Studyspark Study Document

Mckinsey 7s Framework Congruence Model Capstone Project

Pages:4 (1088 words)



Topic:Toulmin Model

Document Type:Capstone Project


In regard to organizational strategy, the companies can work towards a similar strategy of delivering high quality products to their clients. This would be the same for their shared values. The efforts towards integrating the structures, systems and strategy should however be given most attention. The strategy of partnerships, strategic alliance and acquisitions must be upheld.

Using this framework, we can see the need for new leadership so as to ensure that the new acquisition does not suffer from the past bad decisions.

Congruence Model for Organization Analysis

The congruence model of organizational analysis specifies the inputs, outputs and the throughputs in manner which is more consistent with the open systems theory as noted by Katz and Kahn (1978).In this regard the inputs, outputs and the throughputs of both Skype and Microsoft must be analyzed with a view of transforming them into a clear and concise organizational model.According to this model, there is a need for transformational leadership style to be adopted by the management of the newly formed organizational unit.

Burke-Litwin Model of Organizational Performance & Change

This model is a representation of a given organization in pictorial form and depicts the network of relationship that exists among the variables as noted by Hunter and Gerbing (1982).This models is best suited for the analysis of Skype and Microsoft integration since it takes into account the external environment, leadership, mission and strategy, culture, management practices structure, systems, climate, motivation, skills match, individual needs and performance. This therefore means that it brings out holistic picture of the organization.

Force Field Analysis

This model is important for the analysis and management of organizational problems and conflicts (French & Bell, 1995).


The best models which is best suited for the analysis of Skype and Microsoft integration is Burke-Litwin Model of Organizational Performance & Change since it takes into account the external environment, leadership, mission and strategy, culture, management practices structure, systems, climate, motivation, skills match, individual needs and performance. This therefore means that it brings out holistic picture of the organization. Its strengths are far much stronger than its weaknesses since it takes into account all the relevant variables. It is quite clear that Skype would need a transformational leadership with an elaborate change management program.


Bryce, DJ (2011). Microsoft's Skype Deal: How to Make it Work.Available online at

Cummings, T.G. & Worley, C.G. (1993). Organization development and change. Fifth Edition. New York, NY: West Publishing.

Gable, R.K. & Wolf, M.B. (1993). Instrument development in the affective domain: Measuring attitudes and values in corporate and school settings. Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers

French, W.L. & Bell, C.H. (1995). Organization development: Behavioral science interventions for organization improvement. Fifth Edition. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Hunter, J.E. & Gerbing, D.W. (1982). Unidimensional measurement, second order factor analysis, and causal models. Research in Organizational Behavior, 4, 267-320

Katz, D. & Kahn, R.L. (1978). The Social psychology of organizations. (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Wiley

Tichy, N.M., Hornstein, H.A., & Nisberg, J.N. (1977). Organization diagnosis and intervention strategies: Developing emergent pragmatic theories of change. In W.W. Burke (Ed.), Current Issue and Strategies in Organization Development (pp. 361-383). New York, NY: Human Sciences Press

Sample Source(s) Used


Bryce, DJ (2011). Microsoft's Skype Deal: How to Make it Work.Available online at

Cummings, T.G. & Worley, C.G. (1993). Organization development and change. Fifth Edition. New York, NY: West Publishing.

Gable, R.K. & Wolf, M.B. (1993). Instrument development in the affective domain: Measuring attitudes and values in corporate and school settings. Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers

French, W.L. & Bell, C.H. (1995). Organization development: Behavioral science interventions for organization improvement. Fifth Edition. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.

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