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Pages:1 (208 words)
Document Type:Essay
I. Child Psychology and Psychoanalysis
A. Inherent worth of the child
B. Valuing the Child’s innate intelligence, wisdom, and instincts
C. Understanding the child’s sensitivities and learning to appreciate and capitalize on them for learning and development
D. The importance of love and respect for growth
II. Education, Teaching, Learning
A. Evolution of the Montessori “method”
1. Repeating an activity over and over to inculcate skills (repetition)
2. Allowing child to explore and exercise natural inquisitiveness (free will)
3. Children take joy in learning (Link with I.B)
4. Need for teachers to be humble, kind, and yet able and willing to discipline. (Connect with I.B, C, D)
B. Challenges
1. Fugues and Barriers to Learning
2. Overcome with careful observation, systematic training and repetition of exercises (link to IIA1).
3. Adult is challenged to become self-aware (Link to II.4)
III. Preparing the Child for Adulthood and Participation in Society
A. Conflict between selfishness and altruism (selfishness vs. altruism)
1. Child’s Work is learning the relationship between self and Other/the external world.
2. Adult’s Work is learning how to integrate personal with the collective and how to contribute to society.
Responsibility of Adults
Rights of the Child
Child as Teacher
Montessori, M. (1966). The secret of childhood. Fides.
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