Study Document
Pages:1 (309 words)
Topic:Government Contracts
Document Type:Abstract
Article Abstract
Berrios, R. (2006). Government Contracts and Contractor Behavior. Journal of Business Ethics, 63: 119-130.
Privatization, in the realm of government contracts, could be conceptualized in terms of outsourcing and contracting out. Here, the government reaches out to firms in the private sector to avail essential and other critical services. There are various benefits that could be realized as a consequence of such a move. These include, but they are not limited to, enhanced efficiency and access to higher skill levels. To a large extent, the competitive nature of such engagements results in greater efficiency in as far as service delivery is concerned. It is important to note that in principle, the government contracting system ought to not only be competitive, but also open. In some instances, however, this has not been the case. This is more so the case given that some of the contracts awarded in the past have not sufficiently followed the competitive bidding ideals. Further, in some instances, the government has held the short end of the stick in as far as risk is concerned due to cost-plus contract awards. Yet another major concern in this realm has been lack of systems to not only oversee, but also monitor private contractors. In this case, the government has in some instances failed to actively utilize past performance evaluations. The situation is further complicated by the fact that most of the private contractors engaged by the government have extensive contacts inside the U.S. government, have vast resources at their disposal, and are relatively well-established in their respective industries. With this in mind, there is need to conduct a review of the present U.S. government contracting practices and evaluate private contractor behaviors. A study of this nature would enable us to evaluate the effectiveness of the U.S. government contracting process.
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Acquisition of Innovative Technology and Weapon Systems
Government contracting plays a critical role in the acquisition of innovative technology for different departments such as the Department of Defense (DoD). Over the past few years, DoD has enhanced its development and acquisition of innovative weapon systems to enhance its effectiveness and efficiency. However, the conventional government contracting process is characterized by challenges resulting in delays and significant costs
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procurement contracting process. By end analysis touched aspects contracting process plan purchases acquisition stage select sellers phase. Ideally, a company should be able to in-source as many of the business processes, in order to ensure a better coordination between these. However, the current economic conditions have impeded the partners' capacity to commit to all the activities that a travel magazine proposes. As such, the decision has been made to outsource
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A micro considers the interests and rights of the individual company as the primary concern. Both of these views are valid depending on the lens that one wishes to use. The problem arises when the government is forced to develop policies regarding procurement in this volatile debate. The government must decide whether to take a micro view, favoring the rights of companies, or a macro view that places the