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Leadership Models Man, Like All Term Paper

Pages:8 (2019 words)




Document Type:Term Paper


By necessity, servant leadership lends itself best to project-specific or result-oriented enterprises and industries, because the primary tool of servant leaders is their own productivity and operational efficiency (Spears, 2002).

While extremely passive in practice, servant leadership may be more successful to maintain over the long-term, primarily because it leads through example and inspiration.

Many industrial psychologists associate servant leadership with higher degrees of genuine satisfaction among workers, because (where it is successful) it represents a Naturally evolved enterprise loyalty based on proven results. Naturally, therefore, servant leadership may work best where (1) the servant leader demonstrates, by his own success, operational techniques and procedures that are repeatable by others, and (2) personal achievement is connected to some tangible reward or benefit to the individual.

For the same reason, servant leadership is better suited to industries and enterprises characterized by low turnover and high long-term retention. Unlike transformational and charismatic leadership styles, servant leadership is a very low- intensity experience that does not correspond to high burnout rates. In this regard,

Successfully implemented servant leadership mirrors elements of small communal societies, in that individuals contribute to the community for the good of everyone, which, in turn, also benefits the individual, indirectly (Spears, 2002).


Generally, leadership styles are more rarely one-dimensional than they are multidimensional systems that incorporate various elements of other philosophies of business leadership or management. In practice, all forms of leadership are likely to feature some component of transactional reward or benefit associated with performance, whether performance is readily capable of objective measurement or merely a function of demonstrated group loyalty or personal allegiance to the enterprise vision or message.

Both transformational and charismatic leadership emphasize aspects of interpersonal charisma, but to varying degrees and with a different specific focus; whereas transformational leaders employ charisma to generate personal identification with the corporate message, charismatic leaders use the same techniques to inspire loyalty to them on a more personal level.

Certain combinations of leadership styles are naturally more inherently compatible than others: for example, transactional leadership complements servant leadership in that both emphasize objective performance. Conversely, charisma is a beneficial trait for all leaders with the possible exception of servant leadership. As between transformational and charismatic leadership, interpersonal relations, group unity through identity, ritual ceremonies, and symbolism play very similar roles, differing mainly in the specific object. Ultimately, transactional motivation characterizes the relationship of the most common relationship between the individual and the community in modern society, only because most work must fulfill specific functions or meet certain output goals rather than specifically because transformational and charismatic leadership both lend themselves to pathological loyalty to corrupt ideology and personalities.


Bass, B. (1985) Leadership and Performance beyond Expectations. Free Press:

New York.

Bass, M. (1997) Does the Transactional/Transformational Leadership Transcend Organizational and Motivational Boundaries. American Psychologist, 52.

Bass, B., Steidlmeier, P. (1999) Ethics, Character, and Authentic Transformational Leadership Behavior. Leadership Quarterly, 10.

Maitland, a., Johanson, D. (1989) Blueprints: Solving the Mystery of Evolution.

Musser, S. (1987) the Determination of Positive and Negative Charismatic Leadership.…

Sample Source(s) Used


Bass, B. (1985) Leadership and Performance beyond Expectations. Free Press:

New York.

Bass, M. (1997) Does the Transactional/Transformational Leadership Transcend Organizational and Motivational Boundaries. American Psychologist, 52.

Bass, B., Steidlmeier, P. (1999) Ethics, Character, and Authentic Transformational Leadership Behavior. Leadership Quarterly, 10.

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