Studyspark Study Document

HIV Positive Nurses the Most Thesis

Pages:7 (1901 words)


Subject:Social Issues


Document Type:Thesis


However, the extent of discrimination and stigma on a HIV infected HCW is much higher creating severe health, economic and psychosocial consequences for the person. The risk of HIV infection is 100 times lesser than HBV infection and by following 'Universal Procedures' it is possible to eliminate chances of an infected HCW from affecting a patient. HIV positive nurses should be permitted to work in safe settings without 'exposure prone procedures' so they can continue to participate in care giving while they are themselves coping with the burden of the disease. This is in line with the globally accepted GIPA principle of encouraging the active participation of HIV patients as an effective means to prevent, control and provide support services for people infected with HIV. While patients' safety should be the foremost issue in the field of health provision, care must be taken not to subject the HIV positive HCWs to undue discrimination. Healthcare policy makers should evaluate the implications for various stakeholders before framing regulations pertaining to practice restrictions of HIV sero positive HCWs.


1) Susan J. Westrick, JD, MS, RN, Katherine McCormack Dempski, JD, BSN, RN, (2009),'Essentials of Nursing Law and Ethics', Jones & Bartlett Publishers. Pg. 223-224

2) Kathy Shaw, (Oct 2003), 'Workplace Issues for HIV positive Nurses', Georgia Nursing, available online at,

3) Mahendra, vs. Gilborn, L., Bharat, S., Mudoi, R., Gupta, I., George, B. et

al.(2007). Understanding and measuring AIDS related stigma in health care settings: A developing country perspective, Journal of Social Aspects of HIV/

AIDS, 4, 616-625.

4) Susan Trossman, (Feb 2004), 'Nurses Advocate for Nurses: ANA Leadership backs measure to ensure the practice of RN's infected with HIV', Nevada Rnformation., Available Online at,

5) Jones, Sande Gracia, (Feb 2004), 'Research Abstract: I am Still a Nurse: The Lived Experience of HIV Positive Nurses', Alabama Nurse.

6) Charlotte Santry,(2009) 'Nurses with HIV: Fear and Loathing on the Frontline', Retrieved 29th Oct 2009, from

7) AE Sadoh & WE Sadoh (2009), ' Attitude of health care workers to patients and colleagues infected with human immunodeficiency

virus' Journal of Social Aspects of HIV AIDS, Vol 6 No 1.

8) Odetoyinbo Morolake, David Stephens & Alice Welbourn, (2009), 'Greater Involvement of People Living with HIV in…

Sample Source(s) Used


1) Susan J. Westrick, JD, MS, RN, Katherine McCormack Dempski, JD, BSN, RN, (2009),'Essentials of Nursing Law and Ethics', Jones & Bartlett Publishers. Pg. 223-224

2) Kathy Shaw, (Oct 2003), 'Workplace Issues for HIV positive Nurses', Georgia Nursing, available online at,

3) Mahendra, vs. Gilborn, L., Bharat, S., Mudoi, R., Gupta, I., George, B. et

al.(2007). Understanding and measuring AIDS related stigma in health care settings: A developing country perspective, Journal of Social Aspects of HIV/

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