(5), 781–795. 10.1016/j.beth.2018.01.003

Brockman, M., Hussain, K., Sanchez, B., & Turns, B. (2016). Managing Child Behavior Problems in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Utilizing Structural and Solution Focused Therapy with Primary Caregivers. American Journal of Family Therapy, 44(1), 1–10. 10.1080/01926187.2015.1099414

Gonzalez, C. (2017). Recovering Process from Child Sexual Abuse During Adulthood from an Integrative Approach to Solution-Focused Therapy: A Case Study. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 26(7), 785–805. 10.1080/10538712.2017.1354954

Kiser, D. J., & Piercy, F. P. (2014). Creativity and family therapy theory development: Lessons from the founders of solution-focused therapy: The journal of solution focus in organizations. InterAction, 6(2), 51-851645018526?accountid=45782

Smith, T. E., Shelton, V. M., & Richards, K. V. (2016). Solution-focused financial therapy with couples. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 26(5), 452–460. 10.1080/10911359.2015.1087921


Study Document Study Document

Homelessness In United States Essay Outline

Pages: 5 (1450 words) Sources: 10 Document Type:Annotated Bibliography Document #:95424322

...Annotated bibliography Homelessness in America - Essay Outline
Homelesssness in America
I. Introduction
a. Definition of Homelessness
i. Homelessness is the lack of a stable, safe and permanent housing due to lack of income, poor housing policies, and neighborhood gentrification (Dreyer, 2018).
ii. A comprehensive, broad-based definition that can be used consistently for homelessness initiatives does not exist (Yousey & Samudra, 2018).
b. Overview of Homelessness
i. Homelessness is an egregious problem that has existed in the United States since 1980s and attributable to various factors and causes (Dreyer, 2018).
ii. Multifaceted and multisectoral approaches are the most suitable interventions to address the growing problem of homelessness.
II. Statistics on Homelessness
a. Lifetime and 1-year Prevalence of Homelessness
i. Lifetime prevalence of homelessness in the United States population is approximately 4.2% (Tsai, 2018).
ii. 1-year prevalence of homelessness in the U.S. population is estimated at 1.5% (Tsai, 2018).
b. Youth Homelessness



Dreyer, B.P. (2018), A Shelter is not a Home: The Crisis of Family Homelessness in the United States, Pediatrics, 142(5) 1-3, httpps://doi.org10.1542/peds.2018-2695 Ly, A. & Latimer, E., (2015), Housing First Impact on Cost and Associated Cost Offsets A review of literature, Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 60(11) 475-487, doi: 10.1177/070674371506001103

Mabhala, M.A., Yohannes, A. & , Griffith, M. (2017), Social Conditions of Becoming Homelessness, Qualitative Analysis of Life Stories of Homelessness People, International Journal for Equity in Health, 16(150), Doi:10.1186/s12939-017-0646-3

Morton et al, (2017), Prevalence and Correlates of Youth Homelessness in the United States, Journal of Adolescent Health, 62, 14-21 Doi:10.1016/j.jadohealth.2017.10.006

Oppenheimer, S.C., Nurius, P.S. & Green, S. (2018) Homeless History Impact on Health Outcome and Economics and Risk Behaviors Intermediaries: New Insight from Population Data, Families in Society, 97(3), 230-242, Doi:10.1606/1044-3894.2016.97.21

Tsai, J., O’Toole, T. & Kearney, L. K. (2017), Homelessness as a Public Mental Health and Social Problem, New Knowledge and Solution, Psychological Services, 14(2), 113-117, 

Tsai, J. (2018), Lifetime and 1-year Prevalence of Homelessness in the U.S. Population: Results from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions-111, Journal of Public Health 40(1), 65-78, 

Yousey, A. & Samundra, R. (2018) Defining Homelessness in the Rural United States, Online Journal of Rural Research & Policy, 13(4), 

Weisz, C. & Quinn, D.M. (2017), Stigmatized and identities Psychological Distress and Physical Health, Intersection of homelessness and Race, Stigma and Health 1-6,


Study Document Study Document

Cloud Computing And Cost Effectiveness

Pages: 5 (1591 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Annotated Bibliography Document #:36737117

A Study of how Cloud Computing related to Cost-Effectiveness
annotated bibliography
Carcary, M., Doherty, E., & Conway, G. (2015). The adoption of cloud computing by Irish SMEs- an exploratory study. Electronic Journal of Information Systems ……



Attaran, M. (2017). Cloud Computing Technology: Leveraging the Power of the Internet to Improve Business Performance. Journal of International Technology and Information Management, 26(1), 112 – 137.

Carcary, M., Doherty, E., & Conway, G. (2015). The adoption of cloud computing by Irish SMEs- an exploratory study. Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation, 17(1), 3.

Elmonem, M. A. A., Nasr, E. S., & Geith, M. H. (2016). Benefits and challenges of cloud ERP systems–A systematic literature review. Future Computing and Informatics Journal, 1(1-2), 1-9.

Shankar, K. (2016). Effectiveness of Cloud Computing in Global Business. Journal of Applied Management-Jidnyasa, 8(1), 66-73.

Xue, C. T. S., & Xin, F. T. W. (2016). Benefits and challenges of the adoption of cloud computing in business. International Journal on Cloud Computing: Services and Architecture, 6(6), 01-15.


Study Document Study Document

Social Media And The 2016 Presidential Election

Pages: 1 (413 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Annotated Bibliography Document #:77310587

The topic of this paper is social media and its role in the 2016 presidential election.
annotated bibliography
Allcott, H., & Gentzkow, M. (2017). Social media and fake news in the 2016 election.  Journal of economic perspectives, 31(2), 211-36.
Article posits that ……


Study Document Study Document

The Juvenile Justice System

Pages: 4 (1066 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Annotated Bibliography Document #:11512307

annotated bibliography
Clark, A. B. (2017). Juvenile solitary confinement as a form of child abuse. The journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, 45(3), ……


Study Document Study Document

Separation Anxiety Disorder SAD

Pages: 5 (1574 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Evidence Based Practice Document #:75175545

… This paper is a case study of SAD in an eight-year-old African-American female child, named Chloe, under foster care. The paper includes an annotated bibliography and an evidence-based model recommending cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for the given case. The research question for this paper is: how effective is … paper is: how effective is CBT in the treatment of SAD among preschool children diagnosed with SAD? Based on the findings of the annotated literature review, it is concluded that CBT is highly effective as a SAD treatment among preschool children diagnosed with anxiety disorder. Hence, it … for Chloe is to help her recognize her anxious feelings and physical responses.
Part 3: Applying Research to a Case Study (Evidence-Based Practice)
annotated bibliography
The manifestation of anxiety early in childhood is an indication of significant distress and disturbances in life. Separation Anxiety Disorder (SAD) causes … This paper is……



Minde, K., Roy, J., Bezonsky, R., & Hashemi, A. (2010). The effectiveness of CBT in 3–7 year old anxious children: Preliminary data. Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 19(2), 109.

Ruocco, S., Gordon, J., & McLean, L. A. (2016). Effectiveness of a school-based early intervention CBT group programme for children with anxiety aged 5–7 years. Advances in School Mental Health Promotion, 9(1), 29-49.

Schneider, S., Blatter-Meunier, J., Herren, C., Adornetto, C., In-Albon, T., & Lavallee, K. (2011). Disorder-specific cognitive-behavioral therapy for separation anxiety disorder in young children: a randomized waiting-list-controlled trial. Psychotherapy and psychosomatics, 80(4), 206-215.

Van der Sluis, C. M. (2016). Anxiety disorders in young children: Parent and child contributions to the maintenance, assessment and treatment. (Ph.D. Thesis, University of Amsterdam).


Study Document Study Document

Preventing Drug Use Among Teens

Pages: 5 (1380 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Essay Document #:72171572

… background of the problem, provides a problem statement, purpose statement, and research question, and reviews literature pertaining to theory, research and methodology. An annotated bibliography is included at the end.
Background to the Problem
As Murthy (2016) points out, there is a serious need to address the opioid ……


Study Document Study Document

Death Penalty In Canada

Pages: 10 (3008 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Essay Document #:67727921

… 2016.
Kronenwetter, M. Capital Punishment: A Reference Handbook. CA: ABC-
CLIO, 2001.
Robbins, Tim, dir. Dead Man Walking. Gramercy Pictures, 1995. Film.
annotated bibliography
Capote, Truman. In Cold Blood. NY: Vintage, 1994.
This book focuses on the killing of four people at a……


Works Cited

Capote, Truman. In Cold Blood. NY: Vintage, 1994.

Holmes, A. Ethics: Approaching moral decisions. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2007.

Hursthouse, Rosalind. “Virtue Ethics.” Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2016.

Kronenwetter, M. Capital Punishment: A Reference Handbook. CA: ABC-CLIO, 2001.

Robbins, Tim, dir. Dead Man Walking. Gramercy Pictures, 1995. Film.

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