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Tourism in Dubai Tourism in Dubai Is Essay

Pages:2 (629 words)




Document Type:Essay


Tourism in Dubai

Tourism in Dubai

Dubai is a nation which is continuing to try to draw in tourists from all over the world in order to increase its revenue potential from its tourism industries. As the nation continues to develop new and often Western style influenced projects, it is opening its doors for a plethora of international tourists. Public policy in the region helps facilitate more tourism through allocating funds to increase airport size, promote duty free shopping, and by generating partnerships between the public and private sectors to increase competition within the tourism industry.

The country has taken on numerous airport expansions. Each new expansion opens up the potential to accommodate more and more travelers, making visiting Dubai an easier and more enjoyable experience. One of the most influential in increasing modern tourism was the opening of the Sheikh Rashid Terminal in 2000 (Nair 1). The Dubai airport now even accommodates tourists with special needs, like those restricted to the use of wheel chairs (Dubai Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing 1). A new expansion plan was green lighted in 2011 that would add an additional $7.8 billion to the Dubai Airport (Ellis 1). This shows how exercising public policy is trying to lure in more tourists by easing accommodations and the process of traveling to the country. By 2020, the airport hopes to be able to accommodate over 98 million passengers. According to the research, "Once fully completed, Dubai World Central will be the world's largest airport with five runways and capacity for 160 million passengers," (Ellis 1).

The increase in the size of the airport also allowed for a greater expansion of duty free shopping centers. As of right now, there is 18,000 square meters of space dedicated to retail sales in the Dubai airport. The growing number of tourists in the airport is then introduced to tax free shopping.…

Sample Source(s) Used

Works Cited

Dubai Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing. "Projects & Initiatives." Government of Dubai. 2011. Web.

Ellis, Dominic. "Dubai Airport Announces $7.8 Billion Expansion." Business Traveller. 2011. Web.

Khaleej Times Online. "Shot in the Arm for Tourism Sector in Dubai." Khaleej Times. 2010. Web.

Nair, Manoj. "Dubai Duty Free Benefits from Innovative Marketing." Gulf News. 2011. Web.

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